If you have not heard of Audiofly, go on their Beatport page after you read this article. If you don't begin to groove or perhaps involuntarily tap your feet after clicking play, please check your pulse. There should be little or no doubt that the Anglo-Italian combo of Anthony Middleton and Luca Saporito have arrived to the arena of electronic music's super-producers. What makes these guys so special you ask? Perhaps it has something to do with what people like Satoshi Tomiie, Steve Lawler and the Get Physical Camp seem to have realized years ago when they began seeking collaborations and signing their records. What seems to compel everyone to invest belief in this duo is simple; Audiofly has a signature style, and it's infectious, sexy, groovy, 'techy' and 'housey.' 2008 sees no slowing down for Ant and Luca, as they continue touring the globe harder than ever. They are also pushing forward their recently launched label, and have revisited a passion project in the form of a radio show. I recently got a chance to video chat with the Audiofly boys, during a rare time of rest for them while in their Barcelona recording studio.
CoolJunkie: So how's it going guys?
Anthony Middleton: It's going great, right now. Just managed to take a few days off with our adopted family down in Playa, before conference madness starts. So we're feeling pretty bouncey today.
Luca Saporito: Yeah , and it's really good to be back home in Barca for a few days too. Been on the road pretty much solidly since early January.
CJ: So let's begin with what we know, your profile as a DJ/Producer duo has escalated at a pretty insane pace in recent years. How does it all feel?
LS: Exhilarated. Like inhaling helium constantly for the last 3 years, I imagine.(laughs) We are just enjoying ourselves so much.
AM: It's funny but I never really noticed it till' about a year ago, if you know what i mean. We really just deeply love what we do, and we were just so busy immersing ourselves in the music, that we weren't really paying attention to the hype. So we were just happily 'doing it' and suddenly one day, we just realized that we were making some kinda noise that people had hooked into. I mean we really believed in ourselves too, but not on the scale of the attention we're starting to attract.
LS: Yeah totally. Everyday is almost like Christmas right now. Apart from tax day!!!
CJ: How do you feel currently with the impact your music is making worldwide?
AM: Well like I said, we're kinda shocked. Quietly very happy that we've managed to nail down a sound, that people always recognize as our own. I think that is the greatest challenge for the upcoming producer today.
LS: It's actually amazing, like we said, we've been on the road constantly recently, all over, and so only now are we getting a clear picture for the first time of how far the sound has spread. We keep getting to places and re-surprising ourselves that people know our stuff. (laughs)
CJ: As producers, how would you each say the chemistry sets in while you're in the studio? Word on the street is that one of you is the more objective, while the other is more abstract.
AM: There is no set formula to our sessions aside from the fact that one of us sits at the controls and the other co-drives. The "too many cooks" technique. (laughs) But in some sense you're right. I do aim for structure/quality control, and Luca is often able to get a good alternative perspective, as he can sit back and take in the whole picture of the track.
LS: Also chemistry-wise, we're always buzzing on the stuff we've been playing, or stuff, vibes or mixes that we've heard other people playing on our travels. So when we get back into the studio there are often a whole bunch of musical demons that need exorcising from both of us.
CJ: Now, as a fan, I happen to know there is such a thing as the "Audiofly signature sound." But in brief words or adjectives, how would you guys describe it?
AM: Well I think it boils down to a kinda rhythmic feeling we've managed to capture in the production. Even though the swing of the track always varies, you can always hear the same sonic values in the beats. Then we nearly always try and include a kinda hypnotic melodic hook and some fucked up effects, but not too heavy.(laughs)
LS: It's definitely something we have developed throughout the years and I think it's more and more evident in every track we make. I'd like to use the words 'unique sounding' as that's how most people seem to describe our sound. I like that!
CJ: Do you prefer to remix or produce originals?
AM: Love doing both. They both have their really exciting element.
In fact, although there is nothing like creating an original, there is something very satisfying about taking a great idea and putting your own spin on it.
LS: I feel like creating tracks from scratch works in every different way like working on a remix, but it all depends from the mood we are in. In a way I prefer working on our own music as it expresses the feelings we'd like people to perceive in a much more personal way. But remixing is definitely a lot of fun too.
CJ: What do you say to the claim I've heard recently from various DJs, saying that you guys are helping make techno and tech-house "sexier?"
