Re: Cuil
^^ haha...
someone should have told those eggheads that no one cares how many terrabits are up your RAM, or whatever other technical crap you claim... What people actually care about is their experience with the product, particularly with respect to the quality of the product's results. If the results are crap/look like crap, it's all still just CRAP.
And it's really their own fault. For a bunch of brainy people, Cuil management demonstrated shockingly stupid judgment. They should have know the limitations of their product's capabilities at this point and managed public expectations accordingly. If you don't have your shit together and your product can't deliver, then don't go to all the media outlets and create a huge amount of hype, publicly call out Google, etc. If you do and it then turns out your site can't do basic things like handle the traffic, find its own damn self in the search results, etc. then don't be surprised when everyone calls you out for what you actually are: a bunch of arrogant half-wits.
So now Cuil management is paying for its hubiris and learning something in the process:
Consumers may forgive you if your product is not as good as the largest competitor's on Day 1, but what they really dislike is to be grossly misled.mixes:
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