Bush vs Kerry

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  • superdave
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1366

    Bush vs Kerry

    Who do the terrorists want to win the election? Kerry. If that's the case, then vote Bush. If Kerry wins, terrorists all over the globe will be celebrating.

    And most important to me is taxes. Bush will lower my taxes and Kerry will raise them. They already take to much out of my damn paycheck already and I don't need them taking out more.
    Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte
  • mixu
    Travel Guru Extraordinaire
    • Jun 2004
    • 1115

    Re: Bush vs Kerry

    If you've been talking to terrorists about the elections I really think you should tell the authorities...
    Ask me a question...


    • devon
      Addiction started
      • Jun 2004
      • 362

      Re: Bush vs Kerry

      Originally posted by superdave";p="
      Who do the terrorists want to win the election? Kerry. If that's the case, then vote Bush. If Kerry wins, terrorists all over the globe will be celebrating.

      And most important to me is taxes. Bush will lower my taxes and Kerry will raise them. They already take to much out of my damn paycheck already and I don't need them taking out more.
      there has been more terrorists recruited while bush has been in offiice, he's like that army recruiter we had in highschool.

      superdave, do you make more then $200,000 a year? cause if you don't kerry isn't planning on raising your taxes.
      i really wish the floor would stop moving!


      • toasty
        Sir Toastiness
        • Jun 2004
        • 6585

        Re: Bush vs Kerry

        Originally posted by superdave";p="
        Who do the terrorists want to win the election? Kerry. If that's the case, then vote Bush. If Kerry wins, terrorists all over the globe will be celebrating.
        Where do you get this? The terrorists don't give a flying fig who our president is. They are not rational and will hate us and our way of life no matter who is leading the charge.

        Originally posted by superdave";p="
        And most important to me is taxes. Bush will lower my taxes and Kerry will raise them. They already take to much out of my damn paycheck already and I don't need them taking out more.
        What do you intend to do with that extra money? Hope you don't decide to invest it -- the Dow is lower today than it was when Bush took office. I'll trade a little less in my pocket each month for a strong economy that enables my investments to prosper, allows me to feel good about my job security, and allows my employer to feel good about giving me raises each year.

        I agree with the whole "vote your wallet" idea -- I do it myself. It is a bigger question, though, than whether your tax burden goes up or down a few dollars a year.


        • discojoe
          Fresh Peossy
          • Jun 2004
          • 25

          the real answer is simple. Bush has thrown antiamerican hatred to record levels around the world. (world being everywhere else, not just europe) Far more people hate your country now than they ever did before. More hatred of americans = more terrorism. Its the honest truth. Vote for bush and expect to get bombed.

          God this is the worst post yet. Terrorists arent scared of bush, they arent scared of you. They are obviously willing to give their lives for their cause. So what do they have to be scared of? They hate bush and another election is only ammo for recruitment. You really dont have a grasp of reality dude sorry.


          • BSully828
            Platinum Poster
            • Jun 2004
            • 1221

            Re: Bush vs Kerry

            Toasty has got it 100% right - It could be Kerry, Bush, or the Olsen Twins and terrorists will still hate Westerners just the same - don't fool yourself into thinking that all this hatred is geared only towards the US. These rats don't care who the president is, they will continue to spew their venom as long as they have the means to do so.

            there has been more terrorists recruited while bush has been in offiice, he's like that army recruiter we had in highschool.

            Where the hell did you get that one? Any stats you'd like to share to support that claim?
            Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;
            a sense of humor to console him for what he is.


            • BeachBum
              Addiction started
              • Jun 2004
              • 471

              Re: Bush vs Kerry

              Originally posted by superdave";p="
              Who do the terrorists want to win the election? Kerry. If that's the case, then vote Bush. If Kerry wins, terrorists all over the globe will be celebrating.

