Now this, to me, is what we should really be concerned about, not oil execs or speculators or whether Hillary is really a man.
Energy Watchdog Warns
Of Oil-Production Crunch
No one will know if we're in the peak oil phenomenon until we're looking back on it well after the fact...but if this was to be the case, then we are looking at one of the most important challenges of our lifetimes and we will see some very scary times ahead.
Energy Watchdog Warns
Of Oil-Production Crunch
For several years, the IEA has predicted that supplies of crude and other liquid fuels will arc gently upward to keep pace with rising demand, topping 116 million barrels a day by 2030, up from around 87 million barrels a day currently. Now, the agency is worried that aging oil fields and diminished investment mean that companies could struggle to surpass 100 million barrels a day over the next two decades.