I'm not sure really of the point of keeping a movie's director and location, but bothering with excuses to put a lot of Americans onscreen in a nearly shot for shot remake of the original. The film spends more time trying to account for why the nearly all gaijin cast is in Japan rather than focusing on the atmosphere and scares that the original provided in such abundance. With the Americans in the lead roles, it manages to distract from the story and ambiance which drives 90% of this film.
Do yourself a favour, try and track down the original Japanese version DVD and watch it instead, it works a lot better and isn't distracted by having Sarah Michelle Gellar (who will probably never be able to shake her Buffy image much less provide a decent performance outside of the show) trying to make scared faces or feeblely explain why there are so many white people hanging around Japan.
I just wish the original had some of the slick look and special effects that this one did. Other than that, this is a pretty redundant and silly exercise.
Do yourself a favour, try and track down the original Japanese version DVD and watch it instead, it works a lot better and isn't distracted by having Sarah Michelle Gellar (who will probably never be able to shake her Buffy image much less provide a decent performance outside of the show) trying to make scared faces or feeblely explain why there are so many white people hanging around Japan.
I just wish the original had some of the slick look and special effects that this one did. Other than that, this is a pretty redundant and silly exercise.