so i was driving to the store tonight for some cdr's and milk & munchies. 2 blocks before i get to the store the police have a road block set up. they're stopping all cars, and id'ing people. so the guy asks me for my license and i start to grab my wallet and i tell him right up front, "i dont have a license, all i have is a state id." so he takes that and walks away. a few minutes later he comes to ask why i dont have one. i tell him because of unpaid tickets, numerous tickets. and he says: "stand by." a few minutes later again, he comes back and tell me he's gonna let me go home because i've been honest and respectful with him. then he directs me over to a parking lot to pull in and leave the car. so i get out after parking and he tells me to wait inside the car, meanwhilee he's on his shoulder-talkie telling the operator my info. so he comes over and asks me if i really am from Florida because the computer is coming back with no info of me in florida. i'm like oh shit, this is going bad. so i explain to him i was born and raised down there, and i can give him both my mother and fathers addresses, but he wasnt interested in that. so after eye contact for about 5 uncomfortable seconds, he tells me he's going to let me go despite driving without a license. he made a point to tell me i would normally go to jail but since i was "honest and respectful" that he'd give me the benefit of the doubt. he wrote me a citation and let me walk. nearly a mile walk, but it was easy compared to a night in jail.
point is... Lesson Learned.
point is... Lesson Learned.
