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  • MJ
    Here since 2002
    • Jun 2004
    • 6560


    Let me start by saying this is not a thread asking for sympathy, I have been through the grieving process and come out feeling positive. It makes me feel much better when I type how I feel and I just wanted to share with you what I have been through in the last four weeks.

    It's inevitable that at some point we all die, how that happens to you though, only time will tell.

    Four weeks ago my grandfather – at the age of 71 – was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Admittedly he wasn’t the healthiest of people; he had something wrong with the blood supply in his legs which made them come out in bruises and his eyes were more or less useless. His mind was totally on song though, he was sharp and witty and he liked to argue his case... often to the bitter end.

    Now I don’t know about anyone else but if I was told I had terminal cancer my first question would be “How long have I got?” Seriously! I would want to know. Not my grandad though, he never asked once. I figured he knew his time was up, especially when I found out he’d made his funeral arrangements only six months earlier. That’s not just coincidence surely, I think he knew something he didn’t want to tell us.

    A few weeks passed and grandad was still the same stubborn dry humoured grandad as usual.

    By week three things were starting to change, his legs were getting worse and he was constantly out of breath. Being the active person he was this frustrated him no end. It turns out that part of the cancer (secondary) was in the lining of lung, this made them fill up with liquid for some reason, hence the shortage of breath. Reluctantly he would visit the hospital every other day to have them drained, my dad told me that one time they drained 3 litres of fluid from his lung!

    As things progressively got worse it was inevitable that at some point he would have to be admitted to hospital. He absolutely hated this but still at no point did he ask anyone how much time they thought he had left. After a course of drugs he seemed to be feeling much better, so much so that the doctor said he would be able to come home last Wednesday. Well you can imagine how this made him feel. He would still have to be on oxygen though so on Tuesday the health authority fitted a special bed with all the things he would need in his house.

    Two days before he was due home he told me there were a couple of things he needed to do and would need my help with. I never got to find out what these were.

    On the morning of the day before he was supposed to be coming home my father received a call telling him he should get up to the hospital as soon as possible. When he got there my grandad was unconscious. During the day my Dad kept calling us to let us know “There’s no change”

    I left work at around 6pm and went straight to the hospital. Grandad was not the normal grandad. He was laid in bed with the oxygen mask on, his eyes were half open but he couldn’t respond to anything we said. Things were looking bleak, his body was gradually starting to shut down. One thing the nurses told us was one of the last things to go was a person’s hearing. For three hours we all sat around his bed talking, I just sat there staring at this limp figure that once was my spritely grandad. His breathing was getting shallower by the minute.

    At one point I turned to my mum and said “This is wrong, we are all sat here watching someone die” Now I know that is where I was supposed to be in my grandad’s final hour, at his bedside, but it just didn’t feel right us watching him struggle to breath. For those of you who have been through this I’m sure will understand what I’m trying to say, for others, this may sound as though I am being selfish.

    As every minute passed you could tell breathing was becoming more and more difficult for him, gradually the talking stopped and we all sat in silence.

    I have seen many sad and disturbing things on the internet, things that are just not supposed to happen. However, nothing, absolutely nothing can prepare you for what you go through when you see your own flesh and blood take their last breath. I cannot put into words the feelings and emotions I went through while watching my grandad die.

    What gives me comfort is that the last few minutes of his life (I didn’t realise this at the time, this is only after looking back) seemed really peaceful. His breathing settled down and his eyes completely closed. Apparently when you die like this you don’t feel any pain at all.... Thank god for small mercies.

    I'm extremley sad that he has gone but in a way I'm glad he has, the silent suffering he must have been going through must have been excrutating. God bless him.

    Like I said at the beginging of this post, I don't need any sympathy, the grieving process is over and Gramps (As my son liked to call him) has passed onto a better world.
    mjwebhosting you know it makes sense

    Silentium est aureum
  • mazi
    Gold Gabber
    • Oct 2006
    • 639

    Re: Death

    i envy the fact that u were with him till the last minute.
    breath deep


    • Life on Other Planets AKA Johns
      Are you Kidding me??
      • Oct 2005
      • 3087

      Re: Death

      Hey Mj sorry to hear that m8.. I know how u feel when u say your own flesh and blood takes their last breath.. Lost my dad in 1993 and i was only 16.. He passed away on St Patrick's day 1993.. March 17... RIP DAD


      • threehills
        I heart Lollergirl
        • Jun 2005
        • 3641

        Re: Death

        MJ, sorry for you loss.

