Things younger than John Mccain!!

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  • toasty
    Sir Toastiness
    • Jun 2004
    • 6585

    Re: Things younger than John Mccain!!

    Originally posted by subterFUSE
    But I do have to side with Toasty on this one, as much as it pains me. heh .
    I knew it would happen eventually, on something.


    • shosh
      • Jun 2004
      • 4668

      Re: Things younger than John Mccain!!

      Originally posted by Garrick
      my two cents... democrats obviously have very different perspectives than republicans. shosh is probably a conservative republican and doesn't want the govt meddling with his business. obama AND hillary (especially hillary) scare the fuck out of me for the same reason. i do not want the govt meddling with my shit. let me make my own choices. gov't dependence is uesless in the end because they cannot shelter everyone forever. hence the downfall of other great societies, Rome, Germany. Gov't dependence equals beginning of the end. it also scares the hell out of me that obama thinks he can simply talk to terrorists/anti-americans and change their perception. if he can, great (doubtful). if he can't, we are fucked.

      this is a VERY drastic perception and tons of people can argue that point to the Nth degree, but currently this is how i preceive what is happening in our nation. the democrats want to take the power from the people and instill it in the govt. people will stop thinking for themselves and the dependence on the govt takes over. look at how this whole housing crisis started and look where we are now.

      toasty and jenks... don't rip me too bad.

      and that link is very very funny. mccain is an old fart, fo sho.
      i agree with a lot of your stuff. like i said i wouldnt classify myself as republican but there is a lot of wrong shit going on with the liberals. One thing that i do have a problem with is the pussyfication of the people, mainly because, like you said, the govt is getting their hands in everything. That is not the purpose of government.

      Originally posted by toasty
      try this -- go to a baseball game, or a football game, or any large event where they sing the national anthem. Look around, and you'll see some people with their hands over their hearts, and some people who don't have their hands on their hearts. To be honest, depending upon what day it is, I might be fall into either camp, and do you know how much thought I put into whether or not I'm going to put my hand on my heart during the national anthem? Zero. Do you know how I determine whether I will or I won't? Me either -- I frankly don't think about it one way or the other. Does that make me unpatriotic, or a traitor? Are those thousands of other people that don't have their hands on their hearts traitors, too?

      No, but i do have a problem if the person who leads and represents this country doesnt. He is held to a much higher standard than everyone else, and if he isnt, he should be. I'm not a GW fan buy a long shot, but if everyone holds him to higher standards (not referring to policies or actions, but speeches and mannerisms). Yes the President should act patriotic as fuck.

      I'm not going to try to defend what Wright said, but as to his wife, as I recall, she said "for the first time in my adult lifetime I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change.” I don't see what the big deal is about this comment, honestly. Loving your country and being loyal to your country are not necessarily synonymous with being proud of your country. I love the US, but I look at the Bush years, and I can't say I'm particularly proud of my country during that time. Bill Clinton before him didn't really inspire a lot of pride in me, either. I was fine with the elder Bush, but I can't say I was gaga over the dude. Maybe she didn't word it as well as she should have, but I don't think the sentiment is anything all that controversial.

      Really? You're not proud of the freedoms, opportunities, and great things this country offers? She didnt say she wasnt proud of the leaders, she said of America.

      You do realize that Obama is not on trial, that Rezko is, right? Can you point to anything that Obama actually did wrong here? That would be news to me.

      Rezko won many government contracts by exercising influence on those with power or connections. He also got a $14 million dollar contract because of Obama's support, when the project wasnt even in Obama's district. Obama was able to buy a house for 300K under the asking price through Rezko's help. And while he is against lobbyists, he got a lot of money from Rezko for his campaigns. (He has returned some of the money, but still holds on to a big chunk).

      This is exactly the type of mindset that got us into this mess. If we're going to fight those that would do us harm, we have to have the support of other civilized nations. That's why "Fuck the rest of y'all, we're doing whatever the fuck we want" is bad policy.
      Maybe because everyone in this world is used to being told what to do and not having a say in anything. I didnt say attack everyone, but we also cannot be pussies.


