Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

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  • runningman
    Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
    • Jun 2004
    • 5995

    Re: Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

    Miro this is all you ever say in any argument

    Start out with an insult at the top: then

    blah, blah, blah, you know nothing, blah, blah, blah, I know everything, blah, blah, blah,- then you use a comparison, and end it with blah, blah, blah scary shit!!


    • Miroslav
      WHOA I can change this!1!
      • Apr 2006
      • 4122

      Re: Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

      Originally posted by runningman
      Miro this is all you ever say in any argument

      Start out with an insult at the top: then

      blah, blah, blah, you know nothing, blah, blah, blah, I know everything, blah, blah, blah,- then you use a comparison, and end it with blah, blah, blah scary shit!!
      As I said before...if it was just a matter of opinions, I'd gladly leave you to them. But when you're saying the equivalent of "1+1=3" on very well-known basic academic facts, then yes, you're just wrong. I'm sorry, there are no two ways about it: you either are in harmony with the basic body of knowledge, or you're not. You don't see me going into threads about nuclear physics and pretending like I know how to make an efficient power plant, because I admittedly don't.

      But this is getting old and I'm sure others are sick of reading it... so I'll just stop and let it go.
      mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav


      • runningman
        Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
        • Jun 2004
        • 5995

        Re: Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

        Half Trained Economist like this:

        Well according to your plan you are for :

        Socialism/Welfare for the Rich
        Weakening the Dollar
        Higher Oil Prices

        Did I miss anything here? Tell me what I stand for now.


        • ddr
          DUDERZ get a life!!!
          • Jun 2004
          • 7006

          Re: Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

          Originally posted by runningman
          Miro this is all you ever say in any argument

          Start out with an insult at the top: then

          blah, blah, blah, you know nothing, blah, blah, blah, I know everything, blah, blah, blah,- then you use a comparison, and end it with blah, blah, blah scary shit!!

          im sorry but you are just really ignorant... its people like you that voted for bush in 2004.

          the market fluctuates based on millions of different factors, this 'bailout' is not the only reason as you have assumed. just because the market goes up by ~300 points doesnt mean everything is 'honkey dorey'

          i am all for the 'bailout' in theory... its when they add all that other crap that has nothing to do with the 'bailout' that really annoys me.
          "pics or stfu" - R.I.P. Steve "Jibgolly" James


          • runningman
            Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
            • Jun 2004
            • 5995

            Re: Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

            ya I love Bush.. HAHAHAHAH!!! Just goes to show what you know goof!! You would be for the bailout..


            • thesightless
              Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
              • Jun 2004
              • 13567

              Re: Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

              plz stop the fightin here. lets keep it civil and hopefully educational. (i know that sounds weird comin from me, but...
              your life is an occasion, rise to it.

              Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
              download that. deep shit listed there

              my dick is its own superhero.


              • runningman
                Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                • Jun 2004
                • 5995

                Re: Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

                Hey everyone the US dollar has gone up the last two days. Oil has come down as well. OOOOHHHHHH things are scary out there..


                • Miroslav
                  WHOA I can change this!1!
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 4122

                  Re: Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

                  Originally posted by runningman
                  Eat shit idiot.
                  Hey, you know what - I'm not going drag myself down in the mud by getting into some ridiculous name-calling fight with you on here. It's an internet forum, I'm a grown adult, and at the end of the day your opinion just don't really matter to me. And it's annoying and inconsiderate to other members of this forum to have to put up with this.

                  You have every right to your opinion, whether it coincides with mine or not. I may still correct your potential future academic misttatements related to economics and finance, but I will strive to do so respectfully. I would encourage you to reconsider the maturity level of your responses as well.
                  mixes: www.waxdj.com/miroslav


                  • thesightless
                    Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 13567

                    Re: Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

                    Originally posted by runningman
                    Hey everyone the US dollar has gone up the last two days. Oil has come down as well. OOOOHHHHHH things are scary out there..

                    3 different markets.
                    your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                    Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                    download that. deep shit listed there

                    my dick is its own superhero.