              And most important to me is taxes. Bush will lower my taxes and Kerry will raise them. They already take to much out of my damn paycheck already and I don't need them taking out more.
              So you think Kerry will raise them??? Who really knows...but I do know this...lets just elect Bush again and run up the deficit another 500 trillion...who really cares anyway...we won't have to deal with it...we can pass it on to our grandchildren
              The man who has no imagination has no wings - Muhammad Ali


              • bren
                Fresh Peossy
                • Sep 2004
                • 15

                Re: Bush vs Kerry

                First, Kerry said he won't raise taxes on anybody making less then 200,000, so unless you are, I don't see why you are worried.

                Maybe you should consider how the cost of living has gone up under Bush though. Oil and medical expenses being the most obvoius. The health insurance my wife and I have has gone from about $175 a month to $250 a month in 2 1/2 years, that definitly is not lowering my cost of living and leaving me with any more money in my pocket. That is worst case insurance as well, $5000 deductible. Luckly my wife got hired as a teacher so this month we got off that plan and onto one that the school helps pay for.

                In the meantime the owners of the company I work for are getting richer everyday with the lowest tax burnden for the rich in something like 75 years. The worst part, the company is on a hiring freeze and so I can't get converted to being a full time employe from being a contractor even though my boss wants to hire me on. Of course that hiring freeze is only in the US, they opened up a new office in asia that appears to be hiring like crazy.


                • superdave
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1366

                  Re: Bush vs Kerry

                  Wish I made over 200K a year, but Kerry will raise taxes for everyone and give tax credits to those that make less than 200k year with children. The difference should offset everyone's general increase if you have kids. Kerry's tax credits won't apply to me.
                  Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


                  • neoee
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 1266

                    ^^^ See thats the kind of shit I hate about our government. I pay more in taxes from the get go (being single with no kids), use less in resources (roads, water, govt. assistance whatever) and they hand over my f*king hard earned dollars to someone who CHOOSES to have a kid. Just to set to the record straight, I have nothing against parents out there but as someone who decided long ago that I didn't want to burden society with a mini-me, I see something inheriently wrong with our policies.
                    "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." -Benjamin Franklin


                    • PhAntoM MeNaCe
                      Getting warmed up
                      • Sep 2004
                      • 74

                      If you guys think for a second the only bracket Kerry is going to tax is 200k+ then you've been misled. Gentlemen, lets have a little economics 101. 1% of the population(the big corporations) pay 50% of the taxes. The 200k+ bracket pays 80% of the taxes, plus are the ones stimulating the economy with job growth. Why would'nt we give these guys a tax break? Bush has given everyone a tax break(middle class=marriage benefit and 1000 per child) as well as small business owners. Lets put things in perspective, average middle class income is 35k. So you get an additional tax break on that income, we're talking a few hundred bucks. So what??!!! Lets be honest, we go out and spend our big tax break everyones talking about in one night at a club buying dinner & drinks. This is the liberals whole philosophy...lets go have a lobster dinner...YOU PAY! Kerry has some big government plans for healthcare, 2 new divisions of the military, and big government medicare and welfare funding. Where you guys think this money is going to come from??? He can never answer this question straight up, dodged it in the last debate, and is evasive whenever asked where the money is coming from. We all know where its coming from, US. Kerry WILL raise taxes on everyone, this should not even be a topic of debate, its a pure fact.

                      Also, you liberals are not trying to elect a president, you want to elect a GOD. The truth is the US economy is much bigger than the government. The defiicit will continue to grow under any president. All we can do is set forth policies that will continue to stimulate, not punish the stimulators with heavy taxes to pay for social welfare programs. Personally im in favor of privatization, not big government. And that among other reasons(like for instance Kerry looks exactly like frankenstein) is why im voting for BUSH, because I'm going to take care of mine...you take care of yours.
                      "when you go to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth pulled out and you wake up after the operation with your pants unzipped, that means you dont have to pay the bill".


                      • robprunzit
                        Are you Kidding me??
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 4805

                        Re: Bush vs Kerry

                        Originally posted by bren";p="
                        First, Kerry said he won't raise taxes on anybody making less then 200,000, so unless you are, I don't see why you are worried.