      • shosh
        • Jun 2004
        • 4668

        Re: Things younger than John Mccain!!

        Originally posted by Jenks
        I used to own an SKS. In fact, i own several guns. Don't peg me for some talking out of my ass hippie leftist, chief.
        I didnt and that was not my intention. So tell me then what is the problem with an assault rifle? Do you see people with aks, sks, ars attacking people? I dont think it's even an issue. There are many guns you can convert to full autos and do just as much if not more damage. Or are those proponents afraid that one day people are going to get sick of the government and revolt? When the people have no guns the police state works fairly well.

        As far as our freedoms go, yes they disappear more and more every day. You hate it now, wait until you get Obama in the office.


        • toasty
          Sir Toastiness
          • Jun 2004
          • 6585

          Re: Things younger than John Mccain!!

          Originally posted by Garrick
          it also scares the hell out of me that obama thinks he can simply talk to terrorists/anti-americans and change their perception. if he can, great (doubtful). if he can't, we are fucked.
          I don't think Obama thinks that he can just have a sit-down with these folks and everything will be cool, although that's the way it's often portrayed. That said, though, I think he correctly recognizes that the Bush strategy of pretending that nations with whom we disagree don't exist is ridiculous. We won the Cold War in part because Reagan sat down and talked with the Soviets. We need to get past this absurd notion that even acknowledging our enemies is a sign of weakness.

          Originally posted by Jenks
          generally i agree with you, i want the gov out of my life.

          really tho, if you think for one second obama is going to have his goverment more in your life than the current republican administration, you're huffing glue.

          right now = biggest government ever. even the leftest lefty is going to be subtracting from this one.
          Word. It blows me away when people who claim to be conservatives support the incredibly intrusive policies of this administration. Government has grown immeasurably under Bush.

          Originally posted by Jenks
          i vote for the best candidate each election.
          I would question whether you got the best guy the last couple of elections Then again, I fouled that up, too, at least back in 2000...


          • toasty
            Sir Toastiness
            • Jun 2004
            • 6585

            Re: Things younger than John Mccain!!

            Originally posted by shosh
            Or are those proponents afraid that one day people are going to get sick of the government and revolt? When the people have no guns the police state works fairly well.


            • shosh
              • Jun 2004
              • 4668

              Re: Things younger than John Mccain!!

              Originally posted by toasty

              ok so help me out. why are assault rifles bad?

              here's my emoticon:


              • toasty
                Sir Toastiness
                • Jun 2004
                • 6585

                Re: Things younger than John Mccain!!

                Originally posted by shosh
                ok so help me out. why are assault rifles bad?
                It's not so much that they are bad as unnecessary. If you're a sportsman, let me suggest to you that taking out a deer with an AK-47 just isn't very sporting. From a self-defense standpoint, an Uzi seems like overkill. Assault rifles are designed for killing people, and I'm just not sure why anyone other than a soldier would need one.

                I'm not saying that assault weapons necessarily need to be banned, though. I'm just saying that a little bit of common sense ought to be employed when you're talking about items whose primary purpose is to kill other people. Do you realize that for a while there, you could go into a Walmart and buy a gun and ammo with the same ease and convenience as if you were picking up a t-shirt or a jelly donut? That just seems a little bass ackwards to me. There are very few circumstances where it is really necessary to buy a gun, right this very minute.

                Keep in mind that when the Second Amendment was drafted, foreign invaders coming over to storm your home was a realistic possibility. We live in a different time now.


                • shosh
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 4668

                  Re: Things younger than John Mccain!!

                  ok so i agree with you. i dont think a ban is necessary. most people are going to use common sense when purchasing or using a weapon. the ones who wont are going to get their hands on them regardless of any bans


                  • toasty
                    Sir Toastiness
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 6585

                    Re: Things younger than John Mccain!!

                    Originally posted by shosh
                    ok so i agree with you. i dont think a ban is necessary. most people are going to use common sense when purchasing or using a weapon. the ones who wont are going to get their hands on them regardless of any bans
                    Well, for the record, I think you're overstating my level of agreement with you on those specific points, but I don't think it merits further discussion. this thread has already been hijacked enough.

