Something is happening on my PC, more precisely on my monitor(s), and I would like to ask you about that:
Last friday I installed a wireless router at home so that I can freely enjoy using the laptop around. And that day (during the night) I experience something that never happened with me before:
While working on my main PC, plugged on a 22" lcd monitor, the screen suddenly gave me a BRIGHT flash, for like a fraction of a second, and it really hurt my eyes coz its a big monitor. But then the flash occured 2 more times in an interval of 5min aprox, then after like half an hour it gave me another flash and it stopped. It is more or less like a flash of a cam, bright and sudden coming from all over the monitor. That was last friday night.
And then now, while working on the laptop it happened twice and fortunately the monitor of the laptop is not as big as the other so it didnt hurt my eyes.
But before I finish, I want also to tell you that I live in Lebanon, where it is known to have a traffic jam of military stuff from all around the world:
Exactly 1 week before this flashing episode, it was also on a friday and at the same hour more or less, I had some friends over and I suddenly went out get some fresh air. As I looked at the sea, i saw this HUGE bright design "floating" at the horizon in the middle of the sea, like a huge icon (red &white) that is not part of the natural scene, and as big as maybe 3-4 buildings put together. Now I could assess the approx dimentions because I can see Beirut from my house, and that icon was very close to the shores of the city.
In order to make sure that I was not hallucinating, I called all my friends out on the balconey to check it out and they all saw it , and we were like staring at it coz it was really something you don't see every day. Then we went back in, but I thought of taking a pic of that thing, so I grabbed my cam and headed back out to take a shot, but it was too late coz that thing was gone!!! And there we all seriously freaked
I suspect that to be a military ship, most probably western ship coz that was really a display advanced technology, very advanced!
Is it a coincidence that a my monitor starts flasing like this on the same day I installed the router? Is my pc being hacked and someone is doing this? Or maybe it is related to some military kind of equipment, exactly 1 week after we saw that "ship"?!
Any clue anyone...?
Something is happening on my PC, more precisely on my monitor(s), and I would like to ask you about that:
Last friday I installed a wireless router at home so that I can freely enjoy using the laptop around. And that day (during the night) I experience something that never happened with me before:
While working on my main PC, plugged on a 22" lcd monitor, the screen suddenly gave me a BRIGHT flash, for like a fraction of a second, and it really hurt my eyes coz its a big monitor. But then the flash occured 2 more times in an interval of 5min aprox, then after like half an hour it gave me another flash and it stopped. It is more or less like a flash of a cam, bright and sudden coming from all over the monitor. That was last friday night.
And then now, while working on the laptop it happened twice and fortunately the monitor of the laptop is not as big as the other so it didnt hurt my eyes.
But before I finish, I want also to tell you that I live in Lebanon, where it is known to have a traffic jam of military stuff from all around the world:
Exactly 1 week before this flashing episode, it was also on a friday and at the same hour more or less, I had some friends over and I suddenly went out get some fresh air. As I looked at the sea, i saw this HUGE bright design "floating" at the horizon in the middle of the sea, like a huge icon (red &white) that is not part of the natural scene, and as big as maybe 3-4 buildings put together. Now I could assess the approx dimentions because I can see Beirut from my house, and that icon was very close to the shores of the city.
In order to make sure that I was not hallucinating, I called all my friends out on the balconey to check it out and they all saw it , and we were like staring at it coz it was really something you don't see every day. Then we went back in, but I thought of taking a pic of that thing, so I grabbed my cam and headed back out to take a shot, but it was too late coz that thing was gone!!! And there we all seriously freaked
I suspect that to be a military ship, most probably western ship coz that was really a display advanced technology, very advanced!
Is it a coincidence that a my monitor starts flasing like this on the same day I installed the router? Is my pc being hacked and someone is doing this? Or maybe it is related to some military kind of equipment, exactly 1 week after we saw that "ship"?!
Any clue anyone...?