                        Maybe you should consider how the cost of living has gone up under Bush though. Oil and medical expenses being the most obvoius. The health insurance my wife and I have has gone from about $175 a month to $250 a month in 2 1/2 years, that definitly is not lowering my cost of living and leaving me with any more money in my pocket. That is worst case insurance as well, $5000 deductible. Luckly my wife got hired as a teacher so this month we got off that plan and onto one that the school helps pay for.

                        In the meantime the owners of the company I work for are getting richer everyday with the lowest tax burnden for the rich in something like 75 years. The worst part, the company is on a hiring freeze and so I can't get converted to being a full time employe from being a contractor even though my boss wants to hire me on. Of course that hiring freeze is only in the US, they opened up a new office in asia that appears to be hiring like crazy.
                        I'm going to say it all here, and use Brens comments as a leading point, but not the whole of what I want to say.

                        First, I'm on Bush's side. He is a strong leader, and we need a leader. Kerry isn't one. He never has been one, his record proves that to be true. He is a fish out of water, flip flop. He will certainly destroy our military, just like Clinton did. Why did 9/11 happen, look to Clintons axe job on our CIA and military. Talk to a few people in the military. Also, the economy plummeted 6 months before Clinton left the presidency. Bush enherited that peace of crap economy thanks to the decisions of Clinton and his administration. I remember that. It is true.

                        Ok, Bren. Dont you see the class warfare these democrats want to play with you and me. Make you hate the rich. Well the rich may have it easier in some ways, but they make the jobs for little people like you and me. Be thankful to them. Most are not bad people. They simply have ambition and know how.

                        Health care. My cost are up too. I hate it, but its not Bush fault. It is the fault of trial lawyers (like Edwards specifically) who wrongfully make millions themselves on lawsuits against doctors, right or wrongful practices. Edwards is a scum bag. He is the rich one, and he tries to make you hate the hardworking business man who creates jobs and make good money for doing so. And look at smug Kerry. Rich as hell, and his rich bitch wife, who made it from her daddys money.

                        Also, taxes on business always come down the pike to you and me eventually. Raising the minimum wage raises the rate union workers base their wage structure on, raising the cost of manufacturing and in turn raising the cost of products, cars, etc.

                        And by the way, I could care less how the world looks at Bush or America. Bush has set free 50 million men, Women, and CHILDREN. More mass graves found yesterday in Iraq, women and children with bullet holes in the back of thier heads. NICE! Oh yeah, people are voting in Afghanistan. Something not enough of us do or appreciate the freedom to do here.

                        Spain, the terrorist very cleverly overthrew a democracy there, by bombing the trains and hurting enough people a couple days before their election that the people turned against the Conservative Government they had and put in place a Socialist Government which then pulled troops from Iraq.

                        The terrorist are very smart. Don't be fooled by them. This a world war, of old world ways of limited freedom and hatred, against the West. They will use any way or means to accomplish their goal. Sure am glad the fight is in Iraq now and not the streets of major American cities. I think the world hates to see a strong leader in America. They like a complacent leader, just like the UN. Give another chance to Saddam, for 12 years, and turn their back on this HITLER of the 21st century.

                        WAKE UP! the world is not a nice place anymore, the 1950's and Andy Griffith are long gone. People are different, Cultures are merging, and life as you and I knew it changed on 9/11. It is now a 9/12 world, and we have to face it. Clinton should have done something about Saddam and especially Asama back when he didn't have the HIDDEN following he acquired while we were asleep. Terrorism was growing all thru the 90's and nobody did anything. Bombing of American embassy in Afrca, the USS COLE, and of course the first attempt on the World Trade Center. We did nothing and 4000 people died on 9/11. You people think we are making it worse by fighting back. My daddy never taught me to fight back. So I got beat up and picked on in school. Then I learned to fight, and I fought everyone who pushed me. After a while nobody pushed me anymore. I wasnt a pushover, and I'm glad America isnt one either.

