Promotional Text:
Date: 23rd of August 2008
Time: 6 pm till Dawn
Place: Gathering at 6 pm, at 3 meeting points in different areas of Beirut:
• Sassine Hekmeh
• Hamra Street
• Gemeyzeh Street
The “Peace Parade” is the biggest annual musical event that will be held at
Martyr’s square, in Downtown Beirut (Solidere area). This unique one day carnival
is designed to attract more than 100,000 spectators.
Details of Timing:
Departure of the trailers from these 3 points simultaneously to meet in Martyr’s Square
Downtown Beirut, where upon arrival, a huge concert will take place assembling all the
audience. Four trailers shall move from each gathering point & will be mounted with music diffusion, entertainment with dance floors, Dj’s, bands and special display according to sponsor’s demands and conception. The twelve trucks will begin to follow the drawn trajectory towards the Down Town at 9 pm. The trailers will be driving at very low speed and will be accompanied on foot by the crowd. The roads used will be closed and secured according to the enclosed map. The arrival at Martyr’s square should be around 11:30 pm. A big podium will be set up to attract the crowds with various musical concerts, bands, DJ’s, laser shows and fireworks display…
As shown on the map below, the twelve trailers shall surround the central podium whereby the sponsor’s exposure shall be visible till dawn.
Time: 6 pm till Dawn
Place: Gathering at 6 pm, at 3 meeting points in different areas of Beirut:
• Sassine Hekmeh
• Hamra Street
• Gemeyzeh Street
The “Peace Parade” is the biggest annual musical event that will be held at
Martyr’s square, in Downtown Beirut (Solidere area). This unique one day carnival
is designed to attract more than 100,000 spectators.
Details of Timing:
Departure of the trailers from these 3 points simultaneously to meet in Martyr’s Square
Downtown Beirut, where upon arrival, a huge concert will take place assembling all the
audience. Four trailers shall move from each gathering point & will be mounted with music diffusion, entertainment with dance floors, Dj’s, bands and special display according to sponsor’s demands and conception. The twelve trucks will begin to follow the drawn trajectory towards the Down Town at 9 pm. The trailers will be driving at very low speed and will be accompanied on foot by the crowd. The roads used will be closed and secured according to the enclosed map. The arrival at Martyr’s square should be around 11:30 pm. A big podium will be set up to attract the crowds with various musical concerts, bands, DJ’s, laser shows and fireworks display…
As shown on the map below, the twelve trailers shall surround the central podium whereby the sponsor’s exposure shall be visible till dawn.