to make up for the mono thread

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  • unkownartist
    • Nov 2005
    • 4146

    Re: to make up for the mono thread

    Originally posted by Shiva
    It is always good to share points of view and criticism especially when those are positive ones.So no offense taken here whatsoever, on the contrary.

    In fact, I think all members of this forum show up here to share positive vibes and experiences from the four corners of the planet. We are all here for the same purpose.
    Actually if you ask me, I personally come to [MS] coz I feel comfortable here, but mainly to escape from the bad energies that almost continuously surround me in Lebanon; It is extremely hard for a female to dj in an arab world where everyone that has more than 3 cds calls himself a dj... In fact, I always say that we have more djs than terrorists in Lebanon, sad to say something like that but its true. Music is supposed to unite people, and it does but only when you are on the listeners' side, its not all pink on the djing side. I might seem a bit aggressive writing my replies in this thread, yes I am very nervous coz for this month (August) I managed to be booked for 4 major gigs in Lebanon, and some male djs are not swallowing that easily so they already sent their puppets to trash me on the net or wherever they can; I learned not to get bothered anymore by all this, and I also learned how to turn a negative vibe into a positive energy...
    Unfortunately, since I first started djing I have found myself in a position to being the "300", and I will surely be put in that position again and again; It comes with the territory of being a female dj in a men's world. Just to give u a taste of what I am going through at the moment Red, it is not all pink as it seems....and sorry to all for blowing out some steam in this thread, but it feels good sometimes to put bad things out, so I just felt to share this since Red opened the subject.
    hey i didnt say it was pink as it seems and i,m glad people can talk about things like this without getting all hot under the color and getting bitchie or whatever and i seriously do hiope you can understand that i,m not trying to be aggressive here or hurt your feelings in any way and also i hope your husband will understand that also, tbh i,ve met a lot of women that look just as good as you and tbh 98% of them are complete bitches and the other 1 3/4 % just havnt mastered completely how to be bitchie lol...tbh you dont seem that way...but there were reasons why i used you as an example and this may explain a few things which u have brought up in this reply...the first one is quite self explinitary tbh... to the eye you have a natural image, a good image, its pleasing not only to the eye but to the mind also, industry wants it image to be not only pleasing to the eye but it wants to be able to sell its product easily without too much effort and if you get a lady like urself to do the job for you then its half the battle, tbh this is what probibly most of the other dj's u talk about fear the most as you will have something which other people dont have and thats natural image, i see that more or less one foot in the door without even trying in todays world.

    if you think about it we have all be bombarded with images or beautiful people like yourself from an early age wheather it be the female image or the male image, no i,m not gay but if you can maybe give me a little time to try to explain what i,m talking about here....generally society has been bombarded with so many images like this that generally for the people who dont fall into the catagory of the perfect image develope a complex about how they look or more or less fit into society, maybe there a little over weight or have bad hair which are things that can be easily fixed but what if its a facial deformity or something not as drastic as this which requires surgeory or something crazy like that, maybe you 25 years old the most talented person in the world but due to society's image no one wants to know because you were born with a rare bone desease which only allows you to grow to 3 foot 4...these are drastic explinations but if u take it down a notch u will see what i,m trying to say....this leeds to other problems especially in the mental aspect of it as the brain goes into overload and paranioa developes which in turn leeds to other things.

    out of all the magazines and tv/films you have watched/read in the past god knows how long how many people have you seen in them that have a "normal" everyday ordinary "guy/girl" appearance ? i,m guessing that ur answer will be less than 10%....all i,m trying to say todays world the perfect image sells and if you have it your one of the lucky ones.

    and sorry to all for blowing out some steam in this thread, but it feels good sometimes to put bad things out, so I just felt to share this since Red opened the subject.
    tbh lori u didnt seem to be blowing off steam @ all


    • unkownartist
      • Nov 2005
      • 4146

      Re: to make up for the mono thread

      Originally posted by Jenks
      red1 sucks at punctuation.
      i,ve never been able to read or write properly jenks, doesnt bother me in the slightest lol...i get along just fine


      • Jenks
        I'm kind of a big deal.
        • Jun 2004
        • 10250

        Re: to make up for the mono thread

        it's aight dude, bro, mate.


        • Steve Graham
          DJ Jelly
          • Jun 2004
          • 12887

          Re: to make up for the mono thread

          red, this year just ask father christmas for a keyboard that has both a comma AND an apostrophe key


          • Steve Graham
            DJ Jelly
            • Jun 2004
            • 12887

            Re: to make up for the mono thread

            WTF is on that link?
            i tried to open it at work and got this message

            Access to the requested web page is denied using Burst Technology Filtering Software.

            The Requested web page is categorized as Extreme & Violence.

            If you think this is in error, please contact your system administrator.


