What's the worst search you've gotten before going into a club?

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  • zeronineteen
    Gold Gabber
    • Jun 2004
    • 623

    What's the worst search you've gotten before going into a club?

    For me it was at Pacha in NY when Digweed played there during the Diamonds tour. First got the typical patdown and pockets check. Then the guy proceeds to grab my balls and yanked them so hard! He did the same thing to my friend too! He should have at least taken us out to dinner first! I'm suprised he didn't want to check my fucking prostate! Talk about feeling violated. To top it all off later that night this kid walked by me with a fucking knife clipped to his belt! They are practically giving cavity searches at the door and they miss a knife?
    Last edited by zeronineteen; April 14, 2008, 10:29:19 AM. Reason: Change the title
    Before you can see the light, you have to deal with the darkness.
  • chanty
    John, John, where art thou!
    • Jun 2004
    • 4622

    Re: Worst search before getting into a club?

    A club called This is London. The first female security check thought she felt something in my bra. I denied it and rearranged right in front of her. She said I could go in after the other female securtiy checked me, and check me she did! I don't know how she missed my dube!
    Awww...I didn't mean A holes, as in "A holes"...I meant it like, as in, my friends....


    • Dhar_2
      meat and potatoes
      • Jun 2004
      • 18925

      Re: Worst search before getting into a club?

      i hate this sort of shit!!

      i always get the full going over. clubs, airports, the lot.

      i guess i look shifty. or maybe its because i'm indian. but everyone thinks i'm upto no good.

      it really takes the shine of a good night. when the bouncers act like the undereducated neanderthals they seem to be.


      • res0nat0r
        Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
        • May 2006
        • 14475

        Re: What's the worst search you've gotten before going into a club?


        • Shpira
          Angry Boy Child
          • Oct 2006
          • 4969

          Re: What's the worst search you've gotten before going into a club?

          pretty stupid IMO...they are just doing their job. All of you or most of you do drugs and then u complain about being searched...well guess what bouncers are there (at least in theory) to try and stop you from bringing in drugs to the club.
          Its like coming to the air port with a T-Shirt "I love Bin Laden" and complaining about being searched.
          The Idiots ARE Winning.

          "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
          Mark Twain

          SOBRIETY MIX


          • fabric8
            200mph Club
            • Jul 2006
            • 2741

            Re: What's the worst search you've gotten before going into a club?

            Originally posted by res0nat0r

            1015 Folsom in SF a couple summers back, a muscle bound flamer at the door practically doing prostate exams


            • Kamal
              • May 2002
              • 28835

              Re: What's the worst search you've gotten before going into a club?

              Originally posted by zeronineteen
              ..... the guy proceeds to grab my balls and yanked them so hard! He did the same thing to my friend too! He should have at least taken us out to dinner first!


              Jib says:
              he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
              Originally posted by ace_dl
              Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
              I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


              • Dhar_2
                meat and potatoes
                • Jun 2004
                • 18925

                Re: What's the worst search you've gotten before going into a club?

                Originally posted by Shpira
                pretty stupid IMO...they are just doing their job. All of you or most of you do drugs and then u complain about being searched...well guess what bouncers are there (at least in theory) to try and stop you from bringing in drugs to the club.
                Its like coming to the air port with a T-Shirt "I love Bin Laden" and complaining about being searched.
                no one said anything about drugs!

                its just the way bouncers treat you. regardless of drugs or not. its not even a problem about being searched. (obviously it becomes a bit of pisstake when it gets to discrimination because of the way u look)


                • Jenks
                  I'm kind of a big deal.
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 10250

                  Re: What's the worst search you've gotten before going into a club?

                  Arc in NY.


                  • MJ
                    Here since 2002
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 6560

                    Re: What's the worst search you've gotten before going into a club?

                    Originally posted by Shpira
                    pretty stupid IMO...they are just doing their job. All of you or most of you do drugs and then u complain about being searched...well guess what bouncers are there (at least in theory) to try and stop you from bringing in drugs to the club.
                    Its like coming to the air port with a T-Shirt "I love Bin Laden" and complaining about being searched.
                    This may be true in a minority of clubs but the sad truth is that most door men are power ego drug dealing wannabe's. I used to go to a club in Sheffield in the late 80's early 90's, this club became my second home, so much so that I got to know the owners. It was quite abvious that the door men were not only there to search people for drugs, but then the drugs they did find they then proceeded to sell them back to the people they took them off in the first place (This was done by runners, not the door men themselves)

                    Regardless of what you put in place to stop people taking drugs in night clubs.. people are still going to take drugs in night clubs. If you totaly eradicate drugs from clubs then the majority of clubs aren't going to have any one in them.In my opinion, don't employ a door man/women to search every person that enters a club, it's a waste of time. Employ some undercover door men to find out who is dealing in the club instead. Anyone caught dealing in a club deserves to be shot for their stupidity.
                    mjwebhosting you know it makes sense

                    Silentium est aureum


                    • Dhar_2
                      meat and potatoes
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 18925

                      Re: What's the worst search you've gotten before going into a club?

                      i've had the bouncers give me back my drugs at turnmills.

                      they didnt believe me it was for personal use, but they gave em back anyway. so fair play to them. wouldnt let me in mind.

                      so i went and lost my head at the End!!!


                      • day_for_night
                        Are you Kidding me??
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 4127

                        Re: What's the worst search you've gotten before going into a club?

                        Originally posted by Jenks
                        Arc in NY.

                        agreed. i distinctly remember hands being all over my fun zone.


                        • threehills
                          I heart Lollergirl
                          • Jun 2005
                          • 3641

                          Re: What's the worst search you've gotten before going into a club?

                          MJ has it in a nutshell. Searches and patdowns at the door should be for weapons not for drugs.
                          It's never too late to become the person you always thought you would be.


                          • Shpira
                            Angry Boy Child
                            • Oct 2006
                            • 4969

                            Re: What's the worst search you've gotten before going into a club?

                            ^^^and ex should be legal - amen!!!
                            The Idiots ARE Winning.

                            "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
                            Mark Twain

                            SOBRIETY MIX


                            • zeronineteen
                              Gold Gabber
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 623

                              Re: What's the worst search you've gotten before going into a club?

                              Originally posted by Shpira
                              pretty stupid IMO...they are just doing their job. All of you or most of you do drugs and then u complain about being searched...well guess what bouncers are there (at least in theory) to try and stop you from bringing in drugs to the club.
                              Its like coming to the air port with a T-Shirt "I love Bin Laden" and complaining about being searched.
                              Did I say anything about drugs? NO. I am not complaining about getting
                              searched. However, I am complaining about getting my fucking nuts grabbed and yanked on! Guess what? Don't accuse me of something I don't do or anyone else for that matter. I know the bouncers are just doing their job, but they don't need to fucking squeeze someones fucking nut sack. You're not complaining because you probably like it!
                              Before you can see the light, you have to deal with the darkness.

