i cant dial into Nikos cell phone

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  • mazi
    Gold Gabber
    • Oct 2006
    • 639

    i cant dial into Nikos cell phone

    i feel retarded! but im tryin to dial some cheats into nikoes cellphone and i know i have to press up twice but nothing happens!
    breath deep
  • mazi
    Gold Gabber
    • Oct 2006
    • 639

    Re: i cant dial into Nikos cell phone

    i found out and i feel retarded lol
    breath deep


    • beanzncheez
      • Jun 2004
      • 4442

      Re: i cant dial into Nikos cell phone



      • Adzey
        Are you Kidding me??
        • Mar 2008
        • 3517

        Re: i cant dial into Nikos cell phone

        dont cheat

        cheating is for wimps and pussies

        "Working like a wizard he doesn't jump around much or react much to what he is playing but the place is going nuts"


        • picklemonkey
          Double hoodie beer monster
          • Jun 2004
          • 15373

          Re: i cant dial into Nikos cell phone

          you need to follow it with down twice, left right twice, b a twice, then start


          • Steve Graham
            DJ Jelly
            • Jun 2004
            • 12887

            Re: i cant dial into Nikos cell phone

            if youre not cheating youre not trying


            • GregWhelan
              Are you Kidding me??
              • Jun 2004
              • 2994

              Re: i cant dial into Nikos cell phone

              Cheating stops you getting 100% though doesn't it?

              As I predicted, after a slow start and doubts from me, I love this game. Just did the mission where I race that yellow car with Brucie. Awesome


              • picklemonkey
                Double hoodie beer monster
                • Jun 2004
                • 15373

                Re: i cant dial into Nikos cell phone

                I've been playing the hell out of it online. I still see/hear new shit that makes me laugh too... like the other day, I was shooting some cops from the top of my stairs as they entered my apartment up north, eventually as I had 4 stars I heard one of the cops cry "I think my guts are falling out!"

                another one I destroyed a cop car while they were out of it, so I watched the cops run, pull a taxi driver out of his cab, and one cop got in the front seat, one got in the back seat, and started chasing me in a cab. pure awesome. so many little details


                • TomTom
                  Paging Doctor Weeds...we have a shortage on 1st St.
                  • May 2002
                  • 16206

                  Re: i cant dial into Nikos cell phone

                  I did not play more then 3-4 hours so far because Weather was too good to stay inside lately but this Game absolutely rocks. What I don't like about the cell phone is that it is hard to read the messages because of the fucked up color choice in it. I drove around for merely 2 hours just creating havoc and trying things out. Best is when you crash with a car so heavily into something that Niko flies through the front window. Comments from people you rush into or steal things from are priceless as well. The only thing I need to check out further is the Sixaxis control while riding a bike. Looked fun but I dunno if that's working in missions where each second counts. I am sure this game will keep me busy for a long time..I am sure there are plenty of mini games to waste time with in it. Playing pool and bowling was fun already.


                  • GregWhelan
                    Are you Kidding me??
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 2994

                    Re: i cant dial into Nikos cell phone

                    Now that the dust has settled on the release of this game, what are peoples opinions of the game?

                    Lows - I HATE it when the police are after you - it seems that every mission you do has the police after you when you complete that mission - it's almost impossible to get away from them I find.

                    Safehouses - I've only just got the one in Algonquin, but that still means I only have two, and it's a bitch travelling back and forth all the time.

                    Motorbikes - when you crash you're screwed, it takes about 70% of your health!

                    Music - absolute rubbish. I can't stand urban music anyway. The FK station is poor too. I listen to the talk shows the most, but I'd love it if there were an 80's station like in Vice City.

                    Other than those few points, the game is awesome. Like Tom said, there is so much to do and you could drive around for hours just exploring. All the comments made by the characters are priceless too!


                    • threehills
                      I heart Lollergirl
                      • Jun 2005
                      • 3641

                      Re: i cant dial into Nikos cell phone

                      You'll get better at getting away from cops. 3 stars and below is a piece of cake with a little practice.

                      Lows: I miss all the mini games from San Andreas, like driving the ambulance, fire truck, 18 wheeler, trains, etc.

                      Sometimes the camera angle sucks. Its hard to adjust and maintain aim at the same time. Trying to turn around and shoot someone behind you can be very difficult at times.

                      Hand to hand combat.

                      Multiplayer interface. Has anyone figured out how to create a custom game? Other than the times you are randomly selected to be leader? Has anyone figured out how to "party up" with people you just played with?

                      HIGHS: Multiplayer. Once you get into the game, its hours of fun.

                      Driving. One you get used to the new handling, it think its spot on. Except for the bikes, I expected a better sense of speed from the PCJ900

                      Overall, its the best looking and playing game I have played on the 360 to date. Its not quite perfect, but pretty damn close.
                      It's never too late to become the person you always thought you would be.

