a real old one: "the great escape" with steve mcqueen...
What is your favorite war movie?
Not really into actual shoot em up war movies,but platoon was brilliant.
Schindlers List
Life is BeautifulComment
Re: What is your favorite war movie?
i go for Saving Private Ryan. The movie deserved every damn award it recieved. The acting, directing, and story were the work of a true genius, this movie should be seen by every person on the face of the earth.
And the second one will be "The Pianist", it`s a real masterpiece, there is nothing more to say. The acting is perfect, the direction is outstanding, the story, the visuals, etc. You have to see it, no excuse.Comment
Re: What is your favorite war movie?
Saving Private Ryan = Number 1 war movie for me..
Others that would follow in no particular order would be:
Enemy at that Gates - Good Sniper movie (Love being the sniper on Call of Duty Game)
Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket. Cant think of any others that I've seen that come to mind.Comment