VP Debate

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  • LobsterClan
    Getting Somewhere
    • Aug 2004
    • 133

    Originally posted by PhAntoM MeNaCe";p="
    Mixu & BSully, the truth is that when George Soros heard Cheney say the wrong site, he being the billionaire that he is immediately went and bought that domain name, which then forwarded the browser onto Soros's own anti-bush site.
    Wow, you've really never met a mistruth you didn't like, eh? Your "facts" are incredibly mistaken, and the real situation is explained quite clearly at this location: http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/....ap/index.html

    "But Cheney cited FactCheck.com, a for-profit advertising site based in the Cayman Islands.

    The company decided to redirect traffic to the Soros site after it became inundated with hits -- about 100 a second after the debate, John Berryhill, a Philadelphia lawyer for FactCheck.com, said Wednesday.

    "This was to relieve stress on the service and to express a political point of view," said Berryhill, who spoke with the site's administrators shortly after the debate ended.

    They picked Soros not only for his political views, Berryhill said, but because the billionaire could afford the costly deluge of hits the site would receive in the wake of the debate. Plus, the site administrators didn't want to point surfers to a candidate's site that was asking for money.

    Web site operators typically pay fees to the companies that host their sites. The more hits a site receives, the more its operator pays.

    Soros was not advised of the switch and did not know it had taken place until Wednesday, said a spokesman, Jeremy Ben-Ami."


    • PhAntoM MeNaCe
      Getting warmed up
      • Sep 2004
      • 74

      Hahahah Lobster you have to be kidding right. Oh ok, good one man, I thought you actually thought for a second that your CNN article was a fact. Lobster, come on, again I think your critical thinking skills are on hiatus. Your saying that BY CHANCE, minutes after Cheyney gave the plug for factcheck.com, George Soros(who absolutely HATES President BUSH, has given shit loads of money to moveon.org, is a proud liberal billionaire, and has made himself into a veracious foot soldier for ANTI BUSH campaigners) COINCIDENTALLY here Lobster, a fact check for encyclopedia site, moveon.com, who happens to share the same 'political views' as SOROS....ARBITRARILY redirected millions of hits to the site to SOROS, who CLAIMS he knew nothing about it. Lobster are you having an INNER BATTLE with your own conscience??! Your so anti BUSH your being led off the cliff of NIAGARA FALLS on a TANDEM with your boy TOASTY. Stop starting fires, and walking away as they burn.
      "when you go to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth pulled out and you wake up after the operation with your pants unzipped, that means you dont have to pay the bill".


      • LobsterClan
        Getting Somewhere
        • Aug 2004
        • 133

        Re: VP Debate

        Did you even read the article? The site "factcheck.com" was a for-profit advertising site, and they decided to link their site to Soros's site right after the debate, because they liked his politics, and they didn't want to direct to a site to anyone asking for money.

        Factcheck.com is/was based in the Cayman Islands, and if you do/did a whois on them, you get this information:
        Name Administration Inc. (BVI)
        Box 10518 A.P.O.
        Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands B.W.I.

        Are you so anti-Kerry that you can't even read an article that easily explains your misguided beliefs?


        • mixu
          Travel Guru Extraordinaire
          • Jun 2004
          • 1115

          Originally posted by PhAntoM MeNaCe";p="
          Toasty, so the thing Kerry brings to the table more than Bush is 'the potential to bring other countries into the fold.' Can you please tell me what countries your talking about??? And also what planet your from, because it cant be earth. Hmm your saying Bush has burned so many bridges he can't 'ask' for help??? Toasty let me remind you that there are STILL 30 different countries involved in the rebuilding process of Iraq, my prediction is after Bush is reelected others will continue to join, such as Egypt and Pakistan, who have just had a suicide bomber kill many of their citizens, where Al-Queda claimed responsibility.
          Tell me this please, how can John Kerry go to any country in the world and ask for help when he himself has said on record hundreds of times atleast, that it is the 'WRONG WAR WRONG PLACE WRONG TIME' Does that make any sense to you at all? WRONG WAR=EVERYONE COME HELP PUT YOUR SOLDIERS IN HARMS WAY???????!!???? WTF kind of critical thinking skills is that TOASTY?? You talk about GLOBAL RESPECTABILITY? HAHAHAHAHAH respected by who? GERMANY who YOU just mentioned. They are our secret enemy along with France, who the fuck cares what they think of us!!!! We do billions of dollars in commerce with them, fine, but do you think they give a shit about us politically? They're always going to hate us, not because of BUSH, not because of KERRY, but for more deep rooted reasons. France and Germany have BOTH OFFICIALLY said, 'NO MATTER WHAT, WE ARE NOT SENDING TROOPS' why? Because they lack any type of BALLS to stand up for freedom and democracy, and they're more worried that their involvement in OIL FOR FOOD, which will surface very shortly in my opinion, will be brought to light. Both were PALS with SADDAM and IRAQ'S OIL!!
          Kerry has undermined every country currently involved in the rebuilding process, has disrespected the new president ALAWI, disrespected the loss of life by the Iraqiis, and every other country that is contributing in the coalition. YOU, toasty, THINK that is whats going to open the doors for the world to come and help the US, with that kind of attitude. Please come out of your hypnosis.
          30 countries in the coalition? Have you seen who they are? Only the US and the UK really count of those countries. There are a lot of major countries who will help rebuild Iraq in a legitimate fashion rather contravene international law which the 'coalition' did. And sending troops is not the only way of helping...

