Kerry creams Bush in the 2nd debate

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  • delirious
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 288

    Kerry creams Bush in the 2nd debate

    After the Debates - Bush Appears Naive and Dangerous

    If the second debate reinforced any lessons of the past for years, it is that George W. Bush has poor impulse control and difficulty controlling his anger. In contrast, John Kerry appeared to be calm and authoritative.

    For proof, check out the replay from last night's debate.

    Here's what the pundits had to say:

    Andrew Sullivan: "There were moments early on... when he seemed to me to be close to shouting; and his hyper-aggressiveness, having to respond to everything, went at times over the line of persuasiveness."

    Ron Forunier, AP: "As he fought to keep his emotions in check in a testy, personal debate with Sen. John Kerry, the president asserted 'That answer almost made me scowl.'... Several answers brought Bush's emotions to the surface, for better or worse, as he sought to curb Kerry's momentum.... Bush was the most aggressive, at one point overrunning moderator Charles Gibson's attempt to pose a question.."

    David Niven, political science professor at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton:"Bush seemed wound a bit too tight. He was a little like Nixon sort of jumping out of his suit... He looked bad on the TV close-ups.""

    Jonah Goldberg, National Review: "WHY DOES BUSH... Sound like he's angry at the guy asking about making drugs cheaper?

    Paul Begala, CNN: "Good debate. The press will say it's a draw, but I think Kerry bested Bush -- or rather Bush made a few errors. Two words for President Bush: anger management. He spent much of the debate nearly yelling at the audience."

    John Whitesides, Reuters: "An angry Bush at one point cut off moderator Charles Gibson to upbraid Kerry for criticising the size of the coalition backing the United States in Iraq, saying it denigrated allies like Britain and Poland."

    Beth Gorham, CBC News: "It all added up to a major challenge for the president, who appeared angry and defensive during attacks from Kerry in a tense sparring match on Sept. 30 that was watched by some 62 million Americans."

    Billmon: "If Kerry and the Dems can't make an issue out of the fact that the president of the United States is utterly incapable of controlling his hairtrigger temper, they don't deserve to win this election... I mean, the man is a walking time bomb."

    David Paul Kuhn, "BUSH MAD, KERRY COMPOSED... Though Mr. Bush was more composed than in last week's first presidential debate, all agreed his tone was sometimes antagonistic and he again appeared uncomfortable being challenged. Kerry, on the other hand, was viewed as measured and articulate. "

    The Town Hall Debate
    The New York Times

    Town hall meetings are one vestige of early American democracy that modern presidential candidates know very well. No one who has survived a New Hampshire primary season needs to be told what it's like to answer questions tossed out by a group of average citizens. It's the democratic process in its most amiable state: earnest Americans asking serious questions about the issues. Last night's format was much more suited to George Bush's talents than the hard-edged debate last week, but John Kerry still managed to goad him to irritable near-shouting at some points.

    One of the uncommitted voters in the audience sensibly asked President Bush to name three mistakes he'd made in office, and what he had done to remedy the damage. Mr. Bush declined to list even one, and instead launched into an impassioned defense of the invasion of Iraq as a good idea. The president's insistence on defending his decision to go into Iraq seemed increasingly bizarre in a week when his own investigators reported that there were no weapons of mass destruction there, and when his own secretary of defense acknowledged that there was no serious evidence of a connection between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda.

    Even worse, the president's refusal to come up with even a minor error - apart from saying that he might have made some unspecified appointments that he now regretted - underscores his inability to respond to failure in any way except by insisting over and over again that his original decision was right.

    Unfortunately, for long stretches of the evening, the format did not lead to such telling responses. On occasion, the arguments were impossible to follow. Heaven help any citizen who relied on last night's debate to understand what is going on with North Korea or who tried to understand the fight about tax cuts on Subchapter S corporations.

    Mr. Bush was deeply unpersuasive when asked why he had not permitted the importation of cheaper prescription drugs from Canada. He claimed that the reason was "I want to make sure it cures you and doesn't kill you." Mr. Kerry cleanly retorted that four years ago in a campaign debate, Mr. Bush had said importing medicine from Canada sounded sensible.

    And the president was utterly incoherent when asked about whom he might name to the Supreme Court in a second term. His comment about how he didn't want to offend any judges because he wanted "them all voting for me" was a joke - but an unfortunate one, given the fact that the president owes his job to a Supreme Court vote.

    Mr. Kerry was weaker when he had to respond to a woman who wanted to know about spending federal money on abortions. Social issues seem to bring out the senator's worst tendencies to paint a word picture in shades of gray and equivocation.

