I saw 'The Manchurian Candidate' last night,and was very impressed.I thought it was a pretty original film,with a good twist at the end.I wasnt too sure about watching it,but im glad I did,was one of the best films i've seen in recent years.
Last movie you saw,and what you thought of it?
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Re: Last movie you saw,and what you thought of it?
Looks like Denzel is all over the place. Not that i have a problem with that. He OWNS!
Last movie would be The Dreamers by Bernardo Bertolucci. Highly recommended.Comment
Re: Last movie you saw,and what you thought of it?
Any way, I saw Team America World Police on Saturday. That movie is just frickin wrong, funny for sure but I'm not really sure what to think of it."The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
"That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
- Thomas JeffersonComment
Re: Last movie you saw,and what you thought of it?
Same here watched this yesterday afternoon. I thought the movie was gonna be lame to tell you the truth but it ended up being really good.Comment
Re: Last movie you saw,and what you thought of it?
Does anybody know the reasons (exept for money), why denzel plays in such a stupid & chippy movie? the movie is simply needless.Comment
Re: Last movie you saw,and what you thought of it?
i finally saw Fahrenheit 9/11 and Super Size Me the other day, both very informative movies in different ways obviously. Highly recommend both of them.Comment
Re: Last movie you saw,and what you thought of it?
I just watched Kubrick's "breakthrough" film, "The Killing", for the first time. A great film noir, excellent caper film. Groundbreaking in its use of a disjointed timeline, which has been imitated by many different films since. Not as cerebral or trippy as his later films, but a hint at the greatness that was to come.Comment
Morvern Callar http://movies.yahoo.com/shop?id=1808...hv&cf=info
story of a girl whose boyfriend commits suicide near christmas, then basically goes about her business. i wont reveal too much in case some of you want to see it.
there's a dark tone in this movie. but i love these kinds of movies.
i dont need Ten Jibillion dollars in special effects to like a film.Comment
I was just thinking this the other day. I was watching a preview for some new movie.. the one with Angelina, and Gwenyth Paltrow.. the war one, cant think of the name. But I was wondering what the hell happened to movies with just good stories and good acting and that, and not all over loaded with crap to take our attention away from the fact that most movies today are over priced special effect shows.Comment
Re: Last movie you saw,and what you thought of it?
I saw the hidden fortress by Akira Kurosawa...
It was a nice film lacking a good plot...
Watch it on your sunday afternoon....it's funny, it's an adventure movie, and it's very entertaining....
Kurosawa's last movie under his company, later he will have his own kurosawa company, "it felt like a revelation", he said, that's why this last one was a more entertaining movie then all of his predecessors, which contain much more cultural and historical valueComment
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