^^^^^ good point, I saw BT over two years ago at Icon, and thats all he basically used was Abelton.
DJ THREE and sasha last night
i don't think anyone is bashing sasha for using albeton. i applaud him actually, and hope he does well with it at his gigs.
but...he's not doing anything new, and people are giving him credit for OMG ALBETON AND SASHA!!! MY COCK IS HARD!!! A REVOLUTION IN AUDIO FROM NONE OTHER THAN THE INDUSTRY LEADER HIMSELF!!!!
Point is, he's merely taking up a tool that's been used for years by a lot of talented producers for LivePA, not revolutionizing anything with it. I'm sure he'll get really good at it, but he's an amateur with it now, leaving loops on too long, etc...he'd be put to shame by some of the live pa's i've seen using Albeton. He's cutting his teeth with the program, and people are making it to be the second coming of christ.Comment
loads of other producers that leave sasha in the dust imo, have been using Albeton for Live PA's, all of the sudden, Sarsha decides to jump on the bandwagon, and he's starting a revolution?sweet in winter, sweet in rain...
shake well before use she said
you never touch me anymore this way.Comment
i wasn't directing my comments at you in particular 2eq, athough, i missed the irony.
i've seen it stated on boards for awhile now, sasha and albeton this, and sasha and albeton that, the way forward and blah blah blah.
just had to get that off my chest. the lemmings come out in full force anytime sasha even wipes his ass and proclaim him King of Asswiping, it's getting ridiculous.Comment
What you say is all very true, but there is one thing to notice. Some time ago (about 4 months I think) there was a topic here about vinyl vs. cd's. I stated there that the future of djing is mixing and creating music live from comps. There was a huge response about how vinyl will never be replaced at best comps may be combined with using vinyl. Somehow now, after all this talk (and interviews) about Sasha and ableton nobody wants to argue that using laptops is not enough for a dj set. So that's probably Sasha's input to the topic - certainly there are better 'ableton djs' than he is, but it's his achievement that many people consider it normal to play a set from a computer.Comment
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