    Both men seemed overly defensive at times, as if they were fighting shadow opponents that were not even in the hall. Mr. Kerry seemed intent, without much prompting by Mr. Bush, on countering the attack ads run by the president's campaign and by other Republican organizations. Mr. Bush sometimes seemed as if he was trying to make up for his weak performance in Debate No. 1.

    Mr. Kerry demonstrated, at the very minimum, a stature that was equal to the president's. If Mr. Bush was hoping to recover all the ground he lost last week, he failed in his mission.

    The president seemed to fall back frequently on name-calling, denouncing his opponent as a liberal and a tool of the trial lawyers. "The president's just trying to scare," Mr. Kerry said. It will be another few weeks before we see how well that works.

    Editorial assesses performance of Pres Bush and Sen John Kerry in second debate; finds town hall format represents democratic process at its most amiable but is more suited to Pres Bush's talents than those of Sen John Kerry; contends candidates' arguments were sometimes impossible to follow; holds that both men seemed defensive at times, as if fighting shadow opponents, but asserts that Kerry demonstrated that he is capable of leading nation
  • FM
    • Jun 2004
    • 5361

    there were a few times when it was just back and forth that point it's like "who the hell do you decide for?"

    I'd like to see the results of who those 140 undecided voters will vote for...

    "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

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    • superdave
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2004
      • 1366

      Re: Kerry creams Bush in the 2nd debate

      I wouldn't say Kerry "creamed" Bush, but I could understand your argument for him winning. I thought Bush did a better job in the 2nd debate than the first debate. Even a big time Kerry supporter agreed with me last night Bush did much better. Imo, Kerry and many people on both sides of the battlefield agree Kerry won that first debate.
      Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


      • PhAntoM MeNaCe
        Getting warmed up
        • Sep 2004
        • 74

        Look we ALL saw the same debate. NOBODY 'creamed' ANYBODY. All Kerry does is memorize scripts, and as the true thesbian that he is reenacts his statements. Bush spits it from the gut and that comes accross as completely evident. In my opinion though, BUSH clearly won! The reason is because in this debate, Bush was asking leading questions, being on the offense while supporting his policies over the past 4 years. If Kerry wants a chance at winning, he NEEDS to be on OFFENSE the WHOLE TIME. It has been very clear that BUSH is stronger on National defense, and also ECONOMIC STIMULUS and BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT. The reason why Bush WON THE SECOND DEBATE is because he forced KERRY into revealing his true position on the economy. Kerry is trying his hardest to appeal to the 'middle class' while he himself is the RICHEST CANDIDATE IN US HISTORY, and has NEVER EVER EVER HELD A SINGLE JOB FOR HIMSELF outside of making a vote one way or the other in SENATE!!! The guy has never held a job people. And this is the guy portraying himself as ROBIN HOOD, who wants to take from the rich to give to the poor! Im sorry but this is AMERICA. It was founded on capitalism, economic ambition and creativity. Kerry put the nail in his own coffin by isolating himself from WALL STREET. How can you want to PUNISH the upper tax bracket for being rich. Number one anybody in that 200k + tax bracket worked very hard to get there (except for JOHN KERRY WHO HAS BEEN SPOON FED HIS ENTIRE LIFE AND HAS NEVER HELD A JOB) so why should HARD WORK and PERSONAL SUCCESS be PENALIZED? These are the guys creating the JOBS JOBS JOBS, STIMULATING THE ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY!!! BUSH has created tax breaks for everybody, KERRY WILL RAISE TAXES!!!!! PERIOD! If you were a big company or organization, would you want to expand and grow if you knew that more of what you made was going to be taken from you?? FUCK NO. Kerry=NO SENSE The reason why America is the most volitile economy in the world is because of work ethic, and the opportunity for personal wealth. The land of opportunity will quickly dissolve under Kerry's socialist type BIG GOVERNMENT. With Kerry WEALTH will be REDISTRIBUTED to fund MORE BIG GOVERNMENT programs. A government funded HEALTH CARE PROGRAM, HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you guys think you pay taxes now?? Ooohhh myyyyyy? Just wait to see how much you brought home with that system. Kerry is out of touch with reality on everything, but his economic policies are truly mind boggling. I believe this issue, on top of foreign policy, will certainly be his demise.
        "when you go to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth pulled out and you wake up after the operation with your pants unzipped, that means you dont have to pay the bill".


        • LobsterClan
          Getting Somewhere
          • Aug 2004
          • 133

          Re: Kerry creams Bush in the 2nd debate


          You're absolutely hysterical. A real riot.


