In case there was any doubt about whether Fox News was an actual news outlet as opposed to a propaganda throughput, Fox has stooped to altering photos of reporters with whom they disagree to make them look older, balder, and in the case of the dude on the left, borderline retarded. Check this out:

Just when you think they've hit rock bottom, they prove you wrong. It's actually a little funny, until you consider that the #1 "News" channel in the country actually had a meeting where they decided to alter photos of NYT reporters to get back at them for negative press. Staggering.

Just when you think they've hit rock bottom, they prove you wrong. It's actually a little funny, until you consider that the #1 "News" channel in the country actually had a meeting where they decided to alter photos of NYT reporters to get back at them for negative press. Staggering.