Since my TomTom navi - which is NOT the reason for my nickname lol - fell a bit too often from my front window it crashes (software crash) more and more often during driving and most of the times it is 10 seconds behind the street which kinda sucks for a navigation system.
I was looking for a new one and finally placed my order yesterday for a Navigon 7110. It has everything I need or want without really needing it TMC with a built in antenna (no extra cable needed), 16:9 display, speed assistant and (illegal here) radar warning system, bluetooth, free speech system, Outlook synchro option, maps from 38 european countries on one card preinstalled and you can control it with your voice so you do not need your hands anymore.
Option I was looking for most though is the realistic view combined with a lane assistent. Since I am the man without any sense of direction lol this gadget will save my ass in future.

Sexy and ultra slim so it works perfectly as a pocket navi as TomTom Go looks prehistoric if I compare it with the new one.

Sexy and ultra slim so it works perfectly as a pocket navi as TomTom Go looks prehistoric if I compare it with the new one.