Per Hillary Clinton, Obama's an out of touch elitist. Probably right, but she's probably more so than he is. His comments about small town Pennsylvania voters that "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them" to a San Francisco fund raising group does appear to be liberal elitism. I'll guess that the San Francisco group he was speaking to were elitists themselves and enjoy hearing such rhetoric.
Back to Hillary, she was in the White House for most of the 90's and was a Senator afterwards. Even before then, she attended Wellesley college, an exclusive all female school, and then Yale law school. Someone with that background should certainly be out of touch with small town Pennsylvania voters.
Back to Hillary, she was in the White House for most of the 90's and was a Senator afterwards. Even before then, she attended Wellesley college, an exclusive all female school, and then Yale law school. Someone with that background should certainly be out of touch with small town Pennsylvania voters.