Daily Show Exposes Hypocrisy
Re: Daily Show Exposes Hypocrisy
This segment from last night's show was fucking hysterical:
Why is it that the "liberal media" doesn't do any investigation/reporting to call these talking heads on their bullshit, and it takes a comedy show to call them out on it? -
Re: Daily Show Exposes Hypocrisy
Yes, both sides talk out of both sides of their mouths at times -- but you'd be hard pressed to find a more back and white example, esp. as to Rove and O'Reilly. If you're aware of the Dems doing something this egregious, please post it here.Comment
Re: Daily Show Exposes Hypocrisy
Did anyone catch The Colbert Report earlier this week? They did a good spoof on the heavily butchered term.. "experience."
(((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))Comment
Re: Daily Show Exposes Hypocrisy
first off the sexism is rampant amongst the democrats and the liberal media as well. after praising hillary for being a woman, now they cut down palin for the same reason. both sides
how about biden saying obama is not ready to be president, and now he is... saying he doesnt support obama, now he does. changing his position on iraq
accepting lobyists donations at the dnc: obama says they wont ( http://www.usatoday.com/news/politic...obbyists_N.htm ) , then they do ( http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/Conven...5648474&page=1 )
also your favorite boy said in july : While I was opposing the credit-card industry's bankruptcy bill that made it harder for working families to climb out of debt, [McCain] was supporting it -- and he even opposed helping families who were only in bankruptcy because of medical bills they couldn't pay.
Biden was a supporter of that bill too....
yes the hypocrisy is strong. ON BOTH SIDESComment
Re: Daily Show Exposes Hypocrisy
yeah. it's so horrible on both sides.
so why are you still so blindly supporting McCain and not Barr?you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky
it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles
Am I somewhere....in the corners of your mind....
Re: Daily Show Exposes Hypocrisy
"i've stated long ago that i dont think mccain is the man for the job. however obama scares the shit out of me. i can hammer this all i want but you guys just wont get it. the background i come from and where i had lived and what i have lived through has made me see what picking obama will do to the country. yes i do believe he needs to be stopped at all costs. no matter how bad people claim mccain is, he does not pose the danger obama does. until you have lived through communism and socialism, you wont understand it. as far as my credibility goes, yes i am very concerned about my credibility on the internet lulz. "
who do i really support? i did ron paul and i do support bob barr. the problem is that because of media, lobbyists, and other interest groups he does not have a chance. its the same story that took place with ron paul where he was considered an outcast and a black sheep. ffs poor barr cant even get on the ballot in all the states.
yes as sad as it is, it's a case of picking the lesser of 2 evils.Comment
Re: Daily Show Exposes Hypocrisy
actually, bob barr is on the ballot in all of the states.
picking the lesser of two evils is still picking evil.
saying you're not going to stand for principled leadership because the media is ignoring them is the most back-assward, weak-sauced, statement I've heard you say. forget all the stuff about palin and mccain. it is for this statement that i have taken on everything you have said so far on this political topic. make no mistake, when compromises are made, evil always wins.
good line from the article i just sent you
bi-partisanship means TWO and not more than two.you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky
it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles
Am I somewhere....in the corners of your mind....
Re: Daily Show Exposes Hypocrisy
actually, bob barr is on the ballot in all of the states.
picking the lesser of two evils is still picking evil.
saying you're not going to stand for principled leadership because the media is ignoring them is the most back-assward, weak-sauced, statement I've heard you say. forget all the stuff about palin and mccain. it is for this statement that i have taken on everything you have said so far on this political topic. make no mistake, when compromises are made, evil always wins.
good line from the article i just sent you
bi-partisanship means TWO and not more than two.
Fucking right on. That was a nice slice of wisdom right there.
No negotiations. word.
I also was vigilant for Ron, I'll prob. be voting for Barr too, however deep down I feel I could make a better inner impact by not voting at all. I hope that's not seen as a futile attempt to combat this clusterfuck of hypocrisy..(((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))Comment
Re: Daily Show Exposes Hypocrisy
actually, bob barr is on the ballot in all of the states.
picking the lesser of two evils is still picking evil.
saying you're not going to stand for principled leadership because the media is ignoring them is the most back-assward, weak-sauced, statement I've heard you say. forget all the stuff about palin and mccain. it is for this statement that i have taken on everything you have said so far on this political topic. make no mistake, when compromises are made, evil always wins.
good line from the article i just sent you
bi-partisanship means TWO and not more than two.
thats where i got my info, so if im wrong, i apologize. that info might be wrong or i might be looking at it wrong.
i agree with you man, picking the lesser evil is still evil. i havent decided that im 100% going to vote for mccain, the issue im dealing with here is that i think obama shouldnt win under any circumstance. maybe more democrats will switch to barr and even the field more, although i doubt that happening...
Fucking right on. That was a nice slice of wisdom right there.
No negotiations. word.