        You gramps was actually fortunate in a way, we all long for a quite and dignified death, surrounded by those that we love, but very few of are actually able to achieve it.
        It's never too late to become the person you always thought you would be.


        • Jibgolly
          • Jun 2004
          • 20773

          Re: Death

          as terrible as that story is, mike, it's actually quite nice too. by nice i mean that at least he was surrounded by those who loved him and when he passed it was peaceful and from the sound of it, painless. nothing will replace a loved one passing on, but from the sound of it he was silently suffering for quite some time and as connor stated at least he is in a better place now.

          i love you buddy. stay strong for your little man. someday he'll understand it all and he'll look up to you for remaining a composed griever.


          • Dhar_2
            meat and potatoes
            • Jun 2004
            • 18916

            Re: Death

            MJ. i know u didnt want any sympathy.

            but my thoughts are with u. u were lucky that u have come to terms with his death and he was lucky enough to have u all there when he passed away!

            take care


            • Miroslav
              WHOA I can change this!1!
              • Apr 2006
              • 4122

              Re: Death

              it's a difficult part of living, the fact that things must come to an end, at least as we know it here. I'm sorry for your loss.


              • GregWhelan
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jun 2004
                • 2991

                Re: Death

                Sorry for your loss MJ. I'm 27 years old and nobody close to me has passed away yet - I'm dreading the day when that does happen.


                • Adzey
                  Are you Kidding me??
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 3517

                  Re: Death

                  dood my life has already been affected by cancer, first i was diagnosed in may 2006 and then my dad august 2006. we are both still here battling. cancer effects so so mahy people it really is a cowardly, wicked disease.

                  in march 2006 my dear nan passed away not long after her 90th in a care home where pretty much was like for like with your story.

                  the shallow breathing, the eyes etc was all the same.

                  as someone already said it is lovely when they go peacefully and with dignity.

                  god bless you

                  "Working like a wizard he doesn't jump around much or react much to what he is playing but the place is going nuts"


                  • MJ
                    Here since 2002
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 6560

                    Re: Death

                    ^^ Shit man, I feel for you big time.

                    I figured since you mentioned it you are ok to talk openly about it? Whats the score with this then, are you and your dad going beat it?
                    mjwebhosting you know it makes sense

                    Silentium est aureum


                    • Adzey
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 3517

                      Re: Death

                      yeah man im ok to talk about it. my view is there are plenty of people worse off.

                      i was diagnosed with oesophagus cancer and had an operation to remove part of my stomach and oesophagus. i didnt have any chemo as i didnt need it at the time but i may have to have it in the future. have regular checkups twice a year so am well looked after.

                      coming up to 2 years since my op and there are no signs that its coming back (touch wood) which i am thankful for every day.

                      my dad isnt so lucky he has already had 1 period of chemo and he can only have 2 more when needed which could be this year or the year after.

                      his view though he is almost 70 he has had a good life and is going to enjoy the time he has left.

                      "Working like a wizard he doesn't jump around much or react much to what he is playing but the place is going nuts"


                      • Maff
                        Up the City
                        • Dec 2006
                        • 269

                        Re: Death

                        MJ sorry for your loss mate,
                        its the other way round for me just glad i'm here or it would
                        of been dawn on here writing a thread about me going to the
                        other side??????????????????


                        • Dzone
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Jul 2004
                          • 1978

                          Re: Death

                          sorry for you loos MJ....
                          It's the only fact of life that we all going to die one day
                          ^^What dosen't Kill you make you stronger ^^


                          • clintlove
                            Hey girl, ya Hungry?
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 3264

                            Re: Death

                            Quite a touching story MJ. All four of my grandparents have passed and I never had the chance to say goodby to any of them. Cherish the last moments you had with your grandad. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

                            Music is the answer, to your problems. Keep on movin', till you solve them.



                            • Lorn
                              Looking for a title!
                              • Sep 2004
                              • 5826

                              Re: Death

                              Thanks for sharing MJ. Its quite amazing seeing life happen all around both the joy and the pain. Its equally amazing to see it happen to others. Life touches everyone and I thank you for reminding me of it.

