Sarah Palin was risky, but actually a pretty smart choice

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  • 88Mariner
    My dick is smaller
    • Nov 2006
    • 7128

    Re: Sarah Palin was risky, but actually a pretty smart choice

    Originally posted by Miroslav
    I don't disagree with you guys in terms of her being bad for America - I personally don't like many of her opinions.

    you can't possibly say this. she hasn't even stated what her opinions are. We don't know her views on Iran or Fannie Mae or the EITC or the battle between Shia and Sunni Islam. Now: can you imagine a man being selected as vice-president and only giving feature interviews to People?

    She's been in hiding for 9 days, and probably for two more weeks as fox news is indicating. Quayle was interviewed 1 day after he was chosen. Ferraro, four days after. This is nine days after she was picked (to which McCain doesn't remember when he picked her, his words now), and she hasn't come out of the protective bunker that Cheney is hiding in...

    Can you imagine if ANY OTHER CANDIDATE said "i'm gone for two weeks, no questions."??? Why is she getting this free pass? Since when is the governor of a state given a fortnight of hiding??? This is rising to a Manchurian Candidate level of creepiness right now. Utterly terrifying.

    The BBC has it correct: ' Why is being a soccer mom a qualification for being the second in command of the so-called global superpower?" And continued, "
    Let's imagine that governor Palin was indeed a man. He wouldn't be interesting. He'd be outrageous. She is outrageous, actually."

    This wasn't a risky choice. McCain winged it. It shows his utter contempt for the Office of the President of the United States, and worse, for the Executive Branch. There is ZERO EVIDENCE that she possesses the critical decision-making skillset required of office.

    As one blog I read this morning said, "Sarah Palin, someone to gossip about, not select as vice president."
    you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

    it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

    Am I the corners of your mind....



    • Miroslav
      WHOA I can change this!1!
      • Apr 2006
      • 4122

      Re: Sarah Palin was risky, but actually a pretty smart choice

      Originally posted by 88Mariner
      This wasn't a risky choice. McCain winged it. It shows his utter contempt for the Office of the President of the United States, and worse, for the Executive Branch. There is ZERO EVIDENCE that she possesses the critical decision-making skillset required of office.

      As one blog I read this morning said, "Sarah Palin, someone to gossip about, not select as vice president."
      As I said before...I still don't disagree with you on the lack-of-substance part. The only opinions of hers that I can comment on are the ones that I've been able to deduce from her past comments and actions. And I generally don't like those. But I am confident in telling you that I think McCain's camp most certainly did not wing this one, regardless of whether we like her or not. Let me explain again.

      And as I said, it boggles the mind that we have arrived at a situation where someone like Palin makes sense to even be considered for VP. But what has made this situation possible? I'll tell you what:

      1. An administration that arguably was one of our worst ever, and made people desperate for anyone - anything - that doesn't seem to come from Washington.

      2. An inexperienced, charismatic candidate on the Democratic side as a result of #1 above who developed a monopoly on the whole "change/hope" schtick in the minds of millions of voters.

      People should recognize: picking an experienced Cheney type for VP would never have energized McCain's bid anywhere near this much. If he had played by the book and taken an expected choice, McCain would have died a victim of Obama's "I'm new from the outside" aura, while everyone continued to see his bid as ancient, out of touch, Washington insider, business as usual, etc. And McCain's camp recognized that.

      And so that's why it was a smart choice from a strategic marketing standpoint. While this race isn't anywhere near over, some polls show that she hit more popularity points in a week than Obama currently has. That wouldn't have happened with a Washington inside - and that sure didn't happen with Biden, by the way.

      The fact that Obama and Palin are probably fairly empty candidates is another issue altogether.


      • Miroslav
        WHOA I can change this!1!
        • Apr 2006
        • 4122

        Re: Sarah Palin was risky, but actually a pretty smart choice

        it's amazing, but Karl Rove and I agree on something.


        • sammwalk
          Gold Gabber
          • Jun 2004
          • 769

          Re: Sarah Palin was risky, but actually a pretty smart choice

          the only reason Karl Rove is still alive is that no one would stoop so low to waste their time putting energy into killing him.


          • k3n3
            Getting Somewhere
            • Dec 2007
            • 189

            Re: Sarah Palin was risky, but actually a pretty smart choice

            Originally posted by sammwalk
            the only reason Karl Rove is still alive is that no one would stoop so low to waste their time putting energy into killing him.

            wow, that's probably the most hateful post of the day... kudos...
            Q: What do Osama and Obama have in common???
            A: They both have a friend that blew up the Pentagon!



