1. - 00:00 - Gui Boratto ---- Scene 1 --- Chromophobia --- ST2 Records --- ST2 50099 --- 2007
2. - 03:20 - Thomas Schumacher --- Rotor --- Home --- Spiel-Zeug Schallplatten --- CDSPIEL013 --- 2006
3. - 07:10 - Stephan Bodzin --- Fahrenheit --- Liebe Ist ... --- Herzblut Recordings --- HERZ 01-2 --- 2007
4. - 10:40 - Elektrochemie --- Mucky Star --- Mucky Star EP --- Get Physical Music --- GPM 062 --- 2007
5. - 16:15 - Robert Babicz --- Tarja's Dream --- A Cheerful Temper --- Systematic --- SYST 0006-2 --- 2007
6. - 18:45 - Trentemoller, (Drums - Henrik Vibskov) --- Into The Trees (Serenetti Part 3) --- The Last Resort --- World Club Music --- PRZ CD 55963 --- 2006
7. - 24:20 - Extrawelt --- Weich8 --- Crsh EP --- Gemini Recordings --- GEM 001 --- 2007
8. - 27:15 - Agoria --- Les Violons Ivres (Super Remix) --- Les Violons Ivres WEB --- ??? --- ??? --- 2007
9. - 32:20 - Apparat --- fractales extended version --- ??? --- ??? --- ??? --- 2007
10.- 35:40 - Siskid --- The Architect (Julian Jeweil Remix) --- The Architect Remixes --- Initial Cuts --- INITIAL 018 --- 2007
11.- 39:20 - B.Fleischmann --- Broken Monitors --- The Humbucking Coil --- Morr Music --- MM063 --- 2006
12.- 45:00 - Milosh --- My Life --- Meme --- Plug Research --- PLG69CD --- 2006
13.- 48:30 - Helios --- First Dream Called Ocean --- Eingya --- Type Records --- TYPE 011 --- 2006