                    • ddr
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 7006

                      Re: Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

                      Originally posted by runningman
                      ya I love Bush.. HAHAHAHAH!!! Just goes to show what you know goof!! You would be for the bailout..
                      then quit listening to the damn news and taking their word for everything.

                      its not a "bailout" read the bill, understand it. then come back and give your opinion when you are educated about what it really is.... not what the media thinks it is.
                      "pics or stfu" - R.I.P. Steve "Jibgolly" James


                      • runningman
                        Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 5995

                        Re: Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

                        Ok ddr.

                        I'm done here today .

                        September 30th Oil prices went down (good for me)
                        The American dollar has risen (good for the US and so good for me)
                        Stocks went up 400 points today (good for Miro)


                        • ddr
                          DUDERZ get a life!!!
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 7006

                          Re: Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

                          Originally posted by runningman
                          Ok ddr.

                          I'm done here today .

                          September 30th Oil prices went down (good for me)
                          The American dollar has risen (good for the US and so good for me)
                          Stocks went up 400 points today (good for Miro)
                          yes, that is all well and good.. but that is short-term.

                          who is to say what is going to happen tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or even next year.

                          this 'bailout' mess has much more to do with long-term implications than short-term implications.

                          if you are the type of person that lives day-to-day, then today is super.

                          but if you are a person that likes to look towards the future, ie. the safety of your 401(k), your children's college education in the future (depending on how you finance it), then you might be in trouble.

                          k im done as well.
                          "pics or stfu" - R.I.P. Steve "Jibgolly" James


                          • BureOne
                            Are you Kidding me??
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 3285

                            Re: Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

                            Not sure if link has been posted but this is Lou Dobbs of CNN.. "they're all fools" Good read though..whether for it or against it.. just another angle on this whole dilemma!

                            CNN's Lou Dobbs is no fan of the $700 billion bailout plan that went down to defeat in the U.S. House of Representatives on Monday. He spoke with Kiran Chetry of CNN's "American Morning" on Tuesday about how he thinks there are better ways to solve the financial problems plaguing the U.S. economy.

                            NEW YORK (CNN) -- CNN's Lou Dobbs is no fan of the $700 billion bailout plan that went down to defeat in the U.S. House of Representatives on Monday. He spoke with Kiran Chetry of CNN's "American Morning" on Tuesday about how he thinks there are better ways to solve the financial problems plaguing the U.S. economy.
                            Lou Dobbs: Americans "don't want to hear this nonsense about $700 billion to bail out financial institutions."

                            Kiran Chetry, CNN anchor: CNN's Lou Dobbs joins us this morning from Suffolk, New Jersey. You expressed delight I guess you could say, at the fact that it did go down yesterday in defeat. We saw the largest point-drop on Wall Street ever.
                            What happens now?
                            Lou Dobbs, CNN host of "Lou Dobbs Tonight": Well, what happens now is that it sounds like the same fools who brought you this effort are going to try again.
                            Henry Paulson saying he's going to come right back, suggests he's not learning. And he's not paying attention to the Congress. These Congress people are all at home in their home districts, nearly every one of them and they're hearing an earful. The American people don't want to hear this nonsense about $700 billion to bail out financial institutions. Frankly, Kiran, they don't need it.
                            Economist after economist, with whom I've spoken, CEOs, they acknowledge that there are far better ways to deal with the issues confronting our financial system than this bailout. And it's absolutely obscenely irresponsible of House Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi, Treasury Secretary [Henry] Paulson, President Bush, Sen. Harry Reid, the leader of the Senate; for these people to be clucking about like hysterical -- so hysterically. It really must stop. And to hear there -- go ahead.
                            Chetry: I was just going to ask you --
                            Dobbs: Go ahead.
                            Chetry: You say that there's other ways around this. One of the things that everyone keeps talking about is the fact that credit markets are frozen and there has to be some way to free that up so that everyday business from Wall Street to Main Street can continue.
                            Do you buy that?
                            Dobbs: No, not at all. And neither do most of the CEOs and economists with whom I'm speaking certainly. The real issue, they say, is liquidity. The Fed has injected more than half a billion dollars in liquidity into this banking system. Watch Lou Dobbs and economists discuss bailout effort »
                            Don't Miss