          • krelm
            Addiction started
            • Jun 2004
            • 437

            Originally posted by PhAntoM MeNaCe";p="
            Look we ALL saw the same debate. NOBODY 'creamed' ANYBODY. All Kerry does is memorize scripts, and as the true thesbian that he is reenacts his statements. Bush spits it from the gut and that comes accross as completely evident. In my opinion though, BUSH clearly won! The reason is because in this debate, Bush was asking leading questions, being on the offense while supporting his policies over the past 4 years. If Kerry wants a chance at winning, he NEEDS to be on OFFENSE the WHOLE TIME. It has been very clear that BUSH is stronger on National defense, and also ECONOMIC STIMULUS and BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT. The reason why Bush WON THE SECOND DEBATE is because he forced KERRY into revealing his true position on the economy. Kerry is trying his hardest to appeal to the 'middle class' while he himself is the RICHEST CANDIDATE IN US HISTORY, and has NEVER EVER EVER HELD A SINGLE JOB FOR HIMSELF outside of making a vote one way or the other in SENATE!!! The guy has never held a job people. And this is the guy portraying himself as ROBIN HOOD, who wants to take from the rich to give to the poor! Im sorry but this is AMERICA. It was founded on capitalism, economic ambition and creativity. Kerry put the nail in his own coffin by isolating himself from WALL STREET. How can you want to PUNISH the upper tax bracket for being rich. Number one anybody in that 200k + tax bracket worked very hard to get there (except for JOHN KERRY WHO HAS BEEN SPOON FED HIS ENTIRE LIFE AND HAS NEVER HELD A JOB) so why should HARD WORK and PERSONAL SUCCESS be PENALIZED? These are the guys creating the JOBS JOBS JOBS, STIMULATING THE ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY!!! BUSH has created tax breaks for everybody, KERRY WILL RAISE TAXES!!!!! PERIOD! If you were a big company or organization, would you want to expand and grow if you knew that more of what you made was going to be taken from you?? FUCK NO. Kerry=NO SENSE The reason why America is the most volitile economy in the world is because of work ethic, and the opportunity for personal wealth. The land of opportunity will quickly dissolve under Kerry's socialist type BIG GOVERNMENT. With Kerry WEALTH will be REDISTRIBUTED to fund MORE BIG GOVERNMENT programs. A government funded HEALTH CARE PROGRAM, HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you guys think you pay taxes now?? Ooohhh myyyyyy? Just wait to see how much you brought home with that system. Kerry is out of touch with reality on everything, but his economic policies are truly mind boggling. I believe this issue, on top of foreign policy, will certainly be his demise.

            After reading that amazingly concise and coherent post, I think we've uncovered a great mystery here - ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the mystery voice in Bush's earpiece in the debates. No, it's neither Karl Rove nor Dick Cheney. It's our very own PhAntoM MeNaCe!!

            (who else, speaking into Bush's hear, could make him sound even more rambling than he normally does )

            PhAntoM - where were you on the nights of Sept. 30 and Oct. 8?? Can you prove you weren't in Miami or St. Louis?? :P
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            • toasty
              Sir Toastiness
              • Jun 2004
              • 6585

              Originally posted by PhAntoM MeNaCe";p="
              Look we ALL saw the same debate. NOBODY 'creamed' ANYBODY. All Kerry does is memorize scripts, and as the true thesbian that he is reenacts his statements. Bush spits it from the gut and that comes accross as completely evident. In my opinion though, BUSH clearly won! The reason is because in this debate, Bush was asking leading questions, being on the offense while supporting his policies over the past 4 years. If Kerry wants a chance at winning, he NEEDS to be on OFFENSE the WHOLE TIME. It has been very clear that BUSH is stronger on National defense, and also ECONOMIC STIMULUS and BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT. The reason why Bush WON THE SECOND DEBATE is because he forced KERRY into revealing his true position on the economy. Kerry is trying his hardest to appeal to the 'middle class' while he himself is the RICHEST CANDIDATE IN US HISTORY, and has NEVER EVER EVER HELD A SINGLE JOB FOR HIMSELF outside of making a vote one way or the other in SENATE!!! The guy has never held a job people. And this is the guy portraying himself as ROBIN HOOD, who wants to take from the rich to give to the poor! Im sorry but this is AMERICA. It was founded on capitalism, economic ambition and creativity. Kerry put the nail in his own coffin by isolating himself from WALL STREET. How can you want to PUNISH the upper tax bracket for being rich. Number one anybody in that 200k + tax bracket worked very hard to get there (except for JOHN KERRY WHO HAS BEEN SPOON FED HIS ENTIRE LIFE AND HAS NEVER HELD A JOB) so why should HARD WORK and PERSONAL SUCCESS be PENALIZED? These are the guys creating the JOBS JOBS JOBS, STIMULATING THE ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY!!! BUSH has created tax breaks for everybody, KERRY WILL RAISE TAXES!!!!! PERIOD! If you were a big company or organization, would you want to expand and grow if you knew that more of what you made was going to be taken from you?? FUCK NO. Kerry=NO SENSE The reason why America is the most volitile economy in the world is because of work ethic, and the opportunity for personal wealth. The land of opportunity will quickly dissolve under Kerry's socialist type BIG GOVERNMENT. With Kerry WEALTH will be REDISTRIBUTED to fund MORE BIG GOVERNMENT programs. A government funded HEALTH CARE PROGRAM, HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you guys think you pay taxes now?? Ooohhh myyyyyy? Just wait to see how much you brought home with that system. Kerry is out of touch with reality on everything, but his economic policies are truly mind boggling. I believe this issue, on top of foreign policy, will certainly be his demise.


