I'm all for legalisation and harm minimisation. Used to go at it hard but not anymore 'cos the body can't keep up. I don't mind the occasional bender to see if I can.
But I'm glad I'm not dependant on it. Actually, more often than not, in hindsight, a lot of time is wasted getting fucked up, remaining fucked up, and then recovering. Time I could be doing other things, so I guess that's a perspective shift that comes with age.
But I'm also glad I've tried all the shit I've done, it's definitely interesting and mind-expanding. I'd even go as far as describing it as character-building but that depends on the individual, what they get out of it, or why they're doing it in the first place.
Now leave the webcam thread alone.

BTW I notice there's seldom such talk on [ms] so if there is some rule against it, sorry in advance.
But I'm glad I'm not dependant on it. Actually, more often than not, in hindsight, a lot of time is wasted getting fucked up, remaining fucked up, and then recovering. Time I could be doing other things, so I guess that's a perspective shift that comes with age.
But I'm also glad I've tried all the shit I've done, it's definitely interesting and mind-expanding. I'd even go as far as describing it as character-building but that depends on the individual, what they get out of it, or why they're doing it in the first place.
Now leave the webcam thread alone.

BTW I notice there's seldom such talk on [ms] so if there is some rule against it, sorry in advance.