Woman Dies, Ignored, on Waiting Room Floor

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  • Kat
    A pretty fn good milkshake
    • Mar 2006
    • 4695

    Woman Dies, Ignored, on Waiting Room Floor

    just saw this on the news

    A 49-year-old woman collapsed and died on the floor of a waiting room at a Brooklyn psychiatric hospital and lay there for more than an hour as employees ignored her, according to the New York Civil Liberties Union, which on Tuesday released surveillance camera video of the incident.

    Recently uncovered surveillance footage shows a woman collapsing in a Brooklyn psychiatric hospital, then lying on the floor for more than an hour while hospital staff ignored her. Esmin Green, 49, had been waiting for treatment for almost 24 hours when she collapsed at 5:32am and lay convulsing on the floor. She stopped moving at 6:07am, and was found dead at 6:35. The hospital has suspended or fired six employees, CNN reports. Records appear to have been falsified to cover up the incident, saying Green went to the bathroom at 6am, and was “sitting quietly” at 6:20. The tape and records were found by the New York Civil Liberties Union, which is suing for negligence. “Look, I saw the film like everybody else, and I was—horrified is much too nice a word,” said Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
    ♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪• אין סוף •♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•

    Music is essential for the expression of non material ideals and energies. Music colors our surroundings with emanations from the highest vibrational fields. It allows us to escape all limitations in our thinking and very existence.

  • lilsensa
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 6675

    Re: Woman Dies, Ignored, on Waiting Room Floor

    That's fucked. What if that was your mom or grandma..I hope heads roll.
    RIP ~ Steve James


    • 88Mariner
      My dick is smaller
      • Nov 2006
      • 7128

      Re: Woman Dies, Ignored, on Waiting Room Floor

      brooklyn? kinda suprised she didn't get robbed, too.
      you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

      it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

      Am I somewhere....in the corners of your mind....



      • DIDI
        Aussie Pest
        • Nov 2004
        • 16845

        Re: Woman Dies, Ignored, on Waiting Room Floor

        It news here as well. It was totally terrifying that it could happen.!!
        Originally posted by TheVrk
        it IS incredible isn't it??
        STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
        Simply does not get any better than Hernan
        The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


        • superdave
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1366

          Re: Woman Dies, Ignored, on Waiting Room Floor

          I'm not a lawyer, but the people who falsified the records and ignored her should be put in jail. Her family should also sue the hospital for wrongful death. Also, the governor should apologize to the family and make some changes so it doesn't happen again.
          Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


          • 88Mariner
            My dick is smaller
            • Nov 2006
            • 7128

            Re: Woman Dies, Ignored, on Waiting Room Floor

            ^ what did the governor have to do with anything?
            you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

            it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

            Am I somewhere....in the corners of your mind....



            • day_for_night
              Are you Kidding me??
              • Jun 2004
              • 4127

              Re: Woman Dies, Ignored, on Waiting Room Floor

              pretty sure they're (the govenors) in charge of health care for their state, no? its just like the CEO of a company appologizing for employee negiligence...guy at the top is responsible, no matter what.


              • CactusBeats
                Addiction started
                • Mar 2008
                • 490

                Re: Woman Dies, Ignored, on Waiting Room Floor

                Originally posted by day_for_night
                pretty sure they're (the govenors) in charge of health care for their state, no? its just like the CEO of a company appologizing for employee negiligence...guy at the top is responsible, no matter what.
                If that's truly the case then every governor in the US should be held in contempt for a health care system that allows 18,000 underinsured people die each year due to having been denied the coverage they need (and paid for, by the way) by their insurance companies. That doesn't even begin to count those people who commit the crime of being uninsured with cancer or other serious diagnosis.

                In the US, healthcare is a privilege, not a human right. We take our most valuable "commodity" - human beings and only insure them if they can obtain employment where the employer is still lucky enough to be able to afford to insure their employees to a reasonable extent. Otherwise, your life ain't worth squat.

                Capitalism at its finest = commodified human life.

                I wonder who pays the governor's health care premiums?
                I like your Christ.
                I do not like your Christians.
                Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

                Mahatma Gandhi


                • Dhar_2
                  meat and potatoes
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 18925

                  Re: Woman Dies, Ignored, on Waiting Room Floor

                  some people have a very warped view of the value of human life!!


                  • 88Mariner
                    My dick is smaller
                    • Nov 2006
                    • 7128

                    Re: Woman Dies, Ignored, on Waiting Room Floor

                    Originally posted by day_for_night
                    pretty sure they're (the govenors) in charge of health care for their state, no? its just like the CEO of a company appologizing for employee negiligence...guy at the top is responsible, no matter what.

                    that would mean like ... i dunno.... the head of the hospital? Where's directing the personal responsibility to those whithin the zone of that woman?
                    you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

                    it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

                    Am I somewhere....in the corners of your mind....



                    • day_for_night
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 4127

                      Re: Woman Dies, Ignored, on Waiting Room Floor

                      they fired them i think.


                      • Garrick
                        DUDERZ get a life!!!
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 6764

                        Re: Woman Dies, Ignored, on Waiting Room Floor

                        this reminds me of an elderly guy that was hit by a car about a month ago (in detroit i think?). he laid immobile in the middle of the road and cars drove by him, people walked by him and stared at him, a guy on a bicycle even did a circle around him and they all did nothing for him. no excuse to stand there and watch someone die. at least make a phone call or scream for help. jesus.
                        Should I fuck you at that not until the ass, inject then tremendously hard bumschen and to the termination in the eyes yes?


                        • unkownartist
                          • Nov 2005
                          • 4146

                          Re: Woman Dies, Ignored, on Waiting Room Floor

