Salvia divinorum
Re: Salvia divinorum
I might buy some as it looks legal here in PA. Any ideas of how many grams goes into a dose? don't fight like heroes, heroes fight like Greeks
"Winston Churchill"
Re: Salvia divinorum
i dont know about the legalities in states concerning these but Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds are probibly a better option.
i did 5 of these a long time ago and i swear it was the best £3 i,ve ever spent getting high in my life, its not a trip as such more a euphoric pleasurable fealing.
you have to be carefull with things like this though because if you think about it they knock your brain chemistry out of its normal balance. anything that produces a "high" interfieres with the brain chemisty can be dangerous especially things that give "trippy" fealings. the chemicals which produce this fealing are actually always present in the body its usually a trigger reaction with the injested chemical which then triggers a reaction in the brain. sure its great to get high but if you think about the consequenses years down the line then you will end up in a lot of shit, trust me this is experience talking here.;Comment
Re: Salvia divinorum
....Freak in the morning, Freak in the evening, aint no other Freak like me thats breathing....
Re: Salvia divinorum
Strange that I have just seen this thread as I was watching some YouTube vids of people on this stuff over the weekend. Looks pretty fucking intense like people have said. A few peeps on the videos really are away with the fairies but all their mates are still pissing themselves and filming them so they are obv not too worried! lol. Also no one seems scared or disturbed or anything, its looks more like a mixture of hilarity and confusion/bewilderment..
-edit - assume that the red cross that I can see at work that Huggie posted is one of those videos.[quote=lilsensa '] 'Who wants to sample size my ball sack?'Comment
Re: Salvia divinorum
Do the 30x........Ive done it. Me and a friend did some and I ran out of the house and into the woods thinking that I was in a war zone and that people were chasing me..I was hiding in between someones window and an air conditioning unit...The whole time I was yelling for my friends not to come any closer to me because I thought they were the enemy...Finally someone yelled at me out of their window for me to shut the fuck up...Whoever saw me at that time probably thought that I was a mental patient that had escaped.....That's about when I came to...I was still confused as all hell for about half an hour..
My buddy that did it drooled all over my couch, leaned forward and fell face first into the coffee table, tripping out....Wacky shit...
the first time i did it, i was expecting an "inward journey" which i got. i remember at some point thinking that i had found the secret to life (although i forgot what it was as soon as i came out of it) and had this imagry of losing my body, all except for my brain and spinal chord, where my spinal cord had reshaped, bent forward then was tickling the frontal lobe.....then out of nowhere, BAM, came out of it realizing that i had slumped forward and the lighter i had been using was sandwiched between my forehead and the chair i was sitting in, resulting in a minor burn to the forehead.
very strange stuff indeed. for those of you wishing to experiment that have never tried, make sure you have someone to do it with. (that's not doing it at the same time)
also check out Joe Grogan discussing his experiences with DMT on youtube, very similar. (would post a link, but i am blocked from youtube at work)Comment
Re: Salvia divinorum
the first time i did it, i was expecting an "inward journey" which i got. i remember at some point thinking that i had found the secret to life (although i forgot what it was as soon as i came out of it) and had this imagry of losing my body, all except for my brain and spinal chord, where my spinal cord had reshaped, bent forward then was tickling the frontal lobe.....then out of nowhere, BAM, came out of it realizing that i had slumped forward and the lighter i had been using was sandwiched between my forehead and the chair i was sitting in, resulting in a minor burn to the forehead.Comment
Re: Salvia divinorum
i,ve always thought that people that say things like that mostly have been bullshiting and i,m not saying you are here but i'd never experienced anything like that from something like that...i stopped doing that kind of stuff years ago though, some of my freinds are still taking ex and stuff but its mostly shifted towards cocaine which is even more frightening, i havnt done ex since i was 21 which was a long time ago but then u could only maybe do 1 or 2..over here now the youngsters are doing 12 in a night mixing it with dirty coke and drink and thinking nothing of it....just shows you why people are turning to the legal side of getting high as they are not only purer but they can tell whats been put in them ( if they are pills )...tbh its just as dangerous and the illegal stuff as they effect the same chemicals in the brain and of course when they knock the balance of the brain chemistry out then your in trouble, you never really fully recover when something like that happens...people dont think about the consiquencies years down the line when it comes to things like this...