                            What we are watching are business -- quote, unquote -- leaders who won't surface and put their faces before the American public who are hysterical. Absolutely hysterical. These are not leaders of moment. They are not leaders of great character or vision. Only Warren Buffett has had the courage to step forward. And that's after he puts $5 billion into Goldman Sachs.
                            To watch our political leaders, they have no idea in the world, Kiran, what they're doing. Literally. And the arrogance with which this administration asks for, not only money, almost $1 trillion, and surely more in the months ahead. But the absolute power for Treasury Secretary Paulson. Give me a break. The American people want this stopped. Those Congressmen and women at home right now, in their districts, are getting an earful because this is an absurdity and it has to end.
                            Chetry: So in one way, you're knocking Congress. But on the other way you're saying that, I guess the system works in that the brakes were pulled. Whether or not you agree with the reasons why it didn't go through. So, weren't they doing their job and showing leadership?
                            Dobbs: Let me be clear, Kiran. I'm saying leadership -- I'm saying the Democratic leadership of this Congress was absolutely in the same situation as this president.
                            They don't know what they're talking about. They're trying to ram this thing down the people's throats and Congress. And those House Republicans and House Democrats who voted against this bailout deserve a great, great expression of thanks from the American people. Absolutely.
                            Chetry: What do you think if you were up there making decisions? What do you think we need to do?
                            Dobbs: Well, the first thing we need to do is return to a traditional role of regulation. ... The problem here is not simply the housing market. ... But $700 billion and nothing in that bill deals with the foreclosure crisis, if you can imagine that. That's arrogance. That's stupidity. That is your leadership in Washington, D.C. Democratic leadership in Congress and Republican leadership in the White House.
                            So that's an absurdity. The first thing that has to be dealt with is mitigating the foreclosure crisis, period. Secondly, in terms of instilling confidence in the banking system and in our credit markets, the first thing to do is to deal with those institutions that are wildly out of balance, whose balance sheets, frankly, are a joke. And the regulators who should have been tending to them over the years are also a joke.
                            It's time to end the joke. That means aggressive regulation. It means aggressive intervention on an institution-by-institution basis.
                            Chetry: All right. Well, they're going to take this up again today, or throughout the week as they try to figure out what the best course of action is. Maybe they should listen to you a little bit more.
                            Dobbs: They'll be back Thursday.

                            Chetry: Right.
                            Dobbs: They'll be back Thursday to try this nonsense all over again, Kiran


                            • shosh
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 4668

                              Re: Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

                              Originally posted by BureOne
                              Not sure if link has been posted but this is Lou Dobbs of CNN.. "they're all fools" Good read though..whether for it or against it.. just another angle on this whole dilemma!

                              CNN's Lou Dobbs is no fan of the $700 billion bailout plan that went down to defeat in the U.S. House of Representatives on Monday. He spoke with Kiran Chetry of CNN's "American Morning" on Tuesday about how he thinks there are better ways to solve the financial problems plaguing the U.S. economy.

                              NEW YORK (CNN) -- CNN's Lou Dobbs is no fan of the $700 billion bailout plan that went down to defeat in the U.S. House of Representatives on Monday. He spoke with Kiran Chetry of CNN's "American Morning" on Tuesday about how he thinks there are better ways to solve the financial problems plaguing the U.S. economy.
                              Lou Dobbs: Americans "don't want to hear this nonsense about $700 billion to bail out financial institutions."

