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  • PhAntoM MeNaCe
    Getting warmed up
    • Sep 2004
    • 74



    "when you go to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth pulled out and you wake up after the operation with your pants unzipped, that means you dont have to pay the bill".
  • Balanc3
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1278


    Fucking nice one brotha!!! :P
    JourneyDeep .into the sound


    • DJkeithrace
      Fresh Peossy
      • Jun 2004
      • 45

      Kerry actually went to Viet Nam and FOUGHT for his country. On a swift boat. In a combat zone. HE didn't hide back at home in the Guard and skip weekend drills. PERIOD. KERRY fought in the war, realized that war was wrong (NO HISTORIAN TODAY DEBATES THE FACT THAT VIET NAM WAS WRONG-NOT ONE!!!) After experiencing WAR and COMBAT. Kerry came back and felt morally compelled to speak out against a war that was WRONG! no matter how much you try to deny it, Viet Nam was wrong. Not only did we lose 50,000 soldiers, but we lost the Viet Nam war and accomplished NOTHING!!! ZILCH! NADA!
      Kerry did what was right. He experienced the war FIRST HAND.
      My dad fought in Viet Nam and guess what? He'll tell you the same thing....Viet Nam was WRONG. You people want to fault Kerry for coming home and telling the truth! PERIOD!!! Get a life and get your FACTS STRAIGHT!!!!!
      Check your FACTS!!!


      • PhAntoM MeNaCe
        Getting warmed up
        • Sep 2004
        • 74

        Ohhh, now now...The only RACE with u Keith is the one to see whats going to get in John Kerrys ass hole first, your tongue or your penis. But anyway, um, Kerry needs to be tried for treason. Period. He secretly met with North Vietnamese in Paris WHILE US troops were still fighting, and dying, and surviving barely in POW camps. Guess whos' picture North Korea STILL has up in their goverment palace to honor in foreign affairs....yup you got it Keith, your boy Kerry. Im not debating with you whether Vietnam was right or wrong. The FACTS, Keith, since you obviously wouldnt watch the 'documentary', and since you have your head so far up Kerry's ass, you've gotten a permanent 'dirty sanchez', are this. Kerry met with a communist dictator privately, unknown at the time to the US govt, while patriotic soldiers were dying. He threw away his medals when he came back, which is a direct heart wrenching slap in the face to all Vietnam veterans. He opposed the Reagan nuclear freeze when we were trying to defeat communism and liberate millions. He voted to abolish just about every major defense weapon our military now uses in the war on terror and engaging the enemy. In vietnam he accidentally dropped a grenade in a rice field and injured himself, later receiving a medal. WHY? Because he made up an elaborate story about how he chased some vietcong down and right before the enemy shot and killed him, he somehow managed to act on his lightning fast reflexes, and crucified his enemy....therefore receiving a medal. BULLSHIT*cough* These are the facts cool guy keith, stop getting PUNK'D by the liberals.
        "when you go to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth pulled out and you wake up after the operation with your pants unzipped, that means you dont have to pay the bill".


        • Balanc3
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1278

          Keith... I asked if you actually watched the film, which now by those senseless accusations I know you did not.

          1. Kerry tried to get out of the draft but he couldn't. He couldn't get a deferment so he could goto France and study out of his parents summer home, so he did himself a favor and enlisted to get a better position.

          2. He weaseled his way out of the service after four months by getting three scratches on his arms. Most soldiers who recieve a purple heart for such minor injuries stay in service with their unit and continue to fight out of loyalty. Did Kerry, FUCK NO!

          3. He has refused to sign form 180 to disclose his military records because the honorability of his discharge is in question. To top it off- when he came home, he committed treason by meeting with the N. Vietnamese negotiators in Paris, and while in uniform.

          If you think your so fucking smart then why do military records indicate that George Bush has a higher military IQ than John Kerry. What that means is that Goerge Bush's quality of service in four yrs in the National Guard, he was awarded more points than John Kerry received for his quality of service while in Vietnam for four months. The swift Boat vets were right, John Kerry was a coward and he ran from conflict. Why else wouldn't John Kerry disclose his military records?????

          I challenge all Democrats to urge John Kerry to release his military records before elction day.
          JourneyDeep .into the sound


          • gjg21
            Gold Gabber
            • Jul 2004
            • 725

            i highly recommend the book, "A Rumor of War" by Phillip Caputo.

            Fantastic read, and it gives insight to the war from a vet's perspective.

            Go Kerry.


            • HoneyBearKelly
              Addiction started
              • Jun 2004
              • 334


              Cat formerly known as Cheshire
              *cue imperial death march"


              • LobsterClan
                Getting Somewhere
                • Aug 2004
                • 133

                Originally posted by PhAntoM MeNaCe
                He secretly met with North Vietnamese in Paris
                Actually, this is not a fact at all. In fact, there was nothing secret about Kerry's meeting in Paris, and he mentioned it in his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

                "I have been to Paris," he testified. "I have talked with both delegations at the peace talks, that is to say the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and Provisional Revolutionary Government," the latter a South Vietnamese communist group with ties to the Viet Cong.

                "Historian Douglas Brinkley said Kerry's trip to Paris, after his honeymoon with his first wife, Julia Thorne, was part of Kerry's extensive fact-finding efforts on the war. "He was on the fringes," said Brinkley, the author of "Tour of Duty," a book about Kerry's military service. "But he was proud of it. . . . He wanted to make his own evaluation of the situation.""


