Regarding that FLDS ranch in Eldorado, TX:

Wow, that is all kinds of fucked up. I have to say, I find this whole story deeply troubling but completely fascinating. "Fascinating," because we basically have this whole community of people, hiding in plain sight and living right along mainstream culture, that is so bass ackwards compared to what the rest of society deems acceptable. I have similar thoughts anytime something surfaces like Heaven's Gate, Ted Kuzynski (sp?), Branch Davidians, etc. Makes you wonder what kind of crazy shit is going on right around the corner from you that you have no idea about.
Officials: 31 of 53 girls from sect ranch have been pregnant
SAN ANTONIO (AP) - Texas child welfare officials say more than half the teen girls swept into state custody from a polygamist sect's ranch have been pregnant.
Child Protective Services spokesman Darrell Azar says 53 girls between the ages of 14 and 17 were living on the ranch in Eldorado. Of that group, 31 already have children or are pregnant.
State officials took custody of all 463 children at the Yearning For Zion Ranch more than three weeks ago after a raid prompted by calls to a domestic violence hotline.
Child welfare officials say there was a pattern of underage girls forced into "spiritual marriages" with much older men at the ranch.
SAN ANTONIO (AP) - Texas child welfare officials say more than half the teen girls swept into state custody from a polygamist sect's ranch have been pregnant.
Child Protective Services spokesman Darrell Azar says 53 girls between the ages of 14 and 17 were living on the ranch in Eldorado. Of that group, 31 already have children or are pregnant.
State officials took custody of all 463 children at the Yearning For Zion Ranch more than three weeks ago after a raid prompted by calls to a domestic violence hotline.
Child welfare officials say there was a pattern of underage girls forced into "spiritual marriages" with much older men at the ranch.

Wow, that is all kinds of fucked up. I have to say, I find this whole story deeply troubling but completely fascinating. "Fascinating," because we basically have this whole community of people, hiding in plain sight and living right along mainstream culture, that is so bass ackwards compared to what the rest of society deems acceptable. I have similar thoughts anytime something surfaces like Heaven's Gate, Ted Kuzynski (sp?), Branch Davidians, etc. Makes you wonder what kind of crazy shit is going on right around the corner from you that you have no idea about.