100,000 civilians killed in Iraq?

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  • ftc
    Getting Somewhere
    • Jun 2004
    • 152

    Re: 100,000 civilians killed in Iraq?

    you've just proven to the entire board what kind of freakshow you are & subsequently saved us from further frustration.
    fuck sigs.


    • Yao
      DUDERZ get a life!!!
      • Jun 2004
      • 8167

      Re: 100,000 civilians killed in Iraq?

      Eh Civic, a little correction from my side needed then: I'm would rather fit into the 'agnostic' category than athe?st. Thought it was the same, my mistake. I don't believe there is nothing at all, but until I have proof, I'll just go with what I can see, hear, touch, lick and f*ck.

      And it is this mingling of the US in middle-east politics and conflicts that gets all those guys worked up. There has always been the group of fundamentalist muslims that wants to see all heidens destroyed, but I don't think they were a factor of significance in the past. A common enemy makes for good recruiting: it is one of the oldest tricks in the political book.

      I hear Runnin' saying 'they wanted to kill you long ago'...not until you showed your face in Afghanistan and Isreal that was my friend.
      Runnin' man: try and make an effort to find out what Clinton did do right in politics, apart from getting himself a blowjob. Monica may a bit overweight, but she's still hotter than Hillary.
      I don't know much about domestic politics in the US under Billy, but I do know he has done some good shit in the middle-east and Africa. I'll try to back this up later, so wait a minute before you go and try to flame me again on this

      The Force be with you guys.
      Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

      There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


      • mylexicon
        Addiction started
        • Jun 2004
        • 339

        Domestically Clinton was a pretty decent President..........because he
        didn't do jack shit! Which is exactly what I expect the President to do.
        I just want him to get the hell out of my way so I can pursue my
        understanding of life, work, philanthropy, and family. Domestically,
        Clinton wasn't bad.

        As far as foreign policy is concerned he was pretty
        much a joker. No offense to him, but in retrospect he was more hilarious
        than Bush in some ways. Like bombing the Chinese embassy in
        Bosnia Of all the embassies we we could have accidentally hit, we nail the
        one that comes with the world's largest standing army. Sorry
        China Mapquest forgot to do a monthly update. Another
        great one was when he paid North Korea to sign a non-nuclear proliferation
        pact. Then he paraded around Washington with it......and about a year
        later we found out they never even pretended to stop enriching uranium. classic.
        Or bombing Iraq for about 1 whole week for not complying
        with the U.N. inspectors Yeah, that was a shimmering beacon of
        American productivity. bahahahahaahahahaaha. I really am laughing
        right now. God bless Bill Clinton for being smart enough not to run again,
        being president of this country probably sucks balls.
        Be a vegan......eat freedom fries..


        • asdf_admin
          i use to be important
          • Jun 2004
          • 12798

          ^^^ getting head is hard work. you do want to mess up your pants right before a televised broadcast.
          dead, yet alive.


          • LobsterClan
            Getting Somewhere
            • Aug 2004
            • 133

            Originally posted by mylexicon
            You can't be serious. Inspectors are spies legally forced upon Saddam
            by the U.N. Every inspector who has been looking around Iraq for the past
            decade is a spy whether or not they were formally trained is irrelevant.

            You people crack me up. You ask me to show you knowledge when all you
            have to do to understand this situation is exercise a mixture of historical fact
            and common sense. Stop being controlled by our sensationalistic media.
            It's one thing to be an inspector for the UN, making sure certain weapons are not being produced-- it's entirely another subject when those inspectors are part of the CIA and are keeping track of Saddam's movements, as well as numerous other things they had no business doing.

            Common Dreams has been providing breaking news & views for the progressive community since 1997. We are independent, non-profit, advertising-free and 100% reader supported. Our Mission: To inform. To inspire. To ignite change for the common good.


            • asdf_admin
              i use to be important
              • Jun 2004
              • 12798

              ^^^ HUMAN 'DISASTER' LOOMS

              that's the title page for that site.

              ... news today ... 1+1 = 2.
              dead, yet alive.


              • LobsterClan
                Getting Somewhere
                • Aug 2004
                • 133

                Originally posted by asdf_admin
                ^^^ HUMAN 'DISASTER' LOOMS
                IN ENCIRCLED FALLUJA

                that's the title page for that site.

                What are you arguing exactly? That there is no human disaster looming? Check the headlines of any major newspaper right now. Also please notice the article I quoted links to two separate NY times articles about that particular subject.


                • Balanc3
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1278

                  it's a war, what are you getting at? Another endless debate.
                  JourneyDeep .into the sound


                  • asdf_admin
                    i use to be important
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 12798

                    exactly. thank you balanc3.
                    dead, yet alive.


                    • runningman
                      Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 5995

                      ya some of u guys (americans) don't grasp that your country is at war right now.. just because it isn't on your turf (which is a well executed war) doesn't mean it isn't going on as we speak..


                      • robprunzit
                        Are you Kidding me??
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 4805

                        runningman, it is good to know there is at one Canadian who can think logically,

                        asdf admin, I love your short to the point little tidbits of truth,

                        mylexicon and evangelion, you two make great points.

                        Thanks you all for taking the time to make the points you make.

                        Most of the world is not looking at this problem in the muslim countries for what it truly is. Ever since the religion started roughly 600 AD, they have forced people into following their way by the sword. North Africa was Christian before it was Islamic. Christian churches have been made into mosque all over the region including Turkey and other countries. My point, the Islamic clerics are doing as they have been mandated by the hadith (sp) and Qu'ran. That and the fact that if your muslim and speak against the leaders or religion, then someone will probably kill you. It is not a religion of peace, though they say it is.

