OK, first let me being by pointing out that I am aware, as we probably all are, that campaigns are poised and ready well in advance of a debate to proclaim victory as soon as it's over. That's what made it funny, but unsurprising, when the McCain camp errantly released an ad proclaiming victory in the first debate before he even confirmed that he'd be in attendance:

If you thought they'd learned their lesson from this little miscue, though, you'd be wrong. Check out this ad with a quote praising Palin's debate performance attributed to an unidentified "famous person," who was evidently unable to be identified prior to running the ad:

What, were they unable to find a real person willing to say this?
What's even more ironic is that this ad happened to run adjacent to conservative pundit Charles Krauthammer's article basically giving the election to Barry.
Kinda pitiful, on some level...

If you thought they'd learned their lesson from this little miscue, though, you'd be wrong. Check out this ad with a quote praising Palin's debate performance attributed to an unidentified "famous person," who was evidently unable to be identified prior to running the ad:

What, were they unable to find a real person willing to say this?
What's even more ironic is that this ad happened to run adjacent to conservative pundit Charles Krauthammer's article basically giving the election to Barry.
Kinda pitiful, on some level...