Miami Vice ? the movie...
Re: Miami Vice ? the movie...
please god no.Score so far: Owned ZoverTard 8 times - twice in one week! Twice more in same weekend.
More than six months later - he's still pissed LOL - check the last visitor - guess who the last visitor is on my profile page.
His newest incarnation this week:♫♫♫♫♫♫ -
this proves my point once and for all. this is the final stamp on the envelope.
HollyWood Sucks!!!!!
they're seriously suffering from an originality lapse.
the amount of remake movies or animated cartoons/comic book character movies is just going too far.
i say shoot the guy that pushed this idea.
Booo to this and farrel and foxx for accepting the roles.Comment
Re: Miami Vice ? the movie...
such a shame they waste all that cash on shiite like this when there are so many good independent film makersComment
Re: Miami Vice ? the movie...
Colin Farrel as Sonny Crocket...I don't think so
Cat formerly known as Cheshire
*cue imperial death march"Comment
What a bunch of whiners.I loved the show, I'm a huge Michael Mann fan, and the casting is great!! I will go see this without a doubt. Especially because of the edgy subject matter, it will be great to see MV as an R-rated movie.
Perhaps Mann's career is a triumph of style over sustenance, but IMO he is THE BEST there is at that style, and that alone is worth the price of admission for me.Beats are my crack.Comment
Re: Miami Vice ? the movie...
Indeed HollyWood Sucks.....No imagination and new ideas any more.... :?Comment