Team Mercuryserver 2008

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  • TomTom
    Paging Doctor Weeds...we have a shortage on 1st St.
    • May 2002
    • 16206

    Team Mercuryserver 2008

    Fresh year, fresh blood.

    Please welcome four new additions to our team: day_for_night, Kassios, FM, and res0nat0r. You can check the posting below to take a look what they are doing for your aural pleasure and general convenience in future. Thanks a lot to everybody who has offered help over the last weeks. [ms] always was and will remain user driven and it was nice to see that we still get more than enough offerings if we ask for help.

    Below you can also see the up to date Wall of Horror aka Team [ms] 2008 as a whole so maybe keep these pics in mind the next time you are pissed because of a mod editing your post.
  • TomTom
    Paging Doctor Weeds...we have a shortage on 1st St.
    • May 2002
    • 16206

    Re: Team Mercuryserver 2008

    Team Mercuryserver
    (in alphabetical order)

    Adam "Picklemonkey" Schlitt (USA) - Moderator on
    Mercuryserver and Mercuryserver MySpace Administrator


    Ariel "Arielus" Macedo (Argentina) - fighting to bring the best of
    Argentina's DJs to you and moderating the local forum for our
    members from South America and other spanish speaking countries


    Ben "Rubyraks" Nahoum (USA) - Moderator on
    Mercuryserver and always there to help out. He is also the 1st
    person we contact for legal issues considering our websites


    Bob "Gatz" Arial (Canada) - Keeper of the public Kiss100
    and Metrodance show archives. He is called Megaupload Guru
    with a reason because he shares Terrabytes of mixes day in and
    day out on Mercuryserver. It's people like him who make our
    community something special because he is willing to give
    without expecting to get something back and this is rare
    these days


    Bryan "Jenks" Jenkins (USA) - Moderator, voice of
    reason, DJ and Ambassador of Tech House madness


    Dominik "asdf_admin" Kruger (USA) - [ms] lead
    graphic designer. Did anybody say tgif?


    Kamal Datta (USA) - Owner/Founder/Administrator - nothing
    in our Mercuryserver universe would be there without him


    Mike "MJ" Storey (England) - Moderator on
    Mercuryserver and head of MJWebhosting


    Steve "Jibgolly" James (USA) - Moderator, DJ
    and host of the Mercuryrising show on MCast


    Tom "TomTom" Bayer (Germany) - Owner and Administrator

    (PS: Since Tom made this post, he obviously has not
    written anything about himself so I'll update it. Without Tom's
    help, we would be no where of late. Technically (in the admin
    panel of vBulletin), financially and as a mentor to me. Hats off to
    you mate - Kamal)


    Trenton Herre (Germany) - Mercuryserver coder and
    responsible for the Kiss100 tracklist section and temporarily also
    for recording and uploading the Kiss100 show each Sunday

    Mercuryserver supporters
    (in alphabetical order)

    Dimitris "kassios" Kasios (Greece) - Helping to maintain our
    internal Archives and responsible for updating Hernan
    Cattaneo's Metrodance show

    Dominic "red1" Mc Kay (Scotland) - recording and hosting
    John Digweed's Transitions show weekly for your aural pleasure
    (at the moment taking a break)


    Greg Whelan (England) - One half of the pioneer website
    for John Digweed's Kiss100 (since 2006 called Transitions)
    show and posting
    Hernan's Metrodance tracklists on Mercuryserver


    Jeff "day_for_night" Taylor (Canada) - Helping to maintain our
    internal Archives and responsible for updating John Digweed's
    Transition show


    Jimmy Aniston (Greece) with Hernan Cattaneo - helping herre with
    John Digweed's Transitions tracklists on Mercuryserver


    Matt "FM" Feato (USA) - newest addition after the departure
    of Phil and Steve helping with daily MCast business to ensure
    we can provide you with more aural bliss in future from
    our resident DJ's


    Stefhen “res0nat0r“ Hovland (USA) - Linux Administrator
    helping with with the technical side of things on our websites

    Last edited by TomTom; February 27, 2008, 03:32:36 PM.


    • chanty
      John, John, where art thou!
      • Jun 2004
      • 4622

      Re: Team Mercuryserver 2008

      You guys rock!
      Hats off to you all for your hard work.
      We appreciate it.
      Awww...I didn't mean A holes, as in "A holes"...I meant it like, as in, my friends....


      • clintlove
        Hey girl, ya Hungry?
        • Jun 2004
        • 3264

        Re: Team Mercuryserver 2008

        Props to all of you guys, I would be one bored young man without all of your hard work.

        Music is the answer, to your problems. Keep on movin', till you solve them.



        • Digger
          Are you Kidding me??
          • Nov 2004
          • 2739

          Re: Team Mercuryserver 2008

          thanks for all mates! really apreciate the work!...
">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%">">
          All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.


          • peloquin
            Till I Come!
            • Jun 2004
            • 8643

            Re: Team Mercuryserver 2008

            looks like resonator has good taste in beer :P

            thanks all!


            • Huggie Smiles
              Anyone have Styx livesets?
              • Jun 2004
              • 11837

              Re: Team Mercuryserver 2008

              Thanks to everyone!!!!!!
              ....Freak in the morning, Freak in the evening, aint no other Freak like me thats breathing....


              • res0nat0r
                Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                • May 2006
                • 14475

                Re: Team Mercuryserver 2008

                Originally posted by peloquin
                looks like resonator has good taste in beer :P

                thanks all!


                • BSully828
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1221

                  Re: Team Mercuryserver 2008

                  Thanks for all the hard work fellas!

                  (Translation: Thank you for allowing leeching scrubs like myself to benefit from all the time and effort you put in to keep this place running!)
                  Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;
                  a sense of humor to console him for what he is.


                  • mtguru
                    Getting Somewhere
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 246

                    Re: Team Mercuryserver 2008

                    respect, nuff said
                    To err is human... To correct it before anyone notices is genius.


                    • Funky Dredd
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • May 2005
                      • 3701

                      Re: Team Mercuryserver 2008

                      Congrats guys and thank you for everything you do!
                      Mutations presents Change The Music

                      Mutations (original show)

                      Mutations presents Change The Music airs 4th Friday of the month on SaturoSounds


                      • GregWhelan
                        Are you Kidding me??
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 2994

                        Re: Team Mercuryserver 2008

                        Man that photo of me is old! I look youthful in that!


                        • TomTom
                          Paging Doctor Weeds...we have a shortage on 1st St.
                          • May 2002
                          • 16206

                          Re: Team Mercuryserver 2008

                          It is's not too much to your misfortune you can send me a recent pic and I update it, Greg.


                          • Homskillet
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 1289

                            Re: Team Mercuryserver 2008

                            Great Thread!! Thanks you guys for all that you do!


                            • TomTom
                              Paging Doctor Weeds...we have a shortage on 1st St.
                              • May 2002
                              • 16206

                              Re: Team Mercuryserver 2008

                              Also many thanks to Dom for the banner update.