I also was vigilant for Ron, I'll prob. be voting for Barr too, however deep down I feel I could make a better inner impact by not voting at all. I hope that's not seen as a futile attempt to combat this clusterfuck of hypocrisy..Comment
Re: Daily Show Exposes Hypocrisy
man, ive stated this before and i just posted this in the palin speech thread:
"i've stated long ago that i dont think mccain is the man for the job. however obama scares the shit out of me. i can hammer this all i want but you guys just wont get it. the background i come from and where i had lived and what i have lived through has made me see what picking obama will do to the country. yes i do believe he needs to be stopped at all costs. no matter how bad people claim mccain is, he does not pose the danger obama does. until you have lived through communism and socialism, you wont understand it. as far as my credibility goes, yes i am very concerned about my credibility on the internet lulz. "
who do i really support? i did ron paul and i do support bob barr. the problem is that because of media, lobbyists, and other interest groups he does not have a chance. its the same story that took place with ron paul where he was considered an outcast and a black sheep. ffs poor barr cant even get on the ballot in all the states.
yes as sad as it is, it's a case of picking the lesser of 2 evils.
how can obama scare the shit out of you, yet mccain doesn't? i'll tell you one thing - if mccain gets in (i laugh every time i pose that hypothetical, poor guy) to office, he's going to war with SOMEBODY. That Iran chatter will pick right back up (because you know he's surrounded by bush administration figures whoare NOT tryin' to let that one go), and whether the public likes it or not, it will be shoved right down their throats, even if it takes another gulf of tonkin.
rest assured, when president obama takes office, ANY type of contingency plans for all these possible conflicts these guys have pre-packaged will be stashed in the top drawer of the rustiest filing cabinet they can find at the pentagon. Peace will be the focus, not misguided occupations that put bad tastes in the mouths of entire regions.
maybe, just maybe (and this is really worst case) one of obama's meager tax increases on small businesses caused a few of them to go bankrupt. that's certainly terrible. not saying it's very likely, in fact, most people in the middle class' economic interests will be much better served by obama. but say his policy failed, and we went into a recession. isn't that better than a mccain presidency where we are forced into a full-on ground war in iran, a country that can actually fight back? and what if that brought israel into the picture? you know they are just dying to drop a couple of those shiny new nukes on some mullahs. heck, that could even draw russia into the picture!
is all that worth it for a dude that makes up stories about his 5.5 years in that hanoi prison, calls his wife a cunt in front of people, referred to hillary as "that bitch", voted against martin luther king day, oh and who has to constantly reinforce his status as an "honorable man" because if he doesn't continue to "catapult the propaganda", it will be seen through.
come on. the choice is obvious. obama goes OUT OF HIS WAY not to participate in the negative spirit that infects modern politics. sorry to rant...Comment
Re: Daily Show Exposes Hypocrisy
i do doubt it too, but i'm voting third party anyways.
perhaps u already heard that mclame and obummar will not be on the texas ballot now? nice. hopefully that will be a significant derail. don't mess with texas!
Press Releases › Obama, McCain Fail to Qualify for Texas Ballot
September 5, 2008 11:29 am EST
Atlanta, GA - The Bob Barr presidential campaign has stated "serious legal consequences" will occur should Senators Barack Obama and John McCain be allowed on the Texas general election ballot after they knowingly missed the state's deadline to file.
According to documents obtained by the Barr campaign, neither John McCain nor Barack Obama complied with Texas Election Code § 192.031, which requires that filings must be submitted “before 5 p.m. of the 70th day before presidential Election Day," listing the "names of the party's nominees for president and vice-president."
"The Election Code of the State of Texas imposes requirements on a political party, which must be met if its candidates for president and vice-presidents are to appear on the general election ballot," Russell Verney, Bob Barr's campaign manager stated in a letter sent to the Texas Secretary of State's office. "The Democratic Party and Mr. Obama, and the Republican Party and Mr. McCain, blatantly ignored the Texas statutory deadline."
The deadline, which was set at 5 p.m. on August 26, passed before Sen. Obama was nominated and before Sen. McCain had even selected his running mate.
"The law is clear, and it was clearly not followed," says Verney. "The Texas Supreme Court was emphatic when it stated that the law 'does not allow political parties or candidates to ignore statutory deadlines . . .' Senators Obama and McCain did not file by the deadline; therefore, Texas should abide by the laws it created. No political party or candidate is above the law."
Libertarian Party presidential candidate Bob Barr represented the 7th District of Georgia in the U. S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003.
The campaign's letter to the Texas Secretary of State's Office can be downloaded here .
Certification papers for Obama and McCain can be downloaded here.
Last edited by i!!ustrious; September 8, 2008, 02:05:46 PM.(((( }-d|-__-|b-{ ))))Comment
Re: Daily Show Exposes Hypocrisy
how can obama scare the shit out of you, yet mccain doesn't?
dont get me wrong, i hate mcmcain, but obama is promising shit he couldnt deliver if god was on his side. read the finance trade journals, if he were to actually implement any of this, our country's debt would get even worse, (which is hard to think considering the iodiot in charge now), and our incomes would be dropped about 20% and furthermore, more job losses.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
download that. deep shit listed there
my dick is its own superhero.Comment
Re: Daily Show Exposes Hypocrisy
i guess the question i'm posing is: what's scarier - that? or the U.S. deciding it and Israel need to take pre-emptive nuclear strikes on Iranian uranium enrichment sites, and the possibility that it could lead to a world war 3?
politicians are full of promises. usually, when it's just impossible for them to materialize, they find new issues to champion and quietly try and forgot those promises. this will likely happen with alot of obama's ideas that there simply won't be funding for, and pressure from his economic advisers should keep his debt spending in check.
when it comes down to it, the US under loose cannon grampy mccain would be a scary place, and even scarier if he kicked it and the white house went to caribou barbie...Comment
Re: Daily Show Exposes Hypocrisy
money rules the world. dont forget it. if you want a better explanation of what i mean, go read the wall street journal thread here.your life is an occasion, rise to it.
Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
download that. deep shit listed there
my dick is its own superhero.Comment