              • Jun_K
                Fresh Peossy
                • Sep 2004
                • 30

                Re: Kerry creams Bush in the 2nd debate

                Where was Cobbs(Green)? Badnarik(Libertarian)? They were arrested for civil disobedience at St. Louis "Debate". Third party candidates are excluded once again from Presidential "debates"

                < >



                • LV-8
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1167

                  Re: Kerry creams Bush in the 2nd debate

                  Hey delirous how can you expect us to read that shit when one the quotes was from Paul Begala?? Umm...he was hired by the Kerry Campaign. Biased you think??

                  Once again nice try.


                  • fluxus
                    Fresh Peossy
                    • Jul 2004
                    • 15

                    Re: Kerry creams Bush in the 2nd debate

                    Looks like alot of you need to spend some time researching the facts. Bush spent the whole evening lying. Facts are what you should decide your vote on ~ not the dog and pony show that the debates have been turned into. There are plenty of resources out there. If you get your news from Fox and think Saddam had something to to with 9/11, you need to start doing some reading. Go to a bookstore. Just look at the top selling non-fiction - all politics. Give them a read before you start sounding off.


                    • Yao
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 8167

                      Re: Kerry creams Bush in the 2nd debate

                      I love this fighting over politics! I'm wondering, what will happen after the elections...some people are gonna get it then, on this forum. I'll tell ya.

                      Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                      There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                      • Jenks
                        I'm kind of a big deal.
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 10250

                        this forum will self distruct when the election is over.

                        really tho, what the fuck are we going to talk about when it is over?


                        • palmer
                          Retired or Simply Important
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 5383

                          Originally posted by Jenks";p="
                          this forum will self distruct when the election is over.

                          really tho, what the fuck are we going to talk about when it is over?
                          how much you hate having kerry in office :ROFLMAO:

                          AND pHaNtOm_MeNaCe what the fuck are you using my avatar for? if you type every other letter in upper case you need to get off my shit.
                          art direction | design | animation


                          • lmmadic
                            Gold Gabber
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 746

                            Originally posted by palmer";p="
                            AND pHaNtOm_MeNaCe what the fuck are you using my avatar for? if you type every other letter in upper case you need to get off my shit.
                            i second that, for a minut i tought it was palmer who was rambling like that.

                            ow, and i'm downloading the debates, i can't comment yet on who has one and who hasn't. (torrents rule )

                            Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. Edward Everett


                            • PhAntoM MeNaCe
                              Getting warmed up
                              • Sep 2004
                              • 74

                              Haa....toasty that hulk-a-mania plug was deserving, niice work. And Krelm I promise I have an alibi for those two nights of the debates, im not surprised though, I'm always the usual suspect.

                              Now, Palmer, you and your son lmmadic need to go feed each other your man junk. Indulge yourself in each others plums. Stop trying to plant your seed in my avatar, its just not nice.

                              Now back to politics. To alot on here, my previous post was a bit hard to digest, but you know what they say the truth hurts. After the debate, nobody is going to give a shit about politics for another 4 years. Personally, im probably going to venture into some obscure site or forum where I can torment different people, and antagonize anyone who opposes me. We should start a new thread....LIFE AFTER THE ELECTION FOR THE POLITICAL FORUM! MUAAHHHHAAAAAAA MUUUUAAAAHHHHHHHHAAAA

                              But the truth is you LIBERALS aren't trying to elect a president, you want to elect a fucking GOD! All a bunch of bullshit talk, make things sound all cheeky, no solutions. Im pretty vocal on this forum because, well, its fun and entertaining for myself. But you liberals make me sick sometimes. Your boy Edwards saying 'vote for Kerry, and those who are parapalegic will rise from their wheelchairs', referring to stem cell research [paraphrased by me] John Kerry attending church the other day when Rev. Al Sharpton said 'GOD has CHOSEN John Kerry'...'lets get back at them for the 2000 Election, vote John Kerry',, this is a circus act campaign by the democrats. Can't wait until this is all over.
                              "when you go to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth pulled out and you wake up after the operation with your pants unzipped, that means you dont have to pay the bill".

