Bear with me, I'm still drunk

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  • picklemonkey
    Double hoodie beer monster
    • Jun 2004
    • 15373

    Bear with me, I'm still drunk

    I just got hoem from seeing Grayarea. "Freaks 3" was the party.. it had Grayarea, Ming & FS, and A shitload of locals. I parked onm the road behind the party, and as I was walkingf to the venue some big woman on the sidewalk shouted "Are you going that rave?!"
    Me:"Sure am"
    Biggin: "Well you better watch out when you leave, because I'm oing to rape you!"
    Me: "I cant wait!"
    Whale: "I'm serious! I'm going to fuck the hell out of you!"
    Me: "I am too, I'll bring the rubber!"

    So I get to the party, and I get in free because I know a few the DJs playing. I'm oin call all week for work, so going ot the party was a gamble since I could ge ta call from Spain, China, the Philippines, etc at any time (since they're halfwya across the world, wide awake). I'm at the party for an hour and I run into my ex-girlfriend... crazy chick. "Earth chick," as I usually refer to her. She's the type of chick that runs around every parthy with no shoes on (seriously, she never wears shoes). you can only imagine how I came up her nickname.

    So I talk with her for a while and ifnd out that she's not with her boyfriend anymore (helllllllyeah), then Grayarea comes on. We go to the stage and start listening, and they threw down th ebest live set that I've heard in a loong time. You know, there aren't many big Djs that come to Kansas city, so when I heard that Grayarea was in town (3 hours before the party started) I was all about getting there. They played some fucking badass songs... remixes of Nine Inch Nails, a LOT of original tracks that I recognized, and they were all rotating on the guitar, drum pads, and microphone, doing their whole "live act " thing.

    They fucking rocked the house... then Ming & FS came on after only an hour. grayarea wasn't playing NEarly enough time, but oh well. I haven't heard anything from Ming & FS in a long time, so I was ready to hear them. After they finally came on, they started playing some hip hop shit (!). I was DEFINITELY not expecting any hiphop, but at least it flowed... and I was drunk. So it was bearable, at least.

    Then... it got old. quick. There's only so much hiphop you can take before you want to kill someone. It was a costume party, and there were a lot of crazily-dressed people... I saw Kermit & Piggy, some nekkid chick with paint on her nipples, a dude dressed as the guy from Fear & Loathing (He got me best-of vote), etc. I eventually left, because it turned into shit. Alll the costumed people that "thought" they could dance jumped onto the stage with Ming & FS and started "dancing," and it just plain got weird. Like Eminem's 8 Mile weird... so started to head out when I ran into Nosmo (from Grayarea).

    Grayarea was here about 8 months ago and I talked ot Nosmo and Ruin for a looong time... so when I bumped into him today I (naturallty) started talking to him. Introduced myself, he remembered me from last time. Asked if he recorded the set because I wanted to get it on [ms] (shameless [ms] plug), he said no but he wished he had because he was real pleased with it. Chatted a while longer and that was that.

    I drove 5 blocks home, and here I am. All in all I had a great time, of course Grayarea rocked the house again. It's been probably 6 months since I'd been out to a party, and it was more than overdue. Glad I went, and Idefinitely recommend anyone see Grayarea.

    Now it' stime to get my corndogs out of the oven, so I'm out!

  • arielus
    He's back, in Pog form
    • Jun 2004
    • 4281

    seems like you had a great night dude

    i called your office for support and you weren't there :P


    • beto
      Gold Gabber
      • Jun 2004
      • 964

      So I read all that and there's no raping story at the end?

      good night A. The sun's coming up, the alcohol is coming down...


      • Jibgolly
        • Jun 2004
        • 20773

        Woot. the gray boys defo rock house!!


        • djway
          Getting Somewhere
          • Jun 2004
          • 198

          Originally posted by ";p="
          So I read all that and there's no raping story at the end?

          I was expecting to read that too



          • diskofreak
            Gold Gabber
            • Jun 2004
            • 648

            Re: Bear with me, I'm still drunk

            sounds like a great time!!!


            • MJ
              Here since 2002
              • Jun 2004
              • 6560

              Yeh iwanted to hear that you either did the ex or were raped by the biggin whale. Good to see ya had a good night though Pickles.
              mjwebhosting you know it makes sense

              Silentium est aureum


              • Garrick
                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                • Jun 2004
                • 6764

                so you didn't get raped by the fat chick??
                Should I fuck you at that not until the ass, inject then tremendously hard bumschen and to the termination in the eyes yes?


                • thrualoooop
                  Addiction started
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 387

                  Re: Bear with me, I'm still drunk

                  glad you had fun and made it home safe w/o pullin yer gack and popping one in miss piggy ....
                  i'm not a real dork i just play one on the internet.......


                  • picklemonkey
                    Double hoodie beer monster
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 15373

                    I remember how much I hate "ravers," too... now, I was definitely into the drugs when I started going to parties, and I had no idea who the DJs are... but after not doing it for a few years, it's just sad now seeing how people go to these things just for the drugs. I bumped into some dude in the bathroom and was like "grayarea just came on dude! have you ever heard them?"
                    "Is that a movie or something?"
                    "It's who's fucking playing on the stage right now! they're a lot better than drugs, dude"

                    I didn't get any help desk calls the whole night, I was too happy. I had already decided that if I got a call, I was charging the re-entry fee on my company. no raping happened that night either... neither with the biggin or the ex. sorry fellas

                    I wanted to hook up with the ex, but she left real early... oh well. I wasn't about to leave in the middle of grayarea's set. (no clue what she was thinking when she left)


                    • demonAfro
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 3488

                      Re: Bear with me, I'm still drunk

                      Originally posted by picklemonkey";p="
                      There's only so much hiphop you can take before you want to kill someone.

                      And the stuff about drugs is so true. It gets so annoying when you are trying to listen to the music and your pillhead friends are just acting like complete arses.


                      • beto
                        Gold Gabber
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 964

                        ^ maybe she decided that walking without shoes in the middle of a hip hop/raver/jumping/junkie crowd wasn't the best idea...?


                        • picklemonkey
                          Double hoodie beer monster
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 15373

                          ^ Doubt it. She's done it for years, as long as I've known her. I remember going to outdoor parties with her, she'd get home with muddy/dirty feet. Strange. She's a free-spirit, drug-free, really fucking hot psycho.


                          • diskofreak
                            Gold Gabber
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 648

                            Re: Bear with me, I'm still drunk

                            how does she dance with no shoes
                            i wore sandals to a rave once, they hurt my feet, so i threw em off and danced,
                            i had huge ass blisters the next day..
                            there after, i wore sneakers everywhere!


                            • picklemonkey
                              Double hoodie beer monster
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 15373

                              I don't know, but she dances more than any other girl I know... I even asked her yesterday "where's your shoes?" and she said she had to take them off so she "had full control over dancing"

