Anyone remember the much-maligned green background from McCain's speech in New Orleans the night Obama became the presumptive nominee?

The press was all over McCain for how bad it made McCain look, and Stephen Colbert had an absolute field day with it with his Green Screen Challenge. That's what made it all the more surprising when McCain starting speaking, and this was the image we all saw:

As I recall, it was actually a massive picture of a house, and McCain was standing in front of a part of the lawn which was, of course, green. It took them about 10 minutes to change to something else (still largely green), until they ultimately settled upon a flag waving against a blue sky, so McCain was surrounded by blue instead.
Now this doesn't have anything to do with anything, but I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in the control room when McCain started his speech and they realized that because the image he was standing in front of was so large, McCain was once again standing in front of a green screen. I literally laughed out loud when he started, but it was definitely a laugh of sympathy, because you know after that last speech, they went out of their way to make sure that didn't happen again. You have to know that there was some serious scrambling to find a new image once the speech started -- no way was that intentional...
Somehow, I have a feeling that Colbert will figure out a way to take advantage of the situation anyway -- pretty sure you can do chroma key with a blue screen, too.

The press was all over McCain for how bad it made McCain look, and Stephen Colbert had an absolute field day with it with his Green Screen Challenge. That's what made it all the more surprising when McCain starting speaking, and this was the image we all saw:

As I recall, it was actually a massive picture of a house, and McCain was standing in front of a part of the lawn which was, of course, green. It took them about 10 minutes to change to something else (still largely green), until they ultimately settled upon a flag waving against a blue sky, so McCain was surrounded by blue instead.
Now this doesn't have anything to do with anything, but I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in the control room when McCain started his speech and they realized that because the image he was standing in front of was so large, McCain was once again standing in front of a green screen. I literally laughed out loud when he started, but it was definitely a laugh of sympathy, because you know after that last speech, they went out of their way to make sure that didn't happen again. You have to know that there was some serious scrambling to find a new image once the speech started -- no way was that intentional...
Somehow, I have a feeling that Colbert will figure out a way to take advantage of the situation anyway -- pretty sure you can do chroma key with a blue screen, too.