                • Balanc3
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1278

                  Secret or no secret he was at the meeting and he's a fucking traitor - bottom line.
                  JourneyDeep .into the sound


                  • HoneyBearKelly
                    Addiction started
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 334

                    Democrats are indeed stupid.
                    They let themselves get drawn into arguments about things that didn't happen almost 40 years ago. Why can't they see that it's just misdirection. The wingnuts just want the Democrats to get caught up in this bullshit so that they won't concentrate on the truth of what's happening today.
                    Bushito and his posse had no real plan in Iraq past getting rid of Saddam. Did they really think the Iraqis were going to welcome us with flowers and chocolates? We have the highest deficit ever. This group of crooks that's in charge of our economy has even started borrowing from the federal workers pension fund with the promise that they'll pay it back. What do you want to bet that if they get 4 more years they'll cut the pensions instead?
                    I could go on but instead I'll direct you here
                    Like the man said "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth".
                    Cat formerly known as Cheshire
                    *cue imperial death march"


                    • krelm
                      Addiction started
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 437

                      Originally posted by Balanc3
                      Secret or no secret he was at the meeting and he's a fucking traitor - bottom line.
                      He didn't break any laws. He never made a secret about being at the meetings. He didn't participate in any negotiations or attend any formal sessions of the talks (either of which would have been illegal - had they happened). He didn't actually meet with anybody from North Vietnam - just with somebody representing a South Vietnamese group that had ties to the north.

                      How does that make him a traitor? Where is the legal basis? You can disagree with his actions & views concerning Vietnam, think he is a bad candidate, a bad person, a bad senator...whatever. But that is a far cry from calling him a traitor. That's about as pointless as the insinuations Michael Moore makes about the Bush family ties with the Saudi Royal family and the Bin Laden family. There are far better things to go after either guy for....
                      Broken Symmetry on

             - archives & mixes
             - general tomfoolery

                      "It's like a koala bear crapped a rainbow in my brain!"
                      - Stimutacs


                      • Balanc3
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 1278

                        Originally posted by HoneyBearKelly
                        This group of crooks that's in charge of our economy has even started borrowing from the federal workers pension fund with the promise that they'll pay it back. What do you want to bet that if they get 4 more years they'll cut the pensions instead?
                        Always hate having to repeat myself. But again, I was laid off due to outsourcing in 1999... during the Clinton administration and .com era. Not much has changed since, except we are pulling out of recession.. how, who really knows. But I don't blame Clinton, just like I don't blame Bush. However, it is true that Clinton ran the country while Republicans ran the Senate and he took Republican policy and ran with it, thus why the economy appeared to be so stable while he was in office. Clinton was succesful as a President because he accepted the views of Republicans and Democrats and worked with both parties to make this nation strong.
                        JourneyDeep .into the sound


                        • HoneyBearKelly
                          Addiction started
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 334

                          Originally posted by Balanc3
                          Always hate having to repeat myself. But again, I was laid off due to outsourcing in 1999... during the Clinton administration and .com era. Not much has changed since, except we are pulling out of recession.. how, who really knows. But I don't blame Clinton, just like I don't blame Bush. However, it is true that Clinton ran the country while Republicans ran the Senate and he took Republican policy and ran with it, thus why the economy appeared to be so stable while he was in office. Clinton was succesful as a President because he accepted the views of Republicans and Democrats and worked with both parties to make this nation strong.
                          The reason we have record deficits is because Bush decided to cut taxes at the same time he was conducting a war.
                          Cat formerly known as Cheshire
                          *cue imperial death march"


                          • Balanc3
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 1278

                            Its funny you say that because he inherited the largest deficit in American history. And then shit happens. Guess you forgot.

                            And ps he cut the taxes before the war and sept. 11th.

                            Americans also forget that the Dems tried to propose a tax on IRA's during Clintons term, that would take 15% of what you had invested and put it back into social security. So if you had $100,000 invested in an IRA, you had to cut the govt. a $15,000 check. They call this redistributing the wealth...but I have money invested in an IRA and I'm not rich.. yet. Lucky, the Republicans had control of the House and Senate and were able to kill it before the bill had a chance. But do you think the Dems have forgotten? They been keepin this one on ice and I guaruntee we will see it again if Kerry is elected.
                            JourneyDeep .into the sound


                            • PhAntoM MeNaCe
                              Getting warmed up
                              • Sep 2004
                              • 74

                              Hey Krelm, let me enlighten you for a sec, and possibly tie up a few ends. First Kerry DID meet secretly in Paris. Was John Kerry part of a US sponsored diplomacy effort or a foreign affairs committee?? NO. Was he expecting to get the Nobel Peace Prize by denigrating the US troops serving their country and POWs barely surviving in torcherous prison camps. I dont know what self serving intentions he had by doing this, but he LIED about acts of atrocities that he may have done himself, but never saw with his own eyes. Krelm, the real issue here, is that for the POW's, the North Vietnamese wanted them to 'admit' that they're wrong for being there, that they were invading the north, not liberating the south. Then when they refused to be coerced, they would be beaten, and beaten, and beaten. Then all of a sudden you have a 'viet nam vet' named John Kerry, going on television calling America the monster, and the troops criminals and barbarians. He had fluid dialogue with the N. Vietnamese, and his groups spokesperson, Jane Fonda, actually visited one of the POW camps, without making ANY contact with the prisoners, touring with the N. Vietnamese. So because now there is an outspoken american vet, who calls the US troops barbarians, it gives the N. Vietnamese torturing the POW's some credence, and when the POW's continue to vow their patriotic efforts, they were beaten even more severly, and sometimes killed. Fact is we were in the middle of a grusome war, and the last thing we need is some traitor denigrating our troops directly to our enemy, and throwing his medals away, and engaging in fluid dialogue with the enemy while our boys are still fighting and dying. Do you not see how this constitutes treason????
                              "when you go to the dentist to get your wisdom teeth pulled out and you wake up after the operation with your pants unzipped, that means you dont have to pay the bill".

