OK, we know that Obama and Cheney are distant cousins. Turns out Obama is also related to:
George W. Bush
George H.W. Bush
Gerald Ford
Lyndon Johnson
Harry S. Truman
James Madison
Sir Winston Churchill
General Robert E. Lee.
Oh, and Brad Pitt.
Meanwhile, Hillary is related to Angelina Jolie, plus:
Celine Dion
Alanis Morrisette
Advantage, Obama, IMO, especially with Celine Dion on Hillary's list. Being related to Angelina Jolie is nothing to be ashamed of, but then I'd feel weird about finding a relative so impossibly hot.
This reminds me of Star Wars, where first you find out that Darth Vader is Luke's father, then you learn that Leia is his sister, etc. I think in future sequels, we'll learn that Chewbacca was Luke's dog and R2-D2 was an old upright vacuum he had or some shit like that.
George W. Bush
George H.W. Bush
Gerald Ford
Lyndon Johnson
Harry S. Truman
James Madison
Sir Winston Churchill
General Robert E. Lee.
Oh, and Brad Pitt.
Meanwhile, Hillary is related to Angelina Jolie, plus:
Celine Dion
Alanis Morrisette
Advantage, Obama, IMO, especially with Celine Dion on Hillary's list. Being related to Angelina Jolie is nothing to be ashamed of, but then I'd feel weird about finding a relative so impossibly hot.

This reminds me of Star Wars, where first you find out that Darth Vader is Luke's father, then you learn that Leia is his sister, etc. I think in future sequels, we'll learn that Chewbacca was Luke's dog and R2-D2 was an old upright vacuum he had or some shit like that.