            • |Thrax|
              Platinum Poster
              • Mar 2007
              • 1744

              Re: to make up for the mono thread

              no worries, he posted a pic of an enema he found on google image search. web filtering at work, prob saw the url and blocked it. google doesnt care where it gets the images from.. unless you have "safesearch turned on"

              I have had a disdain for typing very long things and expressing my mind, I would much rather have a conversation then type it all out, unless I am writing a letter or a report, something that will live in infamy.

              But, I would just like to say that i love [ms] and i highly respect and understand what red and shiva are talking about, its a very very sick and dirty world out there.

              i was not born with any physical disability, I am a fine looking gentleman if i say so myself. haha.. I am fairly happy with my self image and my body, im a skinny white kid.. who cares. we are all the same people, flaws or not.

              I was however not born with perfect hearing, I have hearing aids that I wear when I am not in the club, I have had to deal with cruel kids all my life in grade school (kids are horrible) every1 should be treated the same, bullies, name calling and putdowns really terrify the kids now days, especially when their lives are more open to society now. (myspace) all of a sudden a kid could be plastered all over the internet overnight and it would be much much worse for their self esteem.

              The hearing isnt that bad for me, only about 30 percent, but it sounds like i ahve an accent, I get either chicago, or somewhere in australia. i dont have the perfect pronunciation of R's so they kind of sound like w's if i dont pay attention. most girls think its cute. :-p

              anyways, this thread has become "the feelings thread"

              I have taken an interest in sociology over the past year, mostly prob because I have been smoking the good weed, but i am really interested in society, how people percieve the world and eachother. its really quite amazing,

              I would put that sociology to work, even in common conversation, instead of using invasive terms and "accussing" which is maybe what you did not mean to do, in the digweed mono thread.

              but in a person to person sense, really get an idea of how the other person would perceive your comments. if I was highly frusterated with a recording.. I would have come off something like this:

              "hey guys, I absolutely LOVE digweed, he gives me ants in my pants and makes me dance, i have this interesting phenomenon.. I am an audio engineer, Ive been doing this for a long time.. it seems to me that some recordings do not sound right to me, do you think we could sit down an figure this out together"

              that really takes pressure off, "hey, shit on me, i shit on you" like danny T did in his rant.. its really nobodies fault, but he came out kicking and screaming and it really pinches peoples nerves.

              thats what i mean about that.

              anyways, I am super happy to hear peoples thoughts on this board and every1 coming together from diff corners of the world make me smile and laugh. m8 m8 bro bro douche douche dude dude.. crazy orange people, obama, prog, and dancing and having fun.. just a few things that have transpired over the past few weeks.

              good lord, see, once I get on a roll typing its like once you pop you cant stop, plus I am listening to my friends proton mix that airs tomorrow, its really grooooooooovy.

              here is a mr rogers story that will make you smile, there really are good people in this world, they dont get the respect they desrve.

              This is the voice from planet love. Have no fear we are your friends. To bring peace and love to your world, we are sending you our very special agent. Her name is love love love...

              Myspace::Facebook:: NIGHTMOVES.ME nightlife+lifestyle photography


              • |Thrax|
                Platinum Poster
                • Mar 2007
                • 1744

                Re: to make up for the mono thread

                oh man, I just watched the video. :-/

                I didnt even watch the whole thing, I thought the video thread was about tiesto. :-p

                anyways, sure they aint the best lookers, but like red1 said, look into their eyes and either see a sparkle, or you see a dark hole where their heart used to be.
                they were really having fun, would I dance on my couch with a webcam, probably not..

                its a good thing there is so much trash on the internet that this video will probably go highly un-noticed..

                I wonder what kind of person would heartly laugh at that video, a 15 year old maybe. (no offence to they 15 year olds on this board) :-p i kid..
                This is the voice from planet love. Have no fear we are your friends. To bring peace and love to your world, we are sending you our very special agent. Her name is love love love...

                Myspace::Facebook:: NIGHTMOVES.ME nightlife+lifestyle photography


                • unkownartist
                  • Nov 2005
                  • 4146

                  Re: to make up for the mono thread

                  Originally posted by Steve Graham
                  red, this year just ask father christmas for a keyboard that has both a comma AND an apostrophe key
                  i,ve been a bad boy this year so i,m not going to write him a letter.


                  • Shiva
                    MCast Mistress
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 2461

                    Re: to make up for the mono thread

                    Originally posted by threehills
                    Does Tiesto count as a terrorist DJ?
                    ^^^ BIG TIME!!!
                    and not only for his music etc, but because I also experienced something with this guy that really put me out of myself:

                    In 2007, Lebanon was being submitted to a wave of terrorist attacks, like 20 bombs were blown in the city in less than 1 year time, doing all the damages (human & material) you can imagine. During that period, many promoters and radio stations signed up several major world artists for local gigs (Among which Lawler and others of that clibre).
                    As a result of the situation, most of these gigs were cancelled or failed (coz very few people would take risks of attending big concerts by fear of bombs). Anyway.

                    And one day, a promoter friend of mine comes along and decides to take this huge risk of signing Fiesto to a concert. This guys simply organized this major event not only during a VERY BAD period, but the gig had also been organized on a MONDAY (ususally ppl party during the weekends, not in the middle of the week).