AM: Well I don't know about sexier, but we always play to a female side of the crowd anyway. It's logical in a way. Nothing more off-putting than a room of only blokes dancing, to my eyes. (laughs) Energetically, the girls are usually what keep the party going, and also sexy. Hhmmm...so i guess you're right, I shoulda' just said yes. (laughs)
LS: I think techno is having a second lease of life these days and loads of DJs and producers are working hard to give this sound a sexier element. We love playing in places like East Europe and South America and places like that have naturally a high number of women going to dance even as it's still a fresh thing. So, we have developed a sound that appeals to people from both sexes. There is nothing better than seeing beautiful women appreciating the deepest music around. It's instant gratification.
CJ: You guys do seem to have a lot of European female fans. What woos the girls?
AM: Well I think it's just inherent in the job. You have to have charisma to be a DJ, and maybe that's what they are attracted to. I know it's not just a looks based thing.
LS: In my opinion women are very attracted to DJs who can interact well with the crowd and we seem to have nailed that down pretty well recently. We love talking to our fans before and after our gigs and always make an effort to spend some time with the people who love our sound after the gig. It's what makes us tick. Women want interaction with the DJ because of his charisma and DJs are naturally good interacting with them because of their experience in the nightlife. It's a pretty simple concept!!!
CJ: There are rumors of an artist album in the works, what's the word? You know we can keep a secret.
AM: Actually, we're like 90 percent done. Maybe one more really big number and one more 'different' tempo thing and it's good to go.
LS: It's been long due now but we are trying to fit it in with our gruelling touring schedule which is not very easy. Ideally we should have been holed up in the studio for three months without taking any gigs but that's obviously a very difficult thing to do so we are using our time the best way we can.
CJ: Tell us about your recent relocation to Barcelona. What drew you there and why not go to Berlin when tons of other producers made that a 'cool' thing to do?
AM: As Funk D'Void once said: "Fuck Berlin, Barcelona has a beach." (laughs)
LS: Yeah, moving to Barcelona was a great move for us. We grew increasingly tired of London and we needed a breath of fresh air and Barcelona has definitely given us that and more. The food is better and the weather is great. It's a great place to live in!
CJ: So are you guys living together? That would be simply endearing.
AM: Yeah, you'd think we'd just kill each other spending so much time together, right? But it's really all good. I mean, who else is gonna understand our lifestyles but us. I mean, there will come a time when we'll just move up the road from each other, but for now it's a riot.
LS: I do all the cooking and Anthony does all the cleaning, so we make the perfect couple.(laughs)
CJ: Anthony, now be honest, give us a pet peeve about Luca, or maybe your least favorite thing about him.
AM: Nah, honestly, Luca is a total gem. All in all his good points way outweigh his bad by miles. It wouldn't be fair to go into his bad habits, which drive me up the wall by the way! (laughs)
CJ: Fair enough. Luca, any dirty laundry of similar fashion that you'd want to mention about your counterpart on the record?
LS: Anthony is my bro and yes sometimes we drive each other mad but in total honestly we have learned to deal with each other so well that I can't think of anything that really makes me mad about Ant. Maybe the fact that I still have to be the little brother and I am like, 'NOOOOOOOO!' (laughs)
CJ: So tell us about the apparent rebirth of "Flying Circus," your Radio Show, I've read about this recently.
AM: Flying Circus is our radio show on Proton Radio. We started it a year ago and we basically use it as a testing ground for our deeper musical fantasies.(laughs) We always have a great guest mix too, from one of many of our mates in the industry.
CJ: Very cool, now tell me about your label Supernature. Can you give Cooljunkie readers a brief statement as founders? And where did the name come from?
LS: Supernature was born out of our desires to put out really cool deep music that we hear from producers around the world and it's really turning into something we both love. From the original track to the remix everything is part of a plan. So far it's going great so fingers crossed.
CJ: Remixers like Luca Bacchetti and Pier Bucci on a label sure do impress, but I've noticed you guys are signing some newly hyped lesser known talent. Tell us about some of the new producers you are grooming. Also is this a way of paying it forward?
AM: The remix is just a way of interpreting the record in a different way but it's the original artists that we really want to push.
LS: People like Sophie Oliver and Claudia Lovissa, Robbie (Akbal), Dubshape, Ali Nasser and Boris Horel are just some of the names which you're gonna hear a lot more about in the near future.
CJ: Nice. Now let's shift the focus onto the rapidly approaching WMC. You guys are involved with several events, some of which you are producing and hosting, correct?
