SHIVA calendar needed!!!
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Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!
[ms] member just might, for starters, proghouse and shiva fans outside of [ms] as well -as long as the DJ-ing aspect of the whole thing remains emphasized in one way or another. Let's face it, she's a model so her looks are the cash, this goes for the calendar as well (shit, we wouldn't even consider making a calender with a pigfaced DJ on it, would we?).
Look at it more in the sense of Shiva being the ambassador to [ms]. as long as the photo's are ( at least partly) dj-ing related, and the nature of the project is proghouse dj-ing combined with modelling, I don't see the problem. We all know all those bare-titties 'lady dj's' spinning crap, but this time it's an all honest good-looking woman whose profession is not only modelling, but also happens to have a strong connection to the progressive house scene. If anything, I'd consider this a much more integer approach to house music & female beauty than we usually encounter.
it's not going to be another edition of Hustler or something, so I'm not that afraid of this board turning into a sex-crazed madhouse.Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -HemingwayComment
Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!
@ Shiva: I really am NOT waiting for Red's stained posters of Hasselhoff...Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -HemingwayComment
Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!
[ms] member just might, for starters, proghouse and shiva fans outside of [ms] as well -as long as the DJ-ing aspect of the whole thing remains emphasized in one way or another. Let's face it, she's a model so her looks are the cash, this goes for the calendar as well (shit, we wouldn't even consider making a calender with a pigfaced DJ on it, would we?).
Look at it more in the sense of Shiva being the ambassador to [ms]. as long as the photo's are ( at least partly) dj-ing related, and the nature of the project is proghouse dj-ing combined with modelling, I don't see the problem. We all know all those bare-titties 'lady dj's' spinning crap, but this time it's an all honest good-looking woman whose profession is not only modelling, but also happens to have a strong connection to the progressive house scene. If anything, I'd consider this a much more integer approach to house music & female beauty than we usually encounter.
it's not going to be another edition of Hustler or something, so I'm not that afraid of this board turning into a sex-crazed madhouse.
Thank you so much for appreciating me for who I really am Yao.
Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!
^ I am really respecting what you are saying, coz that would be the spirit of the project.
Thank you so much for appreciating me for who I really am Yao.
Lol, or mayber we should consider making a calendar with pinky here wearing some bikiny, which most probably would be sold like breadBlowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -HemingwayComment
Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!
Personally, I have no strong opinion on it either way. But if you guys do it, just be honest and admit that it really has to do with sexual appeal and catering to sexual desires, and nothing to do with music or DJing. Some people around here obviously really need to get laid.mixes:
Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!
Thanks but, you know...somehow, I don't think we would sell nearly as much as you would.
Personally, I have no strong opinion on it either way. But if you guys do it, just be honest and admit that it really has to do with sexual appeal and catering to sexual desires, and nothing to do with music or DJing. Some people around here obviously really need to get laid.
The funny thing is that it would probably sell!!!Comment
Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!
how about a calendar of mullered ms'ers? I think we have enough of Kamal to start things off!Don't let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.
"some things simply aren’t meant to be bootybumped. Hard liquor is a prime example, as it will burn like a motherfuck."
you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky
it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles
Am I the corners of your mind....
Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!
This is a kickass idea that needs to happen. The cool factor alone is enough to make it a reality. I'd buy one."There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Gr8 Pumpkin."Comment
Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!
classic thread in that it brings together the struggles of wimmin across the globe. whether to endorse or reject sexuality.
Calendar suggested by a man,
2 other active female MS members absolutely wretch at the idea, but the idea its endorsed by the female in question.
its a conundrum for sure. Shiva!
But I do really like the idea of an Mcast calendar. Either way...good luck with the project!Awww...I didn't mean A holes, as in "A holes"...I meant it like, as in, my friends....Comment
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