                    Usually when I do closings or afterhours gigs, I don't go to the party for the beggining, I just try to get a nap or a small sleep, wake up in the early morning and go do my job. Well that night while sleeping I received a call from my radio station manager (Radio One) asking me to come early to see what was happening in the Fiesto concert: FULLY PACKED, the whole town where he played was totally jammed from traffic and parked cars. So I stood up and went to see that with my own eyes, coz I was expecting the event to be a total flop. When I got there I was simply shocked: how can this guy assemble 23.000 ppl in the middle of a bombing season, in the middle of the week, and create the biggest EDM event in local history. I WAS SHOCKED!!!
                    And I dont wana even mention how he played and what kinda music he played.

           learned that fiesto had come to Lebanon with a bunch of friends, and before going up on stage he had asked the promoter to get him a bottle of black label whisky for his friends, which the promoter refused to do at first. But then Presto threatened him to leave the concert if he doesnt get that bottle, so the promoter had to comply (and with a smile on his face).

                    To tell you this: This guy did his 3 hours time of work, and got you want to know how much?
                    120.000 Euros = 170.000 US$ for a 3 hours of noise that was killing my ears and brain of pain!!!

                    So YES, to my eyes Presto is the greatest of Terrorist


                    • DIDI
                      Aussie Pest
                      • Nov 2004
                      • 16844

                      Re: to make up for the mono thread

                      I am not a Tiesto fan by any means, but that was pretty brave.!! I think I would be asking that amount of money to turn up under those circumstances

                      Btw Shiva and Red I love the personal insights we get from both of you. This is a pretty comfortable place.
                      Originally posted by TheVrk
                      it IS incredible isn't it??
                      STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                      Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                      The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                      • dig72
                        Gold Gabber
                        • Nov 2004
                        • 882

                        Re: to make up for the mono thread

                        Usually when I do closings or afterhours gigs, I don't go to the party for the beggining, I just try to get a nap or a small sleep, wake up in the early morning and go do my job. Well that night while sleeping I received a call from my radio station manager (Radio One) asking me to come early to see what was happening in the Fiesto concert: FULLY PACKED, the whole town where he played was totally jammed from traffic and parked cars. So I stood up and went to see that with my own eyes, coz I was expecting the event to be a total flop. When I got there I was simply shocked: how can this guy assemble 23.000 ppl in the middle of a bombing season, in the middle of the week, and create the biggest EDM event in local history. I WAS SHOCKED!!!
                        And I dont wana even mention how he played and what kinda music he played.

                        That must have been something pretty special to witness.

                        I don't who's crazier, Tiesto for coming over to play or the 20,000+ crazy Lebanese fans who rocked up to party?

                        Respest to Tiesto and the Lebanese.
                        “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
                        Marcus Tullius Cicero


                        • DIDI
                          Aussie Pest
                          • Nov 2004
                          • 16844

                          Re: to make up for the mono thread

                          Shame about their taste in music though !
                          Originally posted by TheVrk
                          it IS incredible isn't it??
                          STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                          Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                          The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                          • DIDI
                            Aussie Pest
                            • Nov 2004
                            • 16844

                            Re: to make up for the mono thread

                            Originally posted by |Thrax|
                            oh man, I just watched the video. :-/

                            I didnt even watch the whole thing, I thought the video thread was about tiesto. :-p
                            You mean you thought it was all about how unfortunate Tiesto is!!
                            Originally posted by TheVrk
                            it IS incredible isn't it??
                            STILL pumpin out great set after great set...never cheesed out, never sold out, never lost his touch..
                            Simply does not get any better than Hernan
                            The 'club spirit' is in the soul. It Never Dies


                            • Shiva
                              MCast Mistress
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 2461

                              Re: to make up for the mono thread

                              Originally posted by dig72
                              That must have been something pretty special to witness.

                              I don't who's crazier, Tiesto for coming over to play or the 20,000+ crazy Lebanese fans who rocked up to party?

                              Respest to Tiesto and the Lebanese.
                              That was it, Fiesto concert, 23.000 ravers:


                              All pix are in my album


                              • Shiva
                                MCast Mistress
                                • Nov 2007
                                • 2461

                                Re: to make up for the mono thread

                                Originally posted by dig72
                                Respest to Tiesto and the Lebanese.
                                Well yes, the whole thing deserves respect coz it was organized during a hell of a period the country was going through. But lemmi tell you that the Lebanese EDM scene is soo crazy that it becomes surreal sometimes...the more there is stress in this country the more people party. It's just crazy!

                                Lol...The maximum private parties that were made in the last 5 years in lebanon was in 2006 during the 33-days war between Israel & Hizballah. It was just out of this world, EVERYBODY was partying at home like there is no tomorrow. I even know of some producers that stood on the roofs of buildings to record sound of israeli planes passing over the capital, and the sound of the bombs as well, in order to include them in their does that seem?? FREAKY!!!