LS: Yes, it's a new challenge for us this year. We're hosting the Flying Circus party at Nikki Beach in collaboration with Future Mob with a line up to die for and Saturday night at Snatch we're gonna do our first Supernature party with Luca Bacchetti, Nick Curly Dubshape and Jamie Jones amongst others. It's all very exciting.
Catch Audiofly this during WMC week at the following events:
Wednesday March 26: Flying Circus Daytime Beach Party @ Nikki Beach.
Saturday March 29: Supernature @ Snatch.
taken from Cooljunkie
if you dont love what these guys play, you might be a redneck.
CoolJunkie: So how's it going guys?
Anthony Middleton: It's going great, right now. Just managed to take a few days off with our adopted family down in Playa, before conference madness starts. So we're feeling pretty bouncey today.
Luca Saporito: Yeah , and it's really good to be back home in Barca for a few days too. Been on the road pretty much solidly since early January.
CJ: So let's begin with what we know, your profile as a DJ/Producer duo has escalated at a pretty insane pace in recent years. How does it all feel?
LS: Exhilarated. Like inhaling helium constantly for the last 3 years, I imagine.(laughs) We are just enjoying ourselves so much.
AM: It's funny but I never really noticed it till' about a year ago, if you know what i mean. We really just deeply love what we do, and we were just so busy immersing ourselves in the music, that we weren't really paying attention to the hype. So we were just happily 'doing it' and suddenly one day, we just realized that we were making some kinda noise that people had hooked into. I mean we really believed in ourselves too, but not on the scale of the attention we're starting to attract.
LS: Yeah totally. Everyday is almost like Christmas right now. Apart from tax day!!!
CJ: How do you feel currently with the impact your music is making worldwide?
AM: Well like I said, we're kinda shocked. Quietly very happy that we've managed to nail down a sound, that people always recognize as our own. I think that is the greatest challenge for the upcoming producer today.
LS: It's actually amazing, like we said, we've been on the road constantly recently, all over, and so only now are we getting a clear picture for the first time of how far the sound has spread. We keep getting to places and re-surprising ourselves that people know our stuff. (laughs)
CJ: As producers, how would you each say the chemistry sets in while you're in the studio? Word on the street is that one of you is the more objective, while the other is more abstract.
AM: There is no set formula to our sessions aside from the fact that one of us sits at the controls and the other co-drives. The "too many cooks" technique. (laughs) But in some sense you're right. I do aim for structure/quality control, and Luca is often able to get a good alternative perspective, as he can sit back and take in the whole picture of the track.
LS: Also chemistry-wise, we're always buzzing on the stuff we've been playing, or stuff, vibes or mixes that we've heard other people playing on our travels. So when we get back into the studio there are often a whole bunch of musical demons that need exorcising from both of us.
CJ: Now, as a fan, I happen to know there is such a thing as the "Audiofly signature sound." But in brief words or adjectives, how would you guys describe it?
AM: Well I think it boils down to a kinda rhythmic feeling we've managed to capture in the production. Even though the swing of the track always varies, you can always hear the same sonic values in the beats. Then we nearly always try and include a kinda hypnotic melodic hook and some fucked up effects, but not too heavy.(laughs)
LS: It's definitely something we have developed throughout the years and I think it's more and more evident in every track we make. I'd like to use the words 'unique sounding' as that's how most people seem to describe our sound. I like that!
CJ: Do you prefer to remix or produce originals?
AM: Love doing both. They both have their really exciting element.
In fact, although there is nothing like creating an original, there is something very satisfying about taking a great idea and putting your own spin on it.
LS: I feel like creating tracks from scratch works in every different way like working on a remix, but it all depends from the mood we are in. In a way I prefer working on our own music as it expresses the feelings we'd like people to perceive in a much more personal way. But remixing is definitely a lot of fun too.
CJ: What do you say to the claim I've heard recently from various DJs, saying that you guys are helping make techno and tech-house "sexier?"
AM: Well I don't know about sexier, but we always play to a female side of the crowd anyway. It's logical in a way. Nothing more off-putting than a room of only blokes dancing, to my eyes. (laughs) Energetically, the girls are usually what keep the party going, and also sexy. Hhmmm...so i guess you're right, I shoulda' just said yes. (laughs)
LS: I think techno is having a second lease of life these days and loads of DJs and producers are working hard to give this sound a sexier element. We love playing in places like East Europe and South America and places like that have naturally a high number of women going to dance even as it's still a fresh thing. So, we have developed a sound that appeals to people from both sexes. There is nothing better than seeing beautiful women appreciating the deepest music around. It's instant gratification.
