Fostering a failure of work productivity worldwide, lets play! Sign up using the link below and fill out your brackets. Its free (although if someone wants to do a $ version, let me know) so take a few minutes and pick your teams.
Try to use you MS handle to sign up if you can, just so everyone knows who you are.
Our Group password is: patakypal
Note: The rounds are weighted as follows

Scoring System
First Round:* 1 pt x Seed
Second Round:* 2pts x Seed
Third Round:* 4pts
Fourth Round:* 8pts
Semifinals:* 16pts
Finals:* 32pts
MODS: I know this is sports more than GYY, but the tourney starts tomorrow so I want as many people to have a shot at signing up before the tip off, so if you could, please leave it here for a day or two. After tip off, feel free to move this over to the sports forum. Thanks.
Try to use you MS handle to sign up if you can, just so everyone knows who you are.
Our Group password is: patakypal
Note: The rounds are weighted as follows

Scoring System
First Round:* 1 pt x Seed
Second Round:* 2pts x Seed
Third Round:* 4pts
Fourth Round:* 8pts
Semifinals:* 16pts
Finals:* 32pts
MODS: I know this is sports more than GYY, but the tourney starts tomorrow so I want as many people to have a shot at signing up before the tip off, so if you could, please leave it here for a day or two. After tip off, feel free to move this over to the sports forum. Thanks.