It’s July, the peak of summer time, parties, BBQs and all sorts of gatherings and fun. For this month “Preserve The Essence” is matching the need for MuZiK by presenting 2 rising European artists for a session totaling in 3 hrs+ of wicked proggy, as follows:
Shiva-Pt1 (Lebanon)
Krisztian-Pt2 (Romania)
Durango-Pt3 (Germany)
Durango’s TL:
1. Shiva & Hassan Rassmy – Escape from Beirut Intro Mix [CDR]
2. Viscid – Mr.Marek feat Stren
3. CJ Art – Prefiguration
4. Marcello Vasami – One Shot
5. Tunerman – Electrolyzed
6. Gerwin Koudijs – On Change
7. The Stain – Baroque
8. Kintar – Cyclone
We are part of the [Progressive Resistance], and we just like those choons to be…
Party HARD, party SMART; Enjoy…
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