Falling Apart :(

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  • feather
    Shanghai ooompa loompa
    • Jul 2004
    • 20903

    Re: Falling Apart

    We'll castrate him for free too.


    Originally posted by Hoff
    a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
    Originally posted by m1sT3rL
    Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

    I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


    • DancingQueen
      AVB FanClub | President
      • Oct 2005
      • 4061

      Re: Falling Apart

      Well I see this thread has gone way of course...

      Anyways, I have been doing a bit better, then last night I found things are starting to fall into place out there for him, little by little.

      Don`t get me wrong I am happy that things are working out for him, he really needs this....but at the same time it hurts....I am scared he will start to do well and realize he is better off without me

      Probably dumb to think that way, but unfortunately, that`s how I am thinking at the moment...I have a feeling its going to be a hard day
      Last edited by DancingQueen; June 26, 2008, 08:02:22 AM.
      RIP Steve "Jibs" James - Your footprint is forever on my soul and in my heart xoxo
      RIP Jeff Shewchuk aka DJ Jeff Taylor (day_for_night) - You will live on in my heart forever xoxo

      Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.


      • Kamal
        • May 2002
        • 28835

        Re: Falling Apart

        Karen, at the end of the day, you must do what you think is right so no matter which way this ends, you know you did what you could to save you guys. If you feel flying out to Calgary to be with him in a couple of weeks in order to reassess where it stands is what you want to do, then don't think twice or ask for opinions, just go out there and meet him. If on the other hand you feel you want to wait and see if he is going to come back to you, then do that.

        BUT don't do what you're doing above i.e. thinking that he will realize he is better off without you and this will end.

        What I'm trying to get at is it will play itself out, for good or for bad, and no matter whether you like it or not. So don't sit back and think the worse. You don't deserve to do that to yourself.

        If at all you think anything, just think out what YOU want and do just that. Everything else will play itself out. Just believe in yourself.

        Jib says:
        he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
        Originally posted by ace_dl
        Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
        I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me


        • feather
          Shanghai ooompa loompa
          • Jul 2004
          • 20903

          Re: Falling Apart

          What he said. After you've done what you can, the rest is really out of your hands. Besides, it always takes two to clap.


          Originally posted by Hoff
          a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
          Originally posted by m1sT3rL
          Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

          I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


          • chanty
            John, John, where art thou!
            • Jun 2004
            • 4622

            Re: Falling Apart

            That's all great advise peeps, but let's not forget that Karen has been delt a huge blow. And a rather quick one at that. The love of her life just up'd and left. While I understand that she needs to help herself to feel better and move on, it's still very fresh and she needs time to mourn and go through those emotions before she can start healing. Cry and wail away Karen girl and get it all out!! My thoughts are with you!!! And I think it'd be a great idea to go to Calgary soon and have a face to face. Where does your family live?
            Awww...I didn't mean A holes, as in "A holes"...I meant it like, as in, my friends....


            • feather
              Shanghai ooompa loompa
              • Jul 2004
              • 20903

              Re: Falling Apart

              Ok. In that case I suggest a Sex and the City marathon and tubs of ice cream.


              Originally posted by Hoff
              a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
              Originally posted by m1sT3rL
              Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

              I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


              • DancingQueen
                AVB FanClub | President
                • Oct 2005
                • 4061

                Re: Falling Apart

                Originally posted by chanty
                Where does your family live?
                My family lives approx. 5hrs from me...so it will be a long weekend filled with 10hrs of driving solo
                RIP Steve "Jibs" James - Your footprint is forever on my soul and in my heart xoxo
                RIP Jeff Shewchuk aka DJ Jeff Taylor (day_for_night) - You will live on in my heart forever xoxo

                Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.


                • day_for_night
                  Are you Kidding me??
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 4127

                  Re: Falling Apart

                  if you come to calgary we'll go out and get sloppy drunk! sounds fun, no?


                  • ShawnD64
                    Quickshot the Minute Man
                    • Jan 2005
                    • 1250

                    Re: Falling Apart

                    well i cannot say i have been where you have or have any shocking words of wisdom, just i hope things work out for you, and that you are happy.

                    imo having someone like yourself who is so willing to let their significant other pursue their dreams (whether it be DJ'ing or something else) ... one should be so lucky

                    best wishes karen

