I know a lot of people around here are from Europe and I was wondering how you feel about Obama giving speeches over there. People I talk to are either bothered that he is spending time there rather than here and then the others are in agreeance with him that we need to reinforce our relationship with the European countries.
Obama in Europe
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Re: Obama in Europe
i know your post isn't directed to me (I'm American), but it's sure damn glad to get at least one candidate out of the country until the conventions. Of course, the media coverage has not concommitantly dropped as a result..... grrr! Take McLame, will y'all?you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky
it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles
Am I somewhere....in the corners of your mind....
----PEACE----- -
Re: Obama in Europe
Dutchie here
On the one hand it's nice to see him get out here and at least making the effort to talk to European people, possibly getting to know one of his potentially biggest allies a little better, but let's face it: this could also be done without all the fuss and media coverage, so I'm rating this a media stunt.
He'd better get elected president and then make some real work visits with not just European partners, but especially in troubled areas if he really wants to get to know them...Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -HemingwayComment
Re: Obama in Europe
[FONT=Helvetica]Originally posted by Yao[/FONT;628716] but let's face it: this could also be done without all the fuss and media coverage, so I'm rating this a media stunt.
With you on that one Yao. Listening to the speeches he's been giving it's the same tired, boilerplate campaign material he's been saying since day one, "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall" or "Ich bin ein Berliner" this is not. Not a bad move on his part though, if the consensus is that the current president alienated the US from these countries then why not make a stop over there yourself to paint you as the opposite.
It is amusing to see how the two sides react though. When asked why Obama is out traipsing around Europe as a candidate for the American president, the response from his camp is "Well this isn't a campaign stop! When the President visits Europe it's not for campaign purposes"
Yeah...but Obama isn't the President. He's a Jr Senator who is running for President.
Then of course McCain sends a jab like "I'd like to be out giving speeches in Europe but I'd rather do it in the good ol' US of A".
.....right after he returned from giving speeches in South America.
What wonderful options we have this November...
(Sorry to hijack, go on with the chlorophyll)Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;
a sense of humor to console him for what he is.Comment
Re: Obama in Europe
No matter what anyone says, it's an obvious campaign event and it's been an enormously successful one, I think. Leading up to the trip, the coverage was very focused upon whether he would be able to make it through the trip without making a serious error. Not only has he not made a serious error, he's received glowing coverage almost across the board. McCain should actually be happy that Obama has so monopolized the coverage this week, because he's made some enormous mistakes himself that have gone largely unnoticed. The guy stakes his presidency on his "surge" strategy, but he thinks the surge caused the Anbar Awakening? He ought to have to forfeit over that big an error.
Although it is in some respects motivated by self-interest (i.e., a desire to get elected), I don't see Obama's message to those in Europe and the Mid-East as being insincere. Most of us in the US realize that the relationships with have with our allies around the world are important, further realize that Bush has done incredible damage to those relationships, and view restoring those relationships and America's place as a welcome member of the world community as critical going forward. Obama, more than McCain who is content to follow the same policies that got us into this mess, understands this and represents a sharp departure from Bush's "Hey, fuck you," attitude. I've actually been really heartened to see the reaction of people in other countries to Obama, because it leads me to believe that all is not lost, and that we can get back into the good graces of our allies.
His message to the Europeans is important, but it, along with his positive reception by the rest of the world, also sends an important message to voters back home that he gives us the best chance to restore our standing in the world.Comment
"Welcome to Hezbollah phone line, for terrorist supplies press 1."Comment
Re: Obama in Europe
People here welcomed him cheering like he is our president.We have Angie already as chancellor though.
Mood here is very much pro Obama and as far as I heard people talking they are somehow glad the USA shows interests in better relationships for the Future and seems to get one step away from the "there is us and then there is the rest" attitude which is no longer healthy in global market times.
Re: Obama in Europe
probably the latter, but he'll respond that he knows why he hates him, then will proceed to regurgitate all the talking points that have been knocked down: reverend wright, he's a muslim, he hates america, blah blah blah. fair enough i guess. sadly tho there are a lot of people in backwoods arkansas that think the same way that never show up in polls etc. So when election time hits, the republicans automatically get a ton of votes that never get counted pre-election.Comment
Re: Obama in Europe
hopefully, that will be offset by the cell-phone only younger folks that also don't make their way into polling. Assuming they get out and vote.Comment
Re: Obama in Europe
hopefully all that will be upset by patriots who can open their fuckin eyes and see better not vote with obama just because he can promise you shit wrapped in gold.
sad that so many dumb young people are stupid enough to vote for all the obama bullshit.
just because someone lives in arkansas does not make them inferior to you, does it? oh wait but if i make a joke about obama being black thats fuckin offensive? god spare us if that fucker becomes president.
go read more about our founding fathers, go read more about what this country was built on and what it used to stand for and stop being pussiesComment
Re: Obama in Europe
I think Bush needs to re-read that document as well, because as far as I know it hasn't given any president a wild card to go and start wars all over the feckin planet.
Protecting your values and culture is something completely different from going outside and imposing them on other people. Is that so hard to see?Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -HemingwayComment