demands from islam... your thoughts?
Re: demands from islam... your thoughts?
Re: demands from islam... your thoughts?
Guess whose backing radical the US. During Fiscal Year 2007, the U.S. gave more than $6.8 million per day
Do you even know what you're talking about, after all your source material is dubious to say the least. Why not just publish figures directly from David Duke!Comment
Re: demands from islam... your thoughts?
Hey this holy war is still raging on? I just chewed out a mooslim cause he believes that he can have many wives but women can't have many husbands. I was like check yourself buddy poligamy is illegal in this country unless it is on video, catch my drift.
The sailors of the United States Navy are among the most disciplined, devoted, and well-trained fighting men the world has ever known. They drink gasoline and piss fire, The spit bullets and shit bombs, and will swim across the ocean with a knife in their teeth just for the chance to carve up those that threaten their homeland.Comment
Re: demands from islam... your thoughts?
Guess whose backing radical the US. During Fiscal Year 2007, the U.S. gave more than $6.8 million per day
uhh maybe i'm out of the loop here...but where in the world are there israelies intentionally bombing civilians (ie. targeting women & children)?Comment
Re: demands from islam... your thoughts?
note to self: never shop with a muslim.
that's some pretty sick shityou could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky
it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles
Am I the corners of your mind....
Re: demands from islam... your thoughts?
wow buddy, u got a lot of news to catch up on. plz get off the O'Riley Fox crap.
You want statistics?
Just the other day they killed 61 palestinians, killing children and civilians. I think im gonna get the old, OMG ANTI SEMITE. Please brotha. Its not the Jews I am against, it is the Zionist government of Israel, in which many Israelies themselves are against including Orthodox Rabbis. So don't tell me, ask the Rabbis.Comment
Re: demands from islam... your thoughts?,23599...-23109,00.html
note to self: never shop with a muslim.
that's some pretty sick shit
... I know every country has their own culture and every religion has their own beliefs, but i think a lot of these sick individuals hide behind their own interpretations of their religion to cover up their own fucked up "values". I dont even know what to say about someone that can do that to a fucking child. Death is no where near a good enough punishment
Re: demands from islam... your thoughts?
wow buddy, u got a lot of news to catch up on. plz get off the O'Riley Fox crap.
You want statistics?
Just the other day they killed 61 palestinians, killing children and civilians. I think im gonna get the old, OMG ANTI SEMITE. Please brotha. Its not the Jews I am against, it is the Zionist government of Israel, in which many Israelies themselves are against including Orthodox Rabbis. So don't tell me, ask the Rabbis.
Now lets get down to facts - to say its the zionist government of Israel you object to is nothing more that BS - what you object to is the Israeli Government, and the fact that Jews have returned to their home land of Eretz Yisrael and have built up a modern successful country in their ancient homeland while their neighbours have been manipulated, abused and used by their own kind in keeping them in sub-human conditions.
You object to the very nation of the State of Israel - you're reading matter does nothing more that confirm that fact.
Be honest with at least that and maybe you might be taken seriously.Comment
Re: demands from islam... your thoughts?
wow buddy, u got a lot of news to catch up on. plz get off the O'Riley Fox crap.
You want statistics?
Just the other day they killed 61 palestinians, killing children and civilians. I think im gonna get the old, OMG ANTI SEMITE. Please brotha. Its not the Jews I am against, it is the Zionist government of Israel, in which many Israelies themselves are against including Orthodox Rabbis. So don't tell me, ask the Rabbis.
well, i live in canada, so i don't watch fox news.
and yes, civilians do end up getting killed in airstrikes. its inevitable when bombing targets in civilian areas. happens with the US when they bomb, and any other country that does airstrikes. civilians end up in the cross-fire. especially in the case of palestine, cause the militant fucks are cowards, and set up their operations in *heavily* populated areas. they shield themselves with civilians. it makes me ill.
now re-read what i originally posted. i said israel does not *intentionally* target civilians...where as groups like hamas fire unguided rockets into israelie cities. this is, by definition, targeting civilians.'
there is a difference, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.Comment
Re: demands from islam... your thoughts?
You really should widen your reading list - obviously you seem to know very little.
Now lets get down to facts - to say its the zionist government of Israel you object to is nothing more that BS - what you object to is the Israeli Government, and the fact that Jews have returned to their home land of Eretz Yisrael and have built up a modern successful country in their ancient homeland while their neighbours have been manipulated, abused and used by their own kind in keeping them in sub-human conditions.
You object to the very nation of the State of Israel - you're reading matter does nothing more that confirm that fact.
Be honest with at least that and maybe you might be taken seriously.
ps...notice the sign in the vid..." Torah forbids a Jewish State". If the Jewish holy book, forbids a Jewish State, then the Israeli Gov. cannot be real Jews. Just goes to show my point in previous post where I said its not the Jews I hate, its the Zionists.Comment
Re: demands from islam... your thoughts?
haha...too funny. your one hard headed egg. Of course, you're gonna run away from the truth. <---- No one will ever give 2-shits about what these REAL Jews are trying to say because it goes against the Apartheid Zionist regime of Israel. Sad. I hope you one day figure it out.
ps...notice the sign in the vid..." Torah forbids a Jewish State". If the Jewish holy book, forbids a Jewish State, then the Israeli Gov. cannot be real Jews. Just goes to show my point in previous post where I said its not the Jews I hate, its the Zionists.
Try again ownit - you're bringing absolutely nothing credible to the table - bravo!
Re: demands from islam... your thoughts?
Dear oh dear, you're arguments might have more strength if you didn't rely on quoting either nutcase conspiracy sites or a small fringe of ultra orthodox jews that number in the region of 1500 people world wide.
Try again ownit - you're bringing absolutely nothing credible to the table - bravo!
Re: demands from islam... your thoughts?
ASSIMILATION IS FUTILE!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
"Too much love making, makes for poor match play." - AlgyComment