Indiana - who is calling it?

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  • Huggie Smiles
    Anyone have Styx livesets?
    • Jun 2004
    • 11837

    Indiana - who is calling it?

    I hate to say it - but I think Hillary has IN sewn up.
    What say you ?
    ....Freak in the morning, Freak in the evening, aint no other Freak like me thats breathing....

  • Jenks
    I'm kind of a big deal.
    • Jun 2004
    • 10250

    Re: Indiana - who is calling it?

    i think they're going to split it-

    Indiana - Hillary the Douchenozzle
    North Carolina - Obama


    • toasty
      Sir Toastiness
      • Jun 2004
      • 6585

      Re: Indiana - who is calling it?

      regrettably, I am probably calling it for Clinton.

      Here's a more out-there prediction, though. If they split and Indiana is fairly close, or if Obama should somehow win both, you'll see superdelegates start to more line up behind Obama. After today's races, there will officially be more unpledged superdelegates than pledged delegates available, and more pressure for them to come out in support of a candidate.

      God forbid she wins both or blows him out in Indiana. Getting so very tired of her...


      • subterFUSE
        Gold Gabber
        • Nov 2006
        • 850

        Re: Indiana - who is calling it?

        What about Florida and Michigan? How's that argument shaping up now? Not really been paying enough attention.


        • Jenks
          I'm kind of a big deal.
          • Jun 2004
          • 10250

          Re: Indiana - who is calling it?

          Florida and Michigan? wtf about them? nothing. Obama wasn't even on the ticket. She can count with her finger and toes for all i care, she's not leading.


          • subterFUSE
            Gold Gabber
            • Nov 2006
            • 850

            Re: Indiana - who is calling it?

            I was just asking... since I keep hearing mention of possibly counting them, or re-voting, etc...

            Just curious what's happening with that?


            • Jenks
              I'm kind of a big deal.
              • Jun 2004
              • 10250

              Re: Indiana - who is calling it?

              nothing. it's not going to be counted, and rightfully so.


              • toasty
                Sir Toastiness
                • Jun 2004
                • 6585

                Re: Indiana - who is calling it?

                Florida & Michigan is a complete clusterfuck. Dean is trying to work out some sort of deal behind the scenes to avoid alienating two large blocks of Democrats in the general election. He seems to realize, however, that nothing can happen that would be outcome determinative.

                Clinton, on the other hand, may be pursuing what is being referred to as "the Nuclear Option." Evidently, over 50% of the members of the Rules & Bylaws Committee are Clinton supporters. That Committee meets at the end of the month, and she could theoretically convince her supporters to essentially change the rules, such that Michigan and Florida would be seated as is.

                It isn't quite as simple as this, but I'll defer to the article discussing it to lay out the other (significant) hurdles:

                Really, really despicable to even consider, IMO. I already wonder how Clinton supporters can say with a straight face that those delegations ought to count, or how they could be proud of the campaign she's run. If she does this, though, the Democrats can kiss the White House goodbye.


                • Jenks
                  I'm kind of a big deal.
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 10250

                  Re: Indiana - who is calling it?


                  • toasty
                    Sir Toastiness
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 6585

                    Re: Indiana - who is calling it?

                    ...and now Hillary has taken to referring to 2,208 as the number of delegates needed to get the nomination -- which would have been right, were it not for Florida and Michigan being stripped of their delegates.

                    At this point, she is starting to remind me of Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf a/k/a "Baghdad Bob," the former Iraqi Information Minister, who would get on camera and spew bullshit about how there were no Americans in Baghdad as shells rocked the building he was in. Yeah, Hillary, just start making shit up, and maybe some people will buy it. Has she no shame?


                    • Steve Graham
                      DJ Jelly
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 12887

                      Re: Indiana - who is calling it?

                      who cares, either way the country is still fucked


                      • Jenks
                        I'm kind of a big deal.
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 10250

                        Re: Indiana - who is calling it?

                        Thanks for that fascinating piece of useful information Steve.


                        • 88Mariner
                          My dick is smaller
                          • Nov 2006
                          • 7128

                          Re: Indiana - who is calling it?

                          leave it to my state to fuck it up. indiana is the most anti-hillary state there is. i think it's teh fact that there are tons of racists there that they'd rather have hillary. fuckers.
                          you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

                          it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

                          Am I the corners of your mind....



                          • toasty
                            Sir Toastiness
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 6585

                            Re: Indiana - who is calling it?

                            Originally posted by 88Mariner
                            leave it to my state to fuck it up. indiana is the most anti-hillary state there is. i think it's teh fact that there are tons of racists there that they'd rather have hillary. fuckers.
                            fucking hoosiers*

                            * that term has special meaning for those of us in st. louis, btw


                            • DJJEFFJONES
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Nov 2005
                              • 2110

                              Re: Indiana - who is calling it?

                              Originally posted by 88Mariner
                              leave it to my state to fuck it up. indiana is the most anti-hillary state there is. i think it's teh fact that there are tons of racists there that they'd rather have hillary. fuckers.

                              I voted Obama... saw him eating an omlete this morning.