Re: Salvia divinorum
not bullshitting at all. as far as age goes, that was a few years ago. i'm 32 now and only dabble in recreational use of marijuana now. i can tell a huge difference in my intellectual capacity now versus a few years before i started my all out assault on my brain. really wish that i hadn't done as much damage, but hey i was young and stupid. story in short, there are most defo consequences later in life for what you do today. totally agree with the never fully recovering from certain things. dangerous shit out there to play with, very important to know what you are taking, how much to take and what to expect from it and what it will do to your body, before you ingest.
trust me rainman weed is just as bad if not worse, i used to do weed all the time also so u get used to having certain chemicals running through ur body which only really becomes apparent just how used to it ur body becomes when u finally stop it and of course thats even before u consider the fact that you usually smoke it to get a high, i love being high on weed but i cant live with it in my life because i ended up in hospital due to over use...drugs that alter my brain chemistry are something i cant do any more even though when i,m high on weed i have so much concentration and ability creativly..this part of it cuts me up everytime i see someone smoke it because i,ve been off weed since 2002 and still to this day i have cravings especially when i sit down @ my pc and try to be musically creative...everytime i do this its as if something is missing so the feeling just isnt right and its taking years and years to get over it, i,m still struggling with it....last christmas i did 3 grams over the space of a soon as i took my first hit from a joint i instantly felt switched on...its hard to describe, something just happens in my head. now instead of getting high all the time i just end up eating and eating and eating to the point where i cant eat no more which makes me depressed and i end up just sitting on this all day everyday for as long as i can....if your wise you would wrong that bag of green in the bin.Comment
Re: Salvia divinorum
that's harsh. i'm sorry to hear that. i can understand your viewpoint and respect the fact that you realize that something you enjoy is something that you can not live with, as well as actually have the fortitude to stay away from it. i've dealt with addictions before, it's no walk in the park; the actual detox period is a nightmare, so i understand.
with the amount of stress from work and personal shit that goes on in everyone's life, it's nice to know you have a bowl of some dro waiting at home. it levels me out and make me not be an asshole. i couldn't have any friends if i didn't smoke anymore, everyone would point and laugh at me. "look at him not being cool and smoking pot like the rest of us", they would say. please don't make me lose my friends.
all joking aside, much respect for your viewpoint. i'm sure i'll quit smoking at some point, but right now is not the time.Comment
Re: Salvia divinorum
smoking is not the worst anyway.. alcohol is much worse but noone seems to understund that! limit is the key to everything! as for salvia its not something you will do all the time. its like trips. once in a while!Greeks don't fight like heroes, heroes fight like Greeks
"Winston Churchill"
Re: Salvia divinorum
with the amount of stress from work and personal shit that goes on in everyone's life, it's nice to know you have a bowl of some dro waiting at home. it levels me out and make me not be an asshole. i couldn't have any friends if i didn't smoke anymore, everyone would point and laugh at me. "look at him not being cool and smoking pot like the rest of us", they would say. please don't make me lose my friends.
Re: Salvia divinorum
trust me rainman weed is just as bad if not worse, i used to do weed all the time also so u get used to having certain chemicals running through ur body which only really becomes apparent just how used to it ur body becomes when u finally stop it and of course thats even before u consider the fact that you usually smoke it to get a high, i love being high on weed but i cant live with it in my life because i ended up in hospital due to over use...drugs that alter my brain chemistry are something i cant do any more even though when i,m high on weed i have so much concentration and ability creativly..this part of it cuts me up everytime i see someone smoke it because i,ve been off weed since 2002 and still to this day i have cravings especially when i sit down @ my pc and try to be musically creative...everytime i do this its as if something is missing so the feeling just isnt right and its taking years and years to get over it, i,m still struggling with it....last christmas i did 3 grams over the space of a soon as i took my first hit from a joint i instantly felt switched on...its hard to describe, something just happens in my head. now instead of getting high all the time i just end up eating and eating and eating to the point where i cant eat no more which makes me depressed and i end up just sitting on this all day everyday for as long as i can....if your wise you would wrong that bag of green in the bin.[quote=lilsensa '] 'Who wants to sample size my ball sack?'Comment
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