wtf is it with people these days, i went offline late late late last night probibly due to the fact that the bar where my sister works had its first birthday party late last night and she didnt take her key with her.....she came in with her friend and they both stuck there heads in to say that that was her in as she must of seen my light on, i was sitting on my laptop playing around with a few pictures and her freind came over and seen then and asked if i could do her a few to which i replied yea why not and told her i'd bring a few through on a disc in a minute.
they left and went into my sisters room and started drinking a few bottles of booze so i flung a few images onto a disc and went through and gave the disc to her, i started talking to her ( normally ) as i passed her the disc.....at this point her boyfreind and his freind came into the house and started to drink with them so @ this point i decided it was getting a bit crowded and left...my sister then went through to the kitchen to get glasses for the drinks and i was floating around in the hall....i dont kow what it is with the youngsters these days but they all seem as paranoid as f!*k as when out on the hall all i heard was " yea sarah's brother was in and chatting me up " and she was being serious....at first i just kinda laughed a little to myself but it kind of hit me hard to just how serious it was as she was dam serious.
if someone asks you to do something for hem naturally your freindly to them and try to show them things or whatever and i put my hand on my heart and genuinly say that i wasnt trying to get into her knickers as she was sudjesting to her boyfreind, ffs man i thought i was paranoid when i was younger... you try to be nice to people these days and they just bitch behind your back....