CJ: You guys do seem to have a lot of European female fans. What woos the girls?
AM: Well I think it's just inherent in the job. You have to have charisma to be a DJ, and maybe that's what they are attracted to. I know it's not just a looks based thing.
LS: In my opinion women are very attracted to DJs who can interact well with the crowd and we seem to have nailed that down pretty well recently. We love talking to our fans before and after our gigs and always make an effort to spend some time with the people who love our sound after the gig. It's what makes us tick. Women want interaction with the DJ because of his charisma and DJs are naturally good interacting with them because of their experience in the nightlife. It's a pretty simple concept!!!
CJ: There are rumors of an artist album in the works, what's the word? You know we can keep a secret.
AM: Actually, we're like 90 percent done. Maybe one more really big number and one more 'different' tempo thing and it's good to go.
LS: It's been long due now but we are trying to fit it in with our gruelling touring schedule which is not very easy. Ideally we should have been holed up in the studio for three months without taking any gigs but that's obviously a very difficult thing to do so we are using our time the best way we can.
CJ: Tell us about your recent relocation to Barcelona. What drew you there and why not go to Berlin when tons of other producers made that a 'cool' thing to do?
AM: As Funk D'Void once said: "Fuck Berlin, Barcelona has a beach." (laughs)
LS: Yeah, moving to Barcelona was a great move for us. We grew increasingly tired of London and we needed a breath of fresh air and Barcelona has definitely given us that and more. The food is better and the weather is great. It's a great place to live in!
CJ: So are you guys living together? That would be simply endearing.
AM: Yeah, you'd think we'd just kill each other spending so much time together, right? But it's really all good. I mean, who else is gonna understand our lifestyles but us. I mean, there will come a time when we'll just move up the road from each other, but for now it's a riot.
LS: I do all the cooking and Anthony does all the cleaning, so we make the perfect couple.(laughs)
CJ: Anthony, now be honest, give us a pet peeve about Luca, or maybe your least favorite thing about him.
AM: Nah, honestly, Luca is a total gem. All in all his good points way outweigh his bad by miles. It wouldn't be fair to go into his bad habits, which drive me up the wall by the way! (laughs)
CJ: Fair enough. Luca, any dirty laundry of similar fashion that you'd want to mention about your counterpart on the record?
LS: Anthony is my bro and yes sometimes we drive each other mad but in total honestly we have learned to deal with each other so well that I can't think of anything that really makes me mad about Ant. Maybe the fact that I still have to be the little brother and I am like, 'NOOOOOOOO!' (laughs)
CJ: So tell us about the apparent rebirth of "Flying Circus," your Radio Show, I've read about this recently.
AM: Flying Circus is our radio show on Proton Radio. We started it a year ago and we basically use it as a testing ground for our deeper musical fantasies.(laughs) We always have a great guest mix too, from one of many of our mates in the industry.
CJ: Very cool, now tell me about your label Supernature. Can you give Cooljunkie readers a brief statement as founders? And where did the name come from?
LS: Supernature was born out of our desires to put out really cool deep music that we hear from producers around the world and it's really turning into something we both love. From the original track to the remix everything is part of a plan. So far it's going great so fingers crossed.
CJ: Remixers like Luca Bacchetti and Pier Bucci on a label sure do impress, but I've noticed you guys are signing some newly hyped lesser known talent. Tell us about some of the new producers you are grooming. Also is this a way of paying it forward?
AM: The remix is just a way of interpreting the record in a different way but it's the original artists that we really want to push.
LS: People like Sophie Oliver and Claudia Lovissa, Robbie (Akbal), Dubshape, Ali Nasser and Boris Horel are just some of the names which you're gonna hear a lot more about in the near future.
CJ: Nice. Now let's shift the focus onto the rapidly approaching WMC. You guys are involved with several events, some of which you are producing and hosting, correct?
LS: Yes, it's a new challenge for us this year. We're hosting the Flying Circus party at Nikki Beach in collaboration with Future Mob with a line up to die for and Saturday night at Snatch we're gonna do our first Supernature party with Luca Bacchetti, Nick Curly Dubshape and Jamie Jones amongst others. It's all very exciting.
Catch Audiofly this during WMC week at the following events:
Wednesday March 26: Flying Circus Daytime Beach Party @ Nikki Beach.
Saturday March 29: Supernature @ Snatch.
taken from Cooljunkie
if you dont love what these guys play, you might be a redneck.