                        Bush didnt make this fight. HE FACED IT ... HEAD ON. I'm proud of this president for that!
                        AT THE FORK, TAKE THE RIGHT DIRECTION



                        • elove
                          Fresh Peossy
                          • Jul 2004
                          • 38

                          Re: Bush vs Kerry

                          FYI it doesnt matter who wins...we have a long haul ahead as a world.


                          Oil Production has reached capacity meaning if the Saudis say they want to lower oil prices (per their govt announcement) and oil futures go up...means serious problem has occured...what you might ask.

                          Oh wait that must mean that the value of oil is no longer being priced as an produced good but as a inventoried good. Inventoried goods can be hoarded. And as such oil will never drop in price from here on out.

                          Well where is the oil inventory located... Oh wait its under the highest corruption countries according to Amnesty Intl. Lets see Saudi Arabia, Iran...Russia. Oh those are the same states that have no open capitalist markets.

                          But who needs oil... OH WAIT THE ENTIRE WORLD DOES.

                          It doesnt take a genius that the US is securing their economic interests strategically (think long term over multiple presidencies). Regardless of Kerry or Bush winning this is going to be a common theme. Just think what would happen if the US did not have access to that oil. 96% of ALL consumed goods are produced with some sort of oil and that includes your headphones, vinyl, the keyboard you type on, the floorboards you walk on, the concrete and asphalt we drive on, the plastic used to make mass transit seats, the water that is pumped through cities. So the US has 7 days worth of oil in their oil reserve which is more days in reserve than any country in the world. Don't you realize what the hell would happen if all of a sudden 96% of a countries goods and production became halted in 7 days. Think MAD MAX by 100000000...

                          Well the US knows this and its sad to think that the rest of the countries don't have anyone with enough balls to make sure they stay on top. I really think its funny people are comparing bush vs. kerry and vice versa. When in history no other time has a Republican (Free markets people) have put up tarriffs on steel and lumber (a non competitive thing) and helped sign medicare acts, and has no other time has the Democratic party candidate stated that the economy is historically shit when statistically the US economy has never been stronger, and no other time has democrats pandered to big businesses stating Kerry will lead and economic recovery when technically the US has had a 2 year bull mkt since Nov 2002.

                          So to all the liberals who will be angry realize in the future the world will be competing over one resource...Wars are always fought over limited resources...land, gold...and now oil and realize that it doesnt matter who wins the election that our course as a country has already been plotted.

                          Looking forward for US vs. China 2036. I think we will nuke the hell out them

                          Don't vote...its pointless..mass human sociological behavior directs politics and it always does. Frankly the two candidates couldn't be more similar.


                          • mixu
                            Travel Guru Extraordinaire
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 1115

                            Re: Bush vs Kerry

                            Just a few impartial facts...

                            Originally posted by robprunzit";p="
                            First, I'm on Bush's side. He is a strong leader, and we need a leader. Kerry isn't one. He never has been one, his record proves that to be true. He is a fish out of water, flip flop.
                            Have you seen Bush's record before becoming President, he failed at everything he did...

                            He will certainly destroy our military, just like Clinton did. Why did 9/11 happen, look to Clintons axe job on our CIA and military. Talk to a few people in the military. Also, the economy plummeted 6 months before Clinton left the presidency. Bush enherited that peace of crap economy thanks to the decisions of Clinton and his administration. I remember that. It is true.
                            US intelligence were aware of the threat from bin Laden - Bush ignored the advice. And Clinton left him with a $127 billion surplus although the world was coming into recession.

                            And by the way, I could care less how the world looks at Bush or America. Bush has set free 50 million men, Women, and CHILDREN.
                            50 million? Go and ask them how free they feel...