                              Kiran Chetry, CNN anchor: CNN's Lou Dobbs joins us this morning from Suffolk, New Jersey. You expressed delight I guess you could say, at the fact that it did go down yesterday in defeat. We saw the largest point-drop on Wall Street ever.
                              What happens now?
                              Lou Dobbs, CNN host of "Lou Dobbs Tonight": Well, what happens now is that it sounds like the same fools who brought you this effort are going to try again.
                              Henry Paulson saying he's going to come right back, suggests he's not learning. And he's not paying attention to the Congress. These Congress people are all at home in their home districts, nearly every one of them and they're hearing an earful. The American people don't want to hear this nonsense about $700 billion to bail out financial institutions. Frankly, Kiran, they don't need it.
                              Economist after economist, with whom I've spoken, CEOs, they acknowledge that there are far better ways to deal with the issues confronting our financial system than this bailout. And it's absolutely obscenely irresponsible of House Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi, Treasury Secretary [Henry] Paulson, President Bush, Sen. Harry Reid, the leader of the Senate; for these people to be clucking about like hysterical -- so hysterically. It really must stop. And to hear there -- go ahead.
                              Chetry: I was just going to ask you --
                              Dobbs: Go ahead.
                              Chetry: You say that there's other ways around this. One of the things that everyone keeps talking about is the fact that credit markets are frozen and there has to be some way to free that up so that everyday business from Wall Street to Main Street can continue.
                              Do you buy that?
                              Dobbs: No, not at all. And neither do most of the CEOs and economists with whom I'm speaking certainly. The real issue, they say, is liquidity. The Fed has injected more than half a billion dollars in liquidity into this banking system. Watch Lou Dobbs and economists discuss bailout effort »
                              Don't Miss

                              What we are watching are business -- quote, unquote -- leaders who won't surface and put their faces before the American public who are hysterical. Absolutely hysterical. These are not leaders of moment. They are not leaders of great character or vision. Only Warren Buffett has had the courage to step forward. And that's after he puts $5 billion into Goldman Sachs.
                              To watch our political leaders, they have no idea in the world, Kiran, what they're doing. Literally. And the arrogance with which this administration asks for, not only money, almost $1 trillion, and surely more in the months ahead. But the absolute power for Treasury Secretary Paulson. Give me a break. The American people want this stopped. Those Congressmen and women at home right now, in their districts, are getting an earful because this is an absurdity and it has to end.
                              Chetry: So in one way, you're knocking Congress. But on the other way you're saying that, I guess the system works in that the brakes were pulled. Whether or not you agree with the reasons why it didn't go through. So, weren't they doing their job and showing leadership?
                              Dobbs: Let me be clear, Kiran. I'm saying leadership -- I'm saying the Democratic leadership of this Congress was absolutely in the same situation as this president.
                              They don't know what they're talking about. They're trying to ram this thing down the people's throats and Congress. And those House Republicans and House Democrats who voted against this bailout deserve a great, great expression of thanks from the American people. Absolutely.
                              Chetry: What do you think if you were up there making decisions? What do you think we need to do?
                              Dobbs: Well, the first thing we need to do is return to a traditional role of regulation. ... The problem here is not simply the housing market. ... But $700 billion and nothing in that bill deals with the foreclosure crisis, if you can imagine that. That's arrogance. That's stupidity. That is your leadership in Washington, D.C. Democratic leadership in Congress and Republican leadership in the White House.
                              So that's an absurdity. The first thing that has to be dealt with is mitigating the foreclosure crisis, period. Secondly, in terms of instilling confidence in the banking system and in our credit markets, the first thing to do is to deal with those institutions that are wildly out of balance, whose balance sheets, frankly, are a joke. And the regulators who should have been tending to them over the years are also a joke.
                              It's time to end the joke. That means aggressive regulation. It means aggressive intervention on an institution-by-institution basis.
                              Chetry: All right. Well, they're going to take this up again today, or throughout the week as they try to figure out what the best course of action is. Maybe they should listen to you a little bit more.
                              Dobbs: They'll be back Thursday.

                              Chetry: Right.
                              Dobbs: They'll be back Thursday to try this nonsense all over again, Kiran
                              i stopped reading here: "CNN's Lou Dobbs"

                              yet another person from the media who is an expert on economics/finance


                              • BureOne
                                Are you Kidding me??
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 3285

                                Re: Bush's $700,000,000,000 Bailout!!!

                                well I've never heard of the fellow, just thought it was a funny interview.. the guy seem's so siked up about this lol thought he would have had a heart attack during the interview...