            • 88Mariner
              My dick is smaller
              • Nov 2006
              • 7128

              Re: Sarah Palin was risky, but actually a pretty smart choice

              Originally posted by k3n3

              wow, that's probably the most hateful post of the day... kudos...
              i know exactly where you fit on the spectrum now. GOP: Right or Wrong. No offense, but do you ever watch CNN?
              you could put an Emfire release on for 2 minutes and you would be a sleep before it finishes - Chunky

              it's RA. they'd blow their load all over some stupid 20 minute loop of a snare if it had a quirky flange setting. - Tiddles

              Am I the corners of your mind....



              • k3n3
                Getting Somewhere
                • Dec 2007
                • 189

                Re: Sarah Palin was risky, but actually a pretty smart choice

                my party affiliation is of no consequence... I have merely come to this forum as a humble servant, whose mission is to bring order and balance to this ridiculous and inconsequential discussion... My primary goal is to assist in any way, those who wish to defeat the excesses of love and religious devotion commonly referred to as "Obama worship"... A global plague that is threatening to destroy this planet, and life as we know it.

                Wherever the Kossak propaganda reigns supreme, I'll be there... Wherever the Marxist ideals of the left are praised, I'll be there... Whenever the racism and hatred of the left is accepted and embraced, I'll be there...

                Oh wait, sorry... wtf ???
                I really don't give a shit who wins the election... Politicians, religious extremists, and lawyers are responsible for most of the world's pain and suffering, and imo they pretty much all suck...
                Q: What do Osama and Obama have in common???
                A: They both have a friend that blew up the Pentagon!



                • Jenks
                  I'm kind of a big deal.
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 10250

                  Re: Sarah Palin was risky, but actually a pretty smart choice

                  karl rove does need to die a slow death tho, asap. no matter what side you stand on, anyone with a brain and half a heart knows that guy is the biggest epic douchenozzle on the planet and he's not worthy of sharing air in this planet with humans.


                  • toasty
                    Sir Toastiness
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 6585

                    Re: Sarah Palin was risky, but actually a pretty smart choice

                    Originally posted by k3n3
                    Politicians, religious extremists, and lawyers are responsible for most of the world's pain and suffering, and imo they pretty much all suck...
                    Here's hoping you get charged an offensive and obnoxious amount when you inevitably need one of us.


                    • Huggie Smiles
                      Anyone have Styx livesets?
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 11836

                      Re: Sarah Palin was risky, but actually a pretty smart choice

                      Originally posted by toasty
                      here's hoping you get charged an offensive and obnoxious amount when you inevitably need one of us.
                      ....Freak in the morning, Freak in the evening, aint no other Freak like me thats breathing....


                      • k3n3
                        Getting Somewhere
                        • Dec 2007
                        • 189

                        Re: Sarah Palin was risky, but actually a pretty smart choice

                        Originally posted by toasty
                        Here's hoping you get charged an offensive and obnoxious amount when you inevitably need one of us.
                        Strange that you didn't take exception with, or debate my point re: the role that lawyers play in the world today...

                        "get charged an offensive and obnoxious amount " ???

                        this indeed happened long, long ago.... And is one of the many, many reasons why I dislike attorneys...

                        Q: What's the problem with lawyer jokes?
                        A: Lawyer's don't think they're funny, and no one else thinks they're jokes...
                        Q: What do Osama and Obama have in common???
                        A: They both have a friend that blew up the Pentagon!



                        • Jenks
                          I'm kind of a big deal.
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 10250

                          Re: Sarah Palin was risky, but actually a pretty smart choice

                          I get why lawyers are at the receiving end of a lot of jokes and hate, because there are certainly more than a handful of them that abuse the system, chase ambulances, and represent the greed that sits in many Americans (but remember, behind every lawyer seeking a ton of money for frivolous things, there is an American paying him to do so.) That said, i've known Toasty for 10+ years, we were roommates in college long before he was practicing law, and trust me, he is definitely one of the lawyers that is fighting the good fight. You want him on your side. rspkt.


                          • Miroslav
                            WHOA I can change this!1!
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 4122

                            Re: Sarah Palin was risky, but actually a pretty smart choice

                            I'm tellin ya... many fun articles coming up like this:

                            Analysis: Biden goes from hot to not since Palin came along
                            Sen. Joe Biden faces a paradox: He offers the most unfiltered contact with the media of any of the big four. But he's the least likely to be covered.

                            On Wednesday, Palin's staff told the press corps traveling with the governor her plane had become too heavy, and asked for volunteers to fly commercial.
                            There's plenty of room on Biden's plane. At one point this week, only six reporters climbed aboard. But they got one thing the press traveling with Palin didn't: access to the candidate.

