Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration

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  • Weizy
    MCast Resident DJ
    • Jun 2004
    • 3225

    DJing Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration

    For years I have been slowly but surely making an effort to key all of my records and begin to learn the art of harmonoc mixing. I am now at a point where every track and vinyl record I own is keyed and ready to be mixed in perfect harmony.

    First question : Who else is doing this??

    My only issue at this point is that I have found when compiling my podcasts there is really no way that you can stick to the rules of music theory 100% of the time. Sometimes the only tracks that you have on hand that you wish to play next in a set just don't fit into the harmonic progression method that some DJs swear by. The mix that I am currently working on is about 50% harmonic and 50% fuck it this sounds good.

    Anyone else have any thoughts or tips on this? I am all over the sites that cover this topic such as:

    Award-winningmusic software The world’s best DJs and producers use our software every day. Shop digital downloads Mixed In Key 11 Pro Find the perfect flow—instant...

    Shane 54's laptopdj.net
    DJ Prince website, etc.
  • lilsensa
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 6675

    Re: Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration

    Learn some scales. Know what works and what doesn't...Listen and know your records. There is no easy way to do it but to have an ear for it..
    RIP ~ Steve James


    • Weizy
      MCast Resident DJ
      • Jun 2004
      • 3225

      Re: Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration


      The good thing is that I minored in Music so I have had extensive music theory training. However there is much more to mixing harmonically than just knowing theory itself.


      • lilsensa
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • Jun 2004
        • 6675

        Re: Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration

        I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but, I do think that people think too much into this harmonic mixing thing than they should...Really, since you do have a musical background, you should be able to know what works and what doesn't. There is no rule stating that you must play a certain record with another one. That being said, if it doesn't work while listening in your headphones, do not mix it. Move on to another record, and keep moving on until you find something that works.

        Honestly, do you really think that while playing at a venue, a professional dj will be calculating to see if and/or how he/she can mix harmonically? I don't think so....Just know your records, know what sounds right...
        RIP ~ Steve James


        • Weizy
          MCast Resident DJ
          • Jun 2004
          • 3225

          Re: Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration

          Right you are man. I honestly don't think that alot of DJs are conciously doing this live. However they probably know their tracks and have their music so well organized that it all just comes together. I just read quotes a lot of top jocks saying how they do this all the time and how wonderful it is...blah blah


          • jeffrey collins
            Not cool enough
            • Jun 2004
            • 7427

            Re: Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration

            Totally agree with Sensa!
            Jeffrey Collins: Painter
            My Painting Blog

            My Soundcloud page.


            • Weizy
              MCast Resident DJ
              • Jun 2004
              • 3225

              Re: Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration

              Jeff....wtf? No input for me


              • lilsensa
                DUDERZ get a life!!!
                • Jun 2004
                • 6675

                Re: Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration

                Originally posted by Weizy
                Right you are man. I honestly don't think that alot of DJs are conciously doing this live. However they probably know their tracks and have their music so well organized that it all just comes together. I just read quotes a lot of top jocks saying how they do this all the time and how wonderful it is...blah blah
                They might be feeding their egos, or they might actually work really hard to achieve this...All in all, just let it flow.
                RIP ~ Steve James


                • jeffrey collins
                  Not cool enough
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 7427

                  Re: Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration

                  I haver plenty of input but i'm feeling a bit minimal today so i'm letting everyone talk for me.
                  Jeffrey Collins: Painter
                  My Painting Blog

                  My Soundcloud page.


                  • Kloop
                    Getting Somewhere
                    • Nov 2006
                    • 121

                    Re: Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration

                    I'm just glad I'm not a dj, getting to technical nowadays



                    • jeffrey collins
                      Not cool enough
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 7427

                      Re: Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration

                      ahh. people have always talked about mixing in key and how they thought it was such a special thing. I don't think it makes for a better set.
                      Jeffrey Collins: Painter
                      My Painting Blog

                      My Soundcloud page.


                      • lilsensa
                        DUDERZ get a life!!!
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 6675

                        Re: Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration

                        Me either...Just flow....There is no perfect equation to a good set...First of all, a dj must consider the setting (Lounge, small gathering, club venue, festival, after hours, and so on...)...If you are in tune with your setting, surrounding, and what people are into that night at that exact moment, you can't go wrong, IMO...A dj needs to be in tune, maybe not so much a huge focus with being in tune musically, but in tune with the vibe. Don't be so oblivious where it becomes a chase for it....

                        All in all, Weizy, do count your bars, but don't do your counting with musical notation and proper key...You will get lost and lose the big picture along the way....

                        I'm drunk as hell.....Goodnight..
                        RIP ~ Steve James


                        • Life on Other Planets AKA Johns
                          Are you Kidding me??
                          • Oct 2005
                          • 3087

                          Re: Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration

                          I am no expert but i feel harmonic mixing is def a big part but as important is knowing each track. The only way to find out if 2 track's are going to fit is first off mix the melody parts of the track's. Another way i have found it really good is by mixing like Digweed or Howells.. What i mean by that is get the track's they mix on a comp. Mix them first off the way u think. then do it their way. Think about a couple things why do they mix these 2 track's (for example) and why do they mix them @ these point's and why do they fade out at these point's. Also think about why yours sounded not as good (or maybe even better) hope that made sense. It help's especially when u are just starting out. Knowing your track's is vital as everyone knows. my 5 tips are

                          1) Know your track's
                          2) Organize (BPM, Mood, Key)
                          3) Practice makes perfect even 1 hour per day
                          4) Take the time to learn the track before mixing
                          5) Headache tablets

                          Like i said i am no way any good but this is my 2 cents.


                          • pr0ficient
                            Are you Kidding me??
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 3004

                            Re: Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration

                            I find & label all of my tracks with their key, but don't usually use this information unless I'm planning out a set.

                            However, there are some tracks that are really difficult to mix out of for some reason or another. Using a harmonically compatible track can help with these transitions.


                            • Kinetic
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 2227

                              Re: Entering the world of harmonic mixing...frustration

                              i honestly could give two shits about harmonic mixing. Well, not the concept itself, which sounds just fine, but all the mechanics behind it.

                              If you care about the flow and sequecing of a set, I think you are innately achieving much of the same effect. Hey, many times it will even be the so-fabled harmonic mixing.

                              I´ve tried that Mixed In Key software thing and from all the testing I´ve done, I always prefered my choices in sequencing over the ones "advised" by the program. Sure, sometimes we would agree, but in the end I prefer my own choices and to do my own programming, and nothing beats knowing a track inside out.

                              But yeah, definitely learn the metrics of tracks, count bars and beats, for me this is key in good mixing.

                              Other than that, maybe create your own method or code to remember the best sequences you can come up with. I use Ableton Live and what I do is colour code the tracks by mood, like, dark blue is moody heavy stuff, and red is just angry heavy stuff.
                              "I play music at people" - Surgeon