                        With that being said, we have to take a stand and stop them. They were stopped before they took over Europe. Remember they made well into Southern Europe before they were turned back. Albania is a perfect example of a Christian country turned Muslim 500 years ago, and still technically muslim today.

                        People who think to sit back and do little are narrow minded. This will not end anytime soon. They were planning a jihad and were waiting for the right opportunity to die for Islam, and in turn be rewarded in heaven for dieing in a holy war. That is in simple terms why so many have come to Iraq to fight the 'Christian', and the Iraqi nationals who are the true heroes and freedom fighters for their country. Remember, new recruits line up every day to fight for change in Iraq. Knowing they will probally catch a fragment for a cowardly car bomber willing to kill the women and children to keep the suppression of their land.

                        Why are 100,000 dead, because backwards minded, strongly Islamic fundamentalist followers of their religion (which is hard for us to understand how this works together) are willing to 'smight the neck' (as the Qu'ran teaches) of anyone who stands in the way of keeping the religion and the land as it has been for the past 1500 or more years.

                        Someone said in this thread how 'sad' all this is, and the opinions expressed. True it is sad. But more sad it the lack of true understanding from people around the world at how Islam's goal is to dominate the world and control it in a governmental Islamic state. That has always been the goal, and it has never gone away. Only the plan changes.

                        Look at Europe today. Islam is the fastest growing religion, and in time they will dominate the whole region by sheer numbers. How? By family growth and immigration. Europeans are not having families as large as the Muslims, who on average have 5 kids per family. The growth of Islam is inevitable. A smart way to take over a land in my opinion.

                        Its a good debate. Keep yourself educated, don't believe the things you read in the NY Times quite so quickly and use your mind / logic , over the emotional / heartfelt fuzziness the way you wish the world would be. These news links may not always have the truth in them, check the sources. Do a better job than our American Liberalized Media did in the Dan Rather CBS news scandal of the Elections we just experienced here.
                        AT THE FORK, TAKE THE RIGHT DIRECTION



                        • runningman
                          Playa I'm a Sooth Saya
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 5995

                          ^^ thanks for clearing things up on that topic.. i don't think a lot of other people know this about Islam.. Either that or they thought i was crazy comparing the war in Iraq to religion.. Bush plans ii think to go into every muslim lead country(whether the leader lets him or not) and get rid of these "extremists".. basically to quel a muslim uprising like there usually is every couple hundred years..


                          • ftc
                            Getting Somewhere
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 152

                            you guys are fucking racists. you are at a point of no return that talking sense to you is hopeless - it's a waste of time & energy. having a political take and discussing it within limits is one thing, being flatout a disgrace to humanity is another thing. i feel sorry for the people you might influence during your vile lives...
                            fuck sigs.


                            • davetlv
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 1205

                              Re: 100,000 civilians killed in Iraq?

                              Seeing as this seems to be such a fun filled topic I thought I would put may two shekels worth in.

                              ftc - you're right some of the comments being made here could be described as racist. Although I don't entirely subscribe to all those views i can see where people are coming from.

                              Now, I?m no politician or social theorist, I am left leaning but a realist, my views are my own . . .

                              As humanity we are at a crossroads - that is to say the three monotheistic religions are at a crossroads. All three are messianic. Two of those religions (Christianity and Islam) firmly believe in converting people of other faiths to, what they see as, the one true faith. I don't have a problem with that. As human being I believe we have the freedom to make decisions as to how we affect our own lives.

                              What we are seeing today with Islam is similar to what happened at the beginning of the last millennium with Christianity. Simply put crusades. For a crusade to succeed you need two elements, charismatic leadership and masses of uneducated people.

                              The difference between today?s crusade and that of a thousand years ago is that NO human being on this planet, with all we have achieved in the past 100 years, should be uneducated. Unfortunately the despots who have ruled in most of the Middle East have cared more about lining their own pockets then feeding and educating the vast majority of the Islamic/Arab world.

                              The reason why it?s easy for semi charismatic leaders today to defame their religion and bastardise their religious texts is because of a handful of megalomaniacs who decided to keep their subjects under such draconian rule that a hot bed of fundamentalism was allowed to flourish. And then, when their subjects started to cry out in pain and anger at their treatment, their leaders needed someone, or something, to focus their anger at.

                              This current rise in fundamentalism is relatively new, sure there have been pockets of it going back a 100 years or so, but the vast majority of it has raised its ugly head over the past twenty years only.

                              So on the one hand we have the rise of Islamic fundamentalists, and on the other we have the reaction to it.

                              When someone is so indoctrinated as to believe that 70 virgins await them after they crash their planes in to buildings or strap bombs onto their bodies and detonate them in nightclubs and buses, its easy to see why WE feel hatred towards them. It?s easy to understand why WE feel we?re now at the stage of them or us.

                              From personal experience I can tell you, everytime a bomber blows him/herself up on a bus, in a nightclub, in a shopping mall or at a bus stop, I feel angry. I feel hatred. I want retaliation. And for moments i feel like the world would be a better place without them! And then i remember the reality. The reality is that the vast majority of Arab Muslims are victims. Victims of their own currupt leadership that does not give a damn about them. And then another bomber explodes his belt and the cycle continues. . . .

                              Is there a way out of this situation; I guess if I had the answer to that then I would deserve the Noble peace. Just some personal thoughts!


                              • mixu
                                Travel Guru Extraordinaire
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 1115


                                I thought you had a few more brain cells than that. Your post isn't even worth replying to ? uneducated, bigoted and, quite frankly, it's pretty 'sad' that you feel you should share these 'views' with us.

                                Try reading a few history books... or even Dave's post which makes a lot of sense.

                                And a point to consider ? much of the world speaks either English or Spanish while many countries are devoutly Catholic... Is it worth banging on about how 'evil' Christianity is as well?
                                Ask me a question...

