SHIVA calendar needed!!!

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  • feather
    Shanghai ooompa loompa
    • Jul 2004
    • 20903

    Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!

    Fucking hell ... talk about much ado over no tities.


    Originally posted by Hoff
    a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
    Originally posted by m1sT3rL
    Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

    I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


    • scifi pi
      Addiction started
      • Oct 2004
      • 322

      Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!

      nipple shot anyone?


      • i!!ustrious
        I got some N64 Games Yo!!
        • Mar 2008
        • 12308

        Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!


        enjoy yourself tho yo!
        (((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))


        • DancingQueen
          AVB FanClub | President
          • Oct 2005
          • 4061

          Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!

          Originally posted by Shiva
          Yes, an all Shiva calendar might seem a bit too much to some, especially for the members of the same sex, which is understandable. So thats why maybe we should be looking into an idea of a more "general" calendar.
          I am sure I can speak for chanty, Didi, and some of the other girls on here, that because we are of the same gender, has nothing to do with why we don't think this is a good idea. We are aware that you are a model, and a very attractive one at that, and there is nothing wrong with that....hey, if you got it, flaunt it

          We were more opposed, at least for myself, because a calendar of just "Shiva" doesn't represent the whole community. There are a number of very talented DJ's on this board, that would deserve just as much recognition.
          RIP Steve "Jibs" James - Your footprint is forever on my soul and in my heart xoxo
          RIP Jeff Shewchuk aka DJ Jeff Taylor (day_for_night) - You will live on in my heart forever xoxo

          Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.


          • Shiva
            MCast Mistress
            • Nov 2007
            • 2461

            Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!

            ^ 100%.
            I do share your point of view.


            • Miroslav
              WHOA I can change this!1!
              • Apr 2006
              • 4122

              Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!

              Originally posted by Shiva
              ^ i agree with some of the things you say, not everything:

              The calendar idea is in its nature a marketing tool that might serve ms and probably whoever is in it. Of course we are not thinking fo making a calendar just for the sake of it, but instead a marketing strategy that would differentiate ms from other forums, give it a plus. Of course ms can survive without this calendar, not need to be sarcastic about it. But sometimes you get the be the leader in something by introducing new ideas, new things, be the first: and that is one of the reasons why there are leaders & there followers in this world.
              I might be at the center of all that simply coz I might represent a "PACKAGE" (of quality) that happens to be rare to find, AND IT SELLS (if you consider shiva as a "product", you can meke sure that it SELLS. My main interest is not to be the center of all that (thank God I have experienced this priviledge many times already), but instead to market ms, mcast and all thats in it by possibly involving whoever would like to be involved: I see it as a "group" thing and not "individual" thing.

              I am perfectly aware that I am in a predominantly male forum BUT the "puppy" thing you refer to bothers me a bit coz its not true:

              First, MS members who appreciate me, like my looks and even comment or make jokes about it are NOT PUPPIES, they are ms members who feel like having some good time on ms.

              Second, I assure you that MOST of them CLEARLY appreciate me MORE FOR MY MUSIC rather then for my looks, and I AM SO SURE of myself when I state this coz it is based on FACT: NUMBERS! (Some numbers, which are hidden and stay hidden, do the talking for me... )

              Third and last, if you consider this thread as "bullshit", then what are you doing posting in this forum?! 99% of ALL THREADS IN ALL FORUMS ARE BULLSHIT, so again it is a question of having good time.
              It seems that you missed the point of everything I tried to say. I never said that people don't like your music, and I have no doubt that your package sells very well. I'm also well aware of the marketing perspective to this. I was just pointing out exactly what is going to be sold here, and I still think that's the truth.

              And one more thing about the bullshit part: I don't see why I should essentially have my membership to this forum questioned, simply because I thought there was a lot of bs in this particular thread and respectfully stated a different opinion. To me, such an essence of dialogue is central to a forum. I've been hanging around here for a while now, and I wouldn't have continued to do so if I considered this place to be 99% bullshit.

              There. I had something to say, I said it, and now I'm done here. It's not my intention to pick any fights. As I said before, I won't stand in the way.


              • TheMightyGreg
                Editor Shmeditor
                • Nov 2006
                • 1361

                Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!

                Originally posted by Miroslav
                Shiva, I understand that you're not trying to advocate posing in some super-erotic manner for such a calendar. And you're a good dj, I don't take anything away from you in that regard. And heck, I'm not even that opposed to the calendar idea - if enough people want to go for it, then I'm not going to cause's not like the fate of [ms] hangs in the balance.

                But let's be clear on things. The only way this calendar thing would be feasible, especially if you throw money into the picture, is for you to be the primary focus of it. Trust me, no one gives two shits about seeing the other MCast DJs in a calendar. You have made it known before that you want to be respected as a musician and a DJ strictly for your abilities, and not for being a sexy, young woman. But if the calendar was focused on you, then wouldn't it basically just be a proposal to use your sex appeal to sell more people on checking out your music and [ms]? Come on, you weren't born yesterday; you must have your fair share of experience with the workings of a young male mind when it comes to your looks. I have to think it's obvious to you that a major reason why many people on this predominantly male forum are fawning all over you like puppy dogs is not just because you're a good dj, but because it's well documented that you're an attractive young woman. And the true reason guys would buy this calendar is to get as good of a gander as possible at your looks and your body, regardless of what you wear. That's the really the only reason this thread even exists.

