1. Red Star - Pretender (Dub)
2. Luke Fair - Kritical
3. West Station - Vinyl Line
4. Dr Kucho and Wally Lopez Presents La Factoria - Devil's Square
5. Big Sexy - Close To My Skin
6. The Wicker Men - Basket
7. ID
8. Brass Monkey - Big Ride
9. Earth Deuley presents Neo - Faceless
10.Main Element - Delta of Venus
11.Stereonova - Studio Nova
12.Electric Tease vs. Mosquito - Sensation (Piliavin & Zimbardo Remix)
13. Underworld - Two Months Off
14. Attention Deficit - Use Only the Drugs
15. ID
16. The Incredible Melting Man - Red Skull EP
17. James Zabiela - Excited (Main Mix)
18. Smoke - Random As
19. Sasha - Bloodlock
20. Radiohead - Everything in its Right Place (Josh Wink Remix)
21. ID
22. Slam - Virtuoso (Slam Mix)
thnx2 DAMr