          Europe doesn't hate the US. But there is a problem with a US president who thinks he can 'police' the world and do what the hell he likes without any international support, approval or agreement.

          Clearly you've fallen for Bush's 'freedom and democracy' rhetoric... and that's all it is. Rhetoric.

          I'm not sure exactly how Kerry has disrespected the loss of life by Iraqis but he didn't cause the death of 10,000+ Iraqis for a war which has contravened international law and opened up the possibility for the so-called 'rogue states' to launch pre-emptive strikes against whoever they wish. Is that making the world a safer place? I think not.
          Ask me a question...


          • toasty
            Sir Toastiness
            • Jun 2004
            • 6585

            Originally posted by PhAntoM MeNaCe";p="
            Toasty let me remind you that there are STILL 30 different countries involved in the rebuilding process of Iraq, my prediction is after Bush is reelected others will continue to join, such as Egypt and Pakistan, who have just had a suicide bomber kill many of their citizens, where Al-Queda claimed responsibility.
            Dude, as mixu pointed out, even though there may be 30 countries in the technical sense, this coalition bears no similarity to the coalition from the 1991 Gulf War. When we ousted Saddam from the tiny nation of Kuwait, we did so with around 500,000 troops total. In this effort to invade and now occupy the far larger nation of Iraq, we've got around 160,000 troops, 140,000 of which are Americans.

            Here's the breakdown of troops:


            This chart does not mention Spain, The Dominican Republic, Honduras, or Nicaragua, which have already pulled out. Now I'm not looking to denigrade the efforts of our allies, but we've got to be realistic about the nature and composition of this coalition.


            • toasty
              Sir Toastiness
              • Jun 2004
              • 6585

              Originally posted by PhAntoM MeNaCe";p="
              Tell me this please, how can John Kerry go to any country in the world and ask for help when he himself has said on record hundreds of times atleast, that it is the 'WRONG WAR WRONG PLACE WRONG TIME' Does that make any sense to you at all? WRONG WAR=EVERYONE COME HELP PUT YOUR SOLDIERS IN HARMS WAY???????!!????

              "This isn't my mess, but it is a mess, and it is a mess that affects the security of us all. It is in the world's best interests to bring some stability to this region, and we need your help to do it."

              I'm not saying it will work, but it is something that Bush does not have the option of doing anymore -- Kerry simply has more options at his disposal...


              • mixu
                Travel Guru Extraordinaire
                • Jun 2004
                • 1115

                Originally posted by PhAntoM MeNaCe";p="
                France and Germany have BOTH OFFICIALLY said, 'NO MATTER WHAT, WE ARE NOT SENDING TROOPS' why? Because they lack any type of BALLS to stand up for freedom and democracy, and they're more worried that their involvement in OIL FOR FOOD, which will surface very shortly in my opinion, will be brought to light. Both were PALS with SADDAM and IRAQ'S OIL!!
                Seems Germany is rethinking its policy on deployment of troops in Iraq:

                Germany might deploy troops in Iraq if conditions there change, Peter Struck, the German defence minister, indicated on Tuesday in a gesture that appears to provide backing for John Kerry, the US Democratic presidential challenger.

                In an interview with the Financial Times, Mr Struck departed from his government?s resolve not to send troops to Iraq under any circumstances, saying: ?At present I rule out the deployment of German troops in Iraq. In general, however, there is no one who can predict developments in Iraq in such a way that he could make a such a binding statement [about the future].?

                Germany announced last month a shipment of 20 armoured vehicles to the Iraqi military, as part of Berlin's increased involvement in Nato-led reconstruction efforts [in Iraq].
                Ask me a question...