                Now, I'm not saying that it's wrong for a woman to be sexy, or that it's bad for you to be a model. I'm not here to moralize and you're obviously plenty mature enough to make your own decisions; it's your body. And maybe [ms] decides that such a calendar is the way to go. Fine, I won't stand in the way. But I just think that it would be constructive to stop these endless pages of bullshit and call this for what it would be: using your sex appeal to promote your DJing and [ms]. Are you ok with that? Because I'm pretty sure that is how most people would perceive it.
                Nuff said
                Catch my bi-monthly show on UB Radio



                • Steve Graham
                  DJ Jelly
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 12887

                  Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!

                  funny thing is, this calendar thing wasnt even Lory's idea, yet she seems to be taking all the heat from it...

                  lets just turn the page and drop the tension level in this forum down a few notches


                  • TheMightyGreg
                    Editor Shmeditor
                    • Nov 2006
                    • 1361

                    Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!

                    You find that funny? Sick bastard.
                    Catch my bi-monthly show on UB Radio



                    • Yao
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 8167

                      Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!

                      Originally posted by DancingQueen
                      I am sure I can speak for chanty, Didi, and some of the other girls on here, that because we are of the same gender, has nothing to do with why we don't think this is a good idea. We are aware that you are a model, and a very attractive one at that, and there is nothing wrong with that....hey, if you got it, flaunt it

                      We were more opposed, at least for myself, because a calendar of just "Shiva" doesn't represent the whole community. There are a number of very talented DJ's on this board, that would deserve just as much recognition.
                      The one point here is though that this calendar is not an 'appreciation' or ' recognition' token, but a marketing instrument. Although I myself would just as easily dish out money to have a calendar with really good DJ-pics on it, just for the feel of it (which is very recognizeable), if it is used to put [ms] on the map we need to come up with something universally appealing. And as anyone in the marketing business knows (yes, very blunt): sex sell. It can be classy, vulgar, subtle, teasing or whatever. Doesn't matter.

                      Miroslav is right when he states that is it actually about sex or sexyness, and Shiva as also admitted to that as far as I can see. However, the unique addition here is the link with DJ-ing and progressive house. I've used the word ambassador before in this thread, and still think it is the appropriate term to use in this regard. [ms] is proghouse, [ms] is also sexy (in a way). think a little more concept, and a little less 101 meaning ;-).

                      And heck, this might be a calendar or maybe a series of high-quality prints, different photo's of either Shiva or different DJ's reworked by the different graphix hustlers this board counts. Each one printed in a limited batch, the original artworks adds to the unicity and the value. Just another idea. Only done by and available thru [ms] of course.
                      Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

                      There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


                      • Steve Graham
                        DJ Jelly
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 12887

                        Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!

                        thread name change to [MS] calendar needed


                        • Shiva
                          MCast Mistress
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 2461

                          Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!

                          Well when this thread was opened, it was not done in a serious spirit, rather a joke. And when I first read it I thought it was a positive idea for [ms].

                          On some other forums there are online calendars posted on the the main page where the djs post there gigs scedules , or even users post major events schedules....the same could be done here as well.


                          • scifi pi
                            Addiction started
                            • Oct 2004
                            • 322

                            Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!

                            I apologize for starting this mess.

                            It was indirect way of telling Shiva, that she's gorgeous and beautiful and I have dreams about her every night (even though she's married).


                            • TheMightyGreg
                              Editor Shmeditor
                              • Nov 2006
                              • 1361

                              Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!

                              In that case...I want a KinkyJ calander...damn I miss him
                              Catch my bi-monthly show on UB Radio



                              • chanty
                                John, John, where art thou!
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 4622

                                Re: SHIVA calendar needed!!!

                                I'm very happy that Shiva is here to represent the girls. It's awesome to have someone with such good taste in music and knows her shit on this board. She's also a very strong and opinionated woman which I admire. I've listened to her mixes and love them and danced around my kitchen many times to them.
                                I also work in the fashion, film and print advertising industry on a mostly daily basis, dealing with models and actors who need their sensitive egos stroked to different degrees to get them feeling good about themselves and get a great day out of them.
                                Tbh...I come here to get away from that world and come back to a more (mostly) sane and the people that love it as much as I do.
                                And like I've said I'm happy to have Shiva represent Mcast and Mercuryserver as a dj and music lover but not for her modelling or looks, in which the scale seems to be tipping towards the latter lately. Just my feeling and opinion. Peace out, Party on and be happy!!
                                Awww...I didn't mean A holes, as in "A holes"...I meant it like, as in, my friends....

