So i`m stood there in the toilet doing what i was there for when who do i notice stood at the side of me? Only Mr Diggers himself, well... you know i`m one to talk quite a lot so true to form i started blurting all sorts of alcohol and narcotic induced nonsense his way. All he could say to me was "fuck off, i`m trying to piss" I was in pain with laughter, he must have said it 3 times at least, the poor man just couldn`t pee cause i was blabbing on and on. I walked out of the toilets in fits of laughter
Sorry John. :P
Had a really good night though, i attempted to talk to Chloe but i think John must have given her the low down on me because she was distracted and fucked off. Cheers Chloe :P You played a nice set though kid
Met up with Hos who was full of cold poor kid, wheres my bottle of water btw? !
Also saw Xeb but by that time i was wasted so i`ve no idea what we talked about
maybe you can tell me.
I posted the Diggers in the toilet episode on the Bedrock board in the hope he replies, i want him to tell me to fuck off again cause i honestly deserve it.
Bedrock last night

Sorry John. :P
Had a really good night though, i attempted to talk to Chloe but i think John must have given her the low down on me because she was distracted and fucked off. Cheers Chloe :P You played a nice set though kid

I posted the Diggers in the toilet episode on the Bedrock board in the hope he replies, i want him to tell me to fuck off again cause i honestly deserve it.

Bedrock last night