                            Spain, the terrorist very cleverly overthrew a democracy there, by bombing the trains and hurting enough people a couple days before their election that the people turned against the Conservative Government they had and put in place a Socialist Government which then pulled troops from Iraq.
                            The Spanish people were against the war anyway, their government lied to them about the Madrid bombings... If they had said it was Al Qaeda rather than Eta they may have won the election.

                            WAKE UP! the world is not a nice place anymore, the 1950's and Andy Griffith are long gone. People are different, Cultures are merging, and life as you and I knew it changed on 9/11. It is now a 9/12 world, and we have to face it. Clinton should have done something about Saddam and especially Asama back when he didn't have the HIDDEN following he acquired while we were asleep. Terrorism was growing all thru the 90's and nobody did anything. Bombing of American embassy in Afrca, the USS COLE, and of course the first attempt on the World Trade Center. We did nothing and 4000 people died on 9/11. You people think we are making it worse by fighting back. My daddy never taught me to fight back. So I got beat up and picked on in school. Then I learned to fight, and I fought everyone who pushed me. After a while nobody pushed me anymore. I wasnt a pushover, and I'm glad America isnt one either.

                            Bush didnt make this fight. HE FACED IT ... HEAD ON. I'm proud of this president for that!
                            The world is not a nice place, and nobody is expected to make the right decision every time... It's right to fight back but when a kid picks on you at school you fight back against him - not someone who's got nothing to do with it. Saddam had no links to Al Qaeda and no WMDs. And now Iran and North Korea have furthered their nuclear proliferation programmes... And Iraq is a hotbed for terrorists. You shouldn't be so proud of that.
                            Ask me a question...


                            • toasty
                              Sir Toastiness
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 6585

                              Re: Bush vs Kerry

                              Originally posted by robprunzit";p="
                              Health care. My cost are up too. I hate it, but its not Bush fault. It is the fault of trial lawyers (like Edwards specifically) who wrongfully make millions themselves on lawsuits against doctors, right or wrongful practices.
                              First, we're responsible for doctor's medical malpractice premiums going up, now we're responsible for healthcare costs going up in general? That is rich. Yes, there is a certain logical appeal of thinking that lawsuits are responsible for raising doctor's premiums, but I defy you to cite any authority that actually shows a link between the two. Remember, just because Bush and his cronies say it is so doesn't mean it is so.

                              I invite you to check this out: http://www.insurancejournal.com/news...6/02/29436.htm

                              It is an article in the Insurance Journal summarizing a Weiss study analyzing the reasons that medical malpractice premiums have risen, and noting that damage caps in states that have imposed them have not helped address the problem. I'll give you a preview: Weiss, one of the most respected insurance rating organizations in the industry has published a study in the Insurance Journal, the insurance industry's own bible, that finds that we lawyers ain't the problem.

                              With all of the drum-beating going on about a litigation crisis, you might be surprised to know that tort filings have decreased in the last decade, according to the National Center of State Courts, Court Statistics Project (2003). You might also be surprised to know that the average payouts have not outpaced inflation in the last decade -- resulting in a net decrease in the size of verdicts and settlements -- although I regrettably can't find the source for that right now.

                              Everyone always talks about the anamalous cases that make the news like the McDonald's coffee case. The cases that make up that vast majority of the cases in the court system are resolved in a way that you would expect -- people that file bad cases lose and people that file good cases are fairly compensated. Bush talks like we just file meritless cases and make millions. Oh, how I wish it was that easy...

                              You're free to hate us lawyers. I am proud of the work I do for consumers and citizens, and I don't really care if you like me or not. You should, however, get your facts straight. You may hate us now, but I guarantee you'll hate your situation 10X more if your rights are stripped in the way this administration suggests, should you ever find yourself needing to exercise them.

                              Originally posted by robprunzit";p="
                              It is now a 9/12 world
                              This is a popular Bushie rallying cry, but you know what? Last time I looked at the calendar, it is now a 10/15/2004 world, and we would be foolish to ignore the way that events since 9/11 impact our current situation. Tunnel vision is as dangerous as inaction.

