Hi, everybody.
I know this is a strange request, because its not really concerning with live sets or mp3, but with photographic material for a book that I have written some time ago, and it seems to be that finnally its gonna see the light. The book it was written in spanish, because I'm from Mexico and its gonna be published in my country. Its a book about DJs and dance culture, and it calls Dyonisus in the Dancefloor, and is a philosophycal, sociological and mythical reflection on DJ culture and symbols behind dance music, but speciallly in what is it about the art or craftmanship of blend one tune after another, this is the DJ craftmantship. I probably make a bilingual edition, in order to get more readers, and change opinions about what is this whole world. So, I'm asking for HQ photos from DJs mixing and DJing as Paul Oakenfold, Matt Darey, John Digweed, Sasha, Satoshi Tomiie, Dave Seaman, Deep Dish, et al., but also from people in dancefloor. I need really good photos, not only in HQ, but that reflect the spirit and ambient from clubs and places as Gatecrasher, Space in Ibiza, etc. I promised that selected photos or photographers will receive not only their respective credit for their photos, but also two samples of the printed book, once this has been published.
So, I give thanks in advance for those who want to cooperate with this project.
If you wanna see an early version of this Essay (sorry for this, but it was written and published originally into spanish), you will find in my blog at http://jmrecillas.blogspot.com/2006_03_01_archive.html and it is divided in the following parts:
<H2 class=date-header><H2 class=date-header><H2 class=date-header><H2 class=date-header><H2 class=date-header><H2 class=date-header><H2 class=date-header>lunes, marzo 06, 2006
Disolución y comunión: el nuevo dionisismo
martes, marzo 07, 2006
En busca de las huellas del dionisismo en el mundo de hoy
miércoles, marzo 08, 2006
</H2>Ebriedad y baile: el dionisismo subterráneo
jueves, marzo 09, 2006</H2>Fiesta y celebración, disolución y comunión, los rostros de Dionisos
viernes, marzo 10, 2006</H2>Vivencia absoluta del dionisismo y la actualidad </